There’s something very… peculiar about this door. It’s composed of iron bars, and unlike the other doors, you can see right past it, into the depths within. However, you aren’t able to make out much. Beyond the bars you see nothing but ever expanding, ever foreboding darkness. However you do feel something… is that wind? A chill runs up your spine as you make note of how strangely warm it feels, and the possibilities of the source begins to cause you dread.
Working up your nerve, you reach out to swing the door open, stepping into the darkness behind it. You instantly find yourself in a dark, yet lush glen. If it wasn’t so ominous, you could almost mistake it for peaceful. You push past some branches, looking around for what could be the source of this nightmare.
“Ah, man!”
Your attention immediately turns to the sound of a man’s voice, shouting through the trees. Your eyes dart around, before relieved to see Vyctor running through the glen. Well… Relieved is a strong word, because now you have to wonder: what’s he running from?
His eyes widen as he spots you as well, shouting out to you in panted words, “H-Hurry! We gotta.. GO!”
That sounds bad, only mad worse as you feel the ground shake beneath you. The sound of trees crashing down catches your attention, and it makes you hyper aware of the fact something is chasing Vyctor. And to your luck, it’s heading your way as well.
You brace, getting ready to run alongside Vyctor, but curiosity gets the best of you. What horrific, terrifying monster could be lurking within Vyctor’s subconscious? What horror are you about to face?
You don’t hesitate for long, as the massive beast bursts into view, and you’re stunned by the sight of a…
Wait. Is that a bunny rabbit?
“Come on, man, don’t wait around!” Vyctor calls out to you, “I don’t wanna find out what happens when that thing gets you!”
As ridiculous as this all is, he’s not wrong. Bunny or not, this is a nightmare and that thing is larger than a house. Better get running!

Art by Saeyra.