As you step up to the heavy door, you’re immediately drawn to the intricate text that’s carved into the stone of it. It’s clearly some form of writing, but as you try to inspect it, you realize it’s a language you not only cannot understand, but have never seen before in your life. You really have no clue what’s waiting for you behind this door, but step in anyway.
You find yourself standing in what appears to be a conference of some sort, a crowd of people patiently sitting in rows of seats, murmuring among themselves. You stand behind the scenes, and peeking out from the curtains, you notice the posters promoting nobody else but Vontell Capala, and his brand new book.
Could this really be a nightmare? This seems to be Vontell’s perfect dream!
You realize you don’t know where he is, and begin to search backstage. It doesn’t take you too long to see him curled up on the floor, tugging at his hair nervously as he flips through his book. You’re not used to seeing him anything but calm. This has to be bad…
“Ah! I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you there…” He glances up to you for a moment, nodding in acknowledgement before turning his gaze back down to the book, “I’d love to speak but unfortunately I need to be on stage in 5 minutes to promote my book… And even more unfortunately… I do not remember writing this.”
Well that is a problem… Knowing Vontell, he could easily fake his way through this right?
“I would attempt to but… Well, as you can see, I have another roadblock.”
He turns the book to let you see the much larger problem. The words on the page make no sense, they all seem to be scrambled! Better help him out, he seems completely frazzled by this!

Art by Mica.