This door begins to shoot sparks as you approach it, leaning you with a sense of worry about touching it. The cracked display of this high tech door shows you nothing but errors, making you wonder what it could have been coded to show before. Regardless, it’s time to step inside and free the occupant of this final nightmare.
You nearly trip the moment you enter, and look down to find the cause. Immediately, your eyes land on a thick cable. Well, it’s a better trail than any to find the cause of this nightmare, but experience tells you, it probably won’t be pretty.
As you follow the thick mess of cables, you see them begin to bunch and pool more and more, until you can barely take a step without nearly stumbling. You don’t have long to ponder the need for all this electricity as you glance up, and see the owner of this dream.
“Hey there. I’d wave but ya know, my hands are a little tied at the moment…” Valentina Tinker wriggles within the mass of cables and wires that currently hold her captive, a defeated smirk on her face, “Literally. What can I say, technology’s run amok.”
Whatever this invention was meant to be, it’s safe to assume this wasn’t its intended purpose. You notice more and more cables begin to pile up on top of Valentina. You better get her out of there fast before she’s smothered!

Art by Saeyra.