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Forums Reaping Ritual 2021: Restless Slumber ┤▒├ Wild's Wacky Wilderness of Weird

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 20:10:47 )
@Koah: it probably is vacation fatigue. I hope you guys can work it out and continue doing the homeschooling routine - from what you've mentioned, it does seem to be working for him. :3
What else do you need to do for Christmas? You've been wrapping all kinds of things and it sounds like you have a lot already done!

@Purpsy: it sounds like a relaxing day. How goes your stuff??

................... I just broke a tooth. That's a first. Well, a second, really, if you count chipping a tooth because of somebody else... Regardless, it kinda sucks. "Dear Santa, I want a new tooth for Christmas?????" ... not what I was hoping for. At least it's not painful and the dentist can get me in on Thursday morning.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 20:46:34 )

@Wildfire: It has been so far lol
It has been too relaxing =w=

Oof, at least is not painful that's good. I'm so scared of chipping mines since I don't like going to the dentist.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 20:47:46 )
@Wildfire: So I just finished [again], my sister's pile of gifts. She had some stuff delivered over the week/weekend. Now I'm moving on to wrapping my roommates and family gifts. I'm saving kids for last because I know they have pleeeenty!
I need to decorate the main room, the one I had painted. The tree is up, just need to get in the garage and find what I have from the last couple of years. :d

OUCH your poor tooth. I'm glad they can get you in on Thursday.
That sucks! </3

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 21:01:09 )
@Purpsy: too relaxing? That's a thing? XD I'm glad you're enjoying your day :3

@Koah: You have been working hard!!
Yeah, I'm still kinda ticked off at the broken tooth, but it could have been worse I suppose. Hopefully it's an easy fix *crosses fingers*


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 21:07:45 )

@Wildfire: Yes yep in my life it is (๑-﹏-๑)
At least for today pfft and thanks~


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/7 21:10:05 )
@Purpsy: lol. well, it is what it is, I guess.
I'm trying to get a few things done - although they don't seem to be the same things that were originally on my list for the day - lol!!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 00:24:13 )
@Wildfire: I did a full bin of gifts for the roommates and husband today. So those are all wrapped. Now it's just the kiddo's pile. Which is daunting.
It's actually not a lot compared to the teen's pile. o3o

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 00:35:57 )
@Wildfire: I wanna ask how you chipped your tooth because I know chipped-tooth stories tend to be random.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 01:04:24 )
@Koah: it sounds like you're going to have a really big Christmas! Good luck getting everything done - you sound excited but also just a little overwhelmed...

Oh, the tooth? - when I was a teen, my brother came up behind me when I was drinking from a water fountain and bashed my head down, chipping my front tooth on the fountain. It's a pretty boring story as far as those types of stories go...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 01:18:45 )
@Wildfire: I would have never guessed that! so, random it is! Chipped tooth stories or broken tooth stories are always random.

Overwhelmed? eh, kind of. But not too bad. I just need to do a small handful of Christmas things now. Decorate the tree, decorate the house a bit, finish the garland on the house.. and make sure we have meals planned out.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 01:35:12 )
@Koah: oh I don't know about the other story- it seems pretty typical to me, but what do I know? This current broken tooth is definitely random. I'm not sure how or why it happened but apparently a thin crust piece of pizza was its undoing!

That's still a good amount of things to do, but you still have time and don't have to get everything done tomorrow, so that's good. :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 15:17:37 )
Good morning everyone.

Today, I slept later than usual and am feeling groggy for some reason. I'm waiting for the caffeine to hit my system but am a little afraid of drinking it quickly because of that stupid tooth (it is a little sensitive and I need to get through today; preferably without pain). I have a few things I want to do on the cricut today, and in the garden. I don't think the carrots and beets I planted are going to sprout - they've been there for long enough now to see hints of growth and I'm just not. So, I'm thinking about tearing up the soil and adding compost, etc. in preparation for the next crop of whatever I decide to put there. And I'm kind of rambling... so, maybe I'll go drink my coffee... XD :3

I hope you guys have a good day set up for yourselves :3


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 16:43:07 )
@Wildfire: Broken tooth = pizza = random! XD I watched a friend chip her tooth on a falafel.
Then I watched another friend break a tooth being hit in the head with a ball.
Anyway, I always feel like these stories are unpredictable.
When I was a kid, within the same week, I lost both front teeth by slipping in the bathroom. One on the sink and one on the tub. XD

Good morning! I'm enjoying your Christmas avi this morning! <3
I hope you get through today with minimal pain. =O you only got until tomorrow.
My habanero plant didn't die when I neglected it, so now I'm nurturing it back to health. It gave me 4 more habaneros off of a dead branch. o.o"

I'm here drinking coffee with you, I had to hunt down my dog this morning, he left the yard and had a little adventure of his own. :O I had to drive around for a bit to find him.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:04:07 )

@Wildfire: Yeah maybe wait for the coffee to cool down a little :3
But man the fact is warm there to garden while it was snowing here overnight is wildly trippy for me lol. I just finish drinking my coffee this morning and it was in a little bland side :/ Didn't put enough coffee I guess.

Edit: Nice Christmas avi! Man I'm waiting for certain item to work on mines~


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:04:21 )

Morning peeps!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:13:51 )
@Koah: lol - yeah, this broken tooth is certainly random. It's the other one that I'm not so sure about - probably because it had another element to the process... somebody bashing my head in to the water fountain instead of the tooth breaking "of its own accord".

So far, so good with the pain, but the tooth is a little sensitive to cold and, I think, heat. It could be sooooo much worse than the simple "reminder" that it's there.

Oh? Where did doggie go and what did he get in to? I'm glad you found him :3

... and a dead habanero plant still giving peppers? It's tenacious!! Definitely give it some love! <3

I really like your holiday avi too - I've been admiring it for a couple of days now, tbh!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:18:33 )
@Purpsy: It's Florida and yes, it's very trippy - it took me years to get used to basically the opposite seasons to what I grew up with (not really the opposite, but more like perpetual summertime and it not getting really cold for more than a few days at a time... sometimes.) I think it's supposed to hit 80*F here today too... I'd consider going to the beach if I didn't have other things to do. *sigh*

Awww, thanks for the compliment on the avi - I really like your subdued rainbow one - it's well balanced and a nice change of pace from all the holiday avis that are (understandably) running around lately :3

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:48:34 )
@Purpsy: Good morning! How are you doing?
Your avi is so colorful!: D

@Wildfire: My old dog just needed a walk, I guess.
I found him a couple of houses over. We have a couple of neighbors with mean dogs, so I always check those areas first when my dogs disappear. I'd hate to find one of my dogs injured. They get out of the yard like once every few months. It's always the one I don't expect to leave the yard. None of them have found the Mean-dog neighbors yet. /knocks on wood/
I have huskies, they inevitably get out occasionally. The difference now is that they don't like leaving very often. So I don't expect it anymore.

The habanero was the hardest starter to get growing and now that I was going to let it die, it decided it wouldn't.
Since I've been giving it water this week, there are new leaf buds beginning. o.o
and thank you, I'm probably going to change it soon. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:49:33 )

@Wildfire: Yeah I get it. I was born on a tropical island long ago, I can't even imagine a warm tropical Christmas anymore xD
And thanks! Despite the last avi, this one just went naturally while I was fooling around on my invo late last night...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/8 17:50:35 )

@Koah: And yours is amazing! ;w;


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