My name is Seihou, and I'm bored. So let's RP!
- I currently have lots of free time for the time being. Though if I don't respond for a while, I usually do my best to give a heads up.
- I suffer from PTSD and depression, so I have some anxiety sometimes.
- I like to talk to people I roleplay with, but I don't mind not talking either! As long as we can communicate about the roleplay at the very least, I'm good with anything really.
-I'm 18+, so there's that. There's no reason for saying that, but I thought people would like to know just because :'D
RP stuff
- I'm (biologically) female, and I like to play as female, usually. Nothing wrong with playing guys, I'm just very picky about who gets to see my precious boy characters. Nonbinary is also cool. I'm not opposed to playing as a different gender if the idea is good enough though. Sometimes I actually do have the urge to play as a boy. We'll see! :>
- I really like romance in the roleplays I'm in. I just really love fluff and good relationships! But of course it doesn't have to be a requirement, I just like my fluff.
- Grammar and spelling isn't a big deal, so long as I can read it.
- I'd like a paragraph at least, but if the roleplay calls for less, I don't mind that either. Whatever works, just no one-liners if we can help it. I do my best to match my partner's style, though I'm bad at describing scenes sometimes.
- I would like to roleplay on forums, but I guess other methods would work too if you're really adamant. ^ ^;
Stuff I'd Like to RP
- Undertale
- Bee and Puppycat
- Teen Titans
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Studio Ghibli movies (just ask me about which movie!)
- Disney!
- Greek Gods/Goddesses?
- Superheroes
- Anything Detroit: Become Human - esque (a love interest between a human and android would be really interesting)
- Modern fantasy
- Slice of life (with a twist, maybe?)
- Attack on Titan (would like to try playing as canon characters!)
- Samurai Champloo
- Cowboy Bebop
I'll add more to this when I can think of ideas TuT
If you're interested, just message/ping me on this thread!