These NF*Ts are popping up everywhere and its really grinding my gears :vanora_huff:
I just want a comfortable corner of the internet where I can just post my art, look at others' art, participate in fun art-related events and tags, and just ignore the money-starved rest of the internet and all its negativity! Although I had settled for the ever-so-negative twitter as my place to chill. Algorithms will always suck, but I can at least filter out my feeds enough that 99% of it is just exactly what I enjoy--art, cats, and video games.
Now even that is more noisy cause everyone is so angry about more NF*T pushing.
Nowhere is safe and chill anymore for the purpose of these gallery-based social websites. Its really quite sad!
DA was corrupt a long time ago, but there used to be a lot of alternatives. Now, everywhere is the same greedy story. Or absolutely dead of traffic and pointless to use anyway.
its very tempting to just delete all of my major social media accounts, because these companies really are not worth us using their platforms!
They ignore their users because outrage engagements are still engagements. All in all, they get paid either way, so they'll push all they want without consideration. Like "hey, you all dont like this? Lets shove it in your face more aggressively."