This morning I had an IUD procedure
idk how many of you have experienced that before but it has been DOWNplayed about how much its supposed to hurt.
it all went from 1 to 1000 real quick
In my head I was begging for it to be over, when the doctor lady was like
and she got all nervous
like i guess the placement of it slid a bit
and she started saying scary things like to get an ultra sound to make sure it's positioned alright, if im worried about it. or just wait and see
and I'm like
i went through so much pain and now you're scaring me!
i asked more details on the placement and it didn't make a lot of sense so I'm like, is it gonna work or not? what's the risk here based on its still placed in the uterus its just more towards the middle.
stressed about will i have to go through more pain cause of this.
i didn't get any clear answers so i called another place to get an unbias professional opinion, and the nurse i talked to was like yeah you'll be fine just watch out for this or that symptom. if i don't experience anything then I'm good.
that's all i needed to know, geez
so then I'm at home and honestly the aftermath hurts more than the procedure and idk how women can do this at all. I'm a huge wimp, i can hardly move QQ
I'm on heavy pain meds, cbd, keeping warm and eating rice sideways cause i can't sit up or roll over.
I honestly would rip this out in an instant if it meant I wouldn't feel this pain the rest of today. This wasn't worth it, the implant was so much better even with the crazy hormone issues