@YukiThePanda: Take all the time you need. No need to rush. Hope your move goes well~
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@YukiThePanda: Take all the time you need. No need to rush. Hope your move goes well~

Oh boy do I need that... Thank you.
I am procrastinating, but slowly getting packed.
Just wish I had levitational abilities.... I would just
use that....

Wouldn't it? I am officially moved though!
So we're all good! Just need to find the time to
work on art for the other art shop... Got any OCs
I could use by chance? ;D
Awesome! Hope your new place is nice~
Oh? :'D But you're already drawing my avi in the draw the avatar above you thread. XD But if you'd like to draw Keith? > u> That would be awesome! He has a human office worker form and an incubus form.

You changed your avi! I was going to draw your avi with the cats...
But your new one is really cool..... And yeah. I can draw him for you.
@Yukithepanda: I put my older avi in a spoiler in the post in that thread. But feel free to draw either. X3 Thanks! o wo

Cool! I will get it done!
Do you have a picture of your cats btw?
@Yukithepanda: My cats irl? O: I no longer have cats but there is a thread on here that links to albums of my dearly departed kitties. This is the thread: https://www.voltra.us/forum/view_topic/5811/#556428

Oh my, they are precious!!
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you and
Hadi are doing well. I know it's tough and
a whirlwind of emotions. But you guys will
find peace, if not already.
Gimme like..... 20 minutes.....
@yukithepanda: Thanks. ; w; Hadsie’s cat Vincent is still alive but his vet thinks he has a mass in his chest. He seems to be acting pretty normal for now, anyway. I’ve mostly recovered from Ash’s death. Kate’s death has been very painful for me though. There are days where I really wish she was here with me.. Take your time~

Ah... Well whatever it may be, I hope he
stays strong and fights whatever issue he may
have. I was young when I lost my first pet. He was
a rabbit, Jesse. He lived 8 years. I was more scared
of how I found him after school one day. But with my
second pet, Vincent, a hamster, I was devastated. He
lived three days shy of 4 years.
About a year later I got my cat, Chloe. She's 8 as of Feb 14.
It was emotional losing, Vincent, but I can't imagine losing, Chloe.
It is a terrifying thought. I want her to live till the end of time with
me. Just make sure to remember the good times and bad times to
keep them both alive. It's great you have those albums with all those
photos. Keep them and smile and cry if you need to while looking at them.
But for sure, smile.
And I apologize if I made you feel sad. It isn't my intention. But I felt
the need to speak from my heart and experience.

@Yukithepanda: Awwwwww!!! ;;; w;;; Thank you so much!!!! And thank you for sharing all that with me! I totally understand! I had soooo many pets as a kid in puerto rico. Rabbits, chickens, a duck, a cat. I only experienced two animal deaths in that time and they were such short-lived lives!! We basically caused the death of a young chicken and a duckling... The rest of the animals ran away or were abandoned by my parents basically... Ash lived to be 18 years of age. Definitely the oldest pet I ever had. I only had Kate for two years of her life and the vet thinks she was over 10 years of age. I'm just so happy I got to have her in my life the little time that I did. I feel lucky to have been able to meet her. I just wish cats could live forever, they totally deserve longer lives. I had a rat and hamster once and I feel pretty bad about how they died but I definitely enjoyed having them in my life. Man, they both went through a lot cuz my sister and I carried them around a lot when we went to play outside. XD

Oh I would love to own a duck! Mostly
for the eggs... But also because they can be
sassy and I love that! I find duck eggs are richer
and all over better than chicken eggs. But oh no!
Don't leave them! Did you guys move out of Puerta Rico?
Is that why they were left? I mean they shouldn't have
much trouble surviving.
That's a really good age to get to. My brothers' cat
didn't get to that age. My mom said he had a tumor in
his mouth and stopped eating. So they put him down last
week. He was a punk of a cat, but super sweet and cuddly.
Something that I am becoming more and more aware of, is
that many rentals where I live don't allow pets. But pets are
a huge part of most people! I have Chloe as an emotional support
pet because I couldn't imagine my life without her and when I am
sad or depressed or just had an exhausting day at work, just walking
up to her and petting her eases my whole demeaner. My fiancé is the
same with his cat, Loken/Loki-Roo. Then we have, Abbey. She is
100% entertainment. She makes one go AAAAaaaaaawwwe!!! with
everything she does. She's so tiny! She weighs around 6 pounds/2.5kg.
I think I got the kg right....?

I think every kid with a first pet(s), do stuff like that. I did it with kittens.
My mom shut that down real quick though. xD lol
But I see people do that with their rats, rabbits, birds, and reptiles all the time...
Rats are super cool! I really want one, but I am very worried about Chloe and
Abbey trying to "play" with it... Abbey is our hunter. She loves to stalk anything
that moves.
Oh you put it in your sig!! I am so happy you like your art!!
@Yukithepanda: lol I've heard that from a family friend who raises ducks. She often gives us duck eggs but we prefer chicken eggs. XD I've heard duck eggs are really good to use for baking but I don't think we've ever tried using them for that. Yeah, we moved away from Puerto Rico and couldn't bring our pets. I'm pretty sure we left a dwarf rabbit with a grandparent but I have no idea what happened to it. We think another family in our neighborhood took in our cat, Shadow.
Yeah, I kept hoping he'd get to 20 at least, but 18 is pretty good. ; w; Awww, really sucks when cats develop tumors. orz Just feels so unfair. Yeah, true! I hate when apartments don't allow pets or only allow one pet. Kate was definitely a cat that could always cheer me up. I loved how she clinged to me and I loved holding her and keeping her on my lap. She'd stay for hours. Kate was really tiny too. ; w; She was 6 pounds too. I don't know kilograms. XD
Wow. I can't imagine bringing a pet cat everywhere with me but it sounds so fun. XD I'm really interested in getting a pet rodent again but I'm not sure what yet. Hamsters are so soft and plush compared to rats but I also love how big rats are. We had Ash at the same time as our hamster Cocoa and he was always trying to find a way to get to her. XD I think he totally got fixated on messing with rodents. I remember a shrew got into our house once and he loved following it around and nibbling it. XD Had to keep him away while trying to escort it outside.
I love it!! It's so sweet and sentimental!! I really appreciate you making it for me. ; w;

Duck eggs are the best! I usually just soft boil them. But yes, they're pretty
good for cakes and such related baked goods. I have never baked with them,
but my manager did before she opened her bakery. We can't use them.
I don't remember why.
Oh I am dumb.... You lived under me. I live in, Georgia. Ignore the metric
measurement then lol.
I heard one cat lived to be 30ish. Which is way past the expectancy for a cat. It's
I think 15-20 years? Lemme go look... Nope... Google says 12-18. It depends on
how well you care of your cat. I think Snips made it to 12. Which is still a good age.
He looked like a grumpy old gezzer! He was so cute.
Here are my cats. I don't have many because I haven't uploaded a lot to this laptop...
The thing with hamsters, is that they only live 3 or 4 years. Mine lived a bit shy of 4 years.
Rats live around 10 years. Hamsters are freaking adorable and stuff the crud out of
their cheeks. Like they don't think their cheeks have a compacity limit. It's great! And
with rats, you have this small pocket sized pet that is very cleaver and can learn tricks!
Honestly I feel more for rats. Vincent was the only hamster for me. I could never get
another one like him.
Shrews are so cute! But yeah. I get it. Even if the cat is just playing with the little critter,
it is basically torturing it. It's bones are fragile and cats don't know that. So best to help
out the little guys. That's the main reason I haven't gotten a rat. I know for a fact, Abbey will
either roughly play with it or kill it with intent.
Awe, yay!! I am so glad!!
Ah, yes, I think my parents prefer to boil them too. We've tried frying and scrambling them and they don't taste that good. > u>;
Yeah, it's pretty amazing when cats live up to 30! Definitely depends on how well they're taken care of. Also probably depends on their genetics/heritage too.
Snips bleps are so adorable! XD I love seeing cats sleeping together too! ; w; I've never had more than one cat. I'd love to have at least three someday. They all look so adorable! Are Abbey and Olaf still very young? O:
Oh yeah, they really do have short lives. I can't even remember how old Cocoa was when she died but she might've been 5?? Our rat didn't last long unfortunately (we sorta gave her shock trauma..) but she definitely knew how to do tricks~
That was one reason I avoided getting a chinchilla. I wouldn't want them to be intimidated by a cat... I still have chinchilla housing in a closet though...

I've never tried it any other way. So I can't agree or disagree.
But I have tried it, deviled, soft boiled, and medium boiled. And
all of those were delicious!
Genetics and heritage do play a key role in their life expectancy...
Snips and Abbey make the best bleps! I don't own all of those
cats. Only, Chloe, Abbey, and Loken are mine. Snips and Olaf are
my moms' cats, but owned by my older brother and my youngest brother.
Owning 3 cats is great! Makes cleaning the litter pan more tedious... But
really, that's the only downfall. Just make sure to introduce the new cat(s)
to Vincent, so you don't over stress him! Jackson Galaxy has tips that helped
my fiancé and I very well! It took no time at all for Chloe to take to Abbey.
But Loken took longer and still has her moments where she will hiss and growl
at Abbey.
Chloe (tortoiseshell) is 8. Loken (grey tuxedo) 7. Snips (black tuxedo) 13. Olaf (siamese tabby) 8.
Abbey (grey tabby) 2. So no. xD lol
Oh? What tricks could she do? And I'm sure she still loved you both!
Yeah..... I don't think I have ever heard of someone owning a cat and chinchilla before. So
I couldn't say if it was a good idea or not...

@yukithepanda: I should try deviled the next time we get duck eggs. o:
Ohh. Those must be some old pics then! XD Kitten Olaf is so cute! He's not as white as he used to be, huh? XD Abbey's still quite young though. ; w; I hope they all have plenty more years! I'm sorry about Snips. ; o; I bet Olaf misses him..
Vincent lives all the way in Texas with Hadsie, but they do visit sometimes. ; w; He and Ash weren't so bad with each other but Kate seemed to hate other cats. XD Kate never hissed or attacked humans, though she was afraid of kids, but she'd get real aggressive with other cats and some dogs. It was so strange.
The only thing we really had her do was follow our hands to go in circles around us. XD I can't really remember much else, but she sure seemed real smart!
Yeah, it's probably not a good idea unless I keep the chinchilla to one room...
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