Sooooo the game had an update the other day that released some new features, such as becoming an outlaw and all that.
Shiny ships too.
Since this update, and idk what triggers it exactly, but I discovered by accident that if I have an item in my ship's cargo that I go to sell it wont remove it from my inventory. So like, I have infinite of this item. I may have gotten too excited and spam clicked it to a point where I probably screwed up the economy system for a specific item, dropping the demand for it significantly >>
But it also seems to work when selling to traders! AND for nanites too!
My partner's game crashed so he didn't keep the units he spammed for lol
But he did get one of the new shiny ships out of it
and I'm rolling in units and nanites, searching for the best freight ship I can find
Any of you play?
I JUST got back into it and I feel like such a noob again. Its so different now from what it was a few years ago lol
On the downside of this game, my new PC is W11 and I get a lot of crashes compared to my partner who is on my old W10 PC. I pretty much cant do any of the Nexus quests (at least not in multiplayer, I havent yet tried for single player yet). Even outside of Nexus and the Anomaly, I still crash occasionally and earlier got a good ol BSOD. Which I read is likely caused by Directx/W11 bein dramatic