Ahhhhhhh I'm going crazy with researching these things, so I'm gonna compile a small list on here D<
Please tell me your experience with these or any other brands I dont mention!!

I'm looking for in features:
○ step tracking (ofc)
○ sleep tracking (if it can detect things like snoring or grinding, even better, but not deal breaker)
○ REMINDERS! This is probably the biggest thing, I need it to be able to either set reminders in its own app or read off my existing phone calendar. I need them alarms bb
○ Size--I have tiny wrist. If I measured right, my wrist is like 45mm wide.
First idea is always Fitbit. But I REALLY dont like how difficult it is to actually find a breakdown of what features are premium and what aren't. For the big price, I start looking around elsewhere >>

Pros: 40mm!! It SMOL
I have a samsung phone. A samsung tv. They have great stuff, but--
Cons: Bad reputation for awful battery life. Like its supposed to be 24 hours which is sucky already, but it doesn't actually last even a day. This is based on feedback my husband gets at work (he works at a phone company). Reviews online seem to share the opinion.
And $200+
Apple watch is pretty but i have android :')
and its $$$$ with 18 hour battery life

Pros: GORGEOUS. Professional. R O U N D.
I love this design, I would pay the extra $ for it. But--
Cons: 42mm
so big
so bulk

Pros: price is in the double digits.
Fully customizable watch face--I can have fun with that!
I cant find measurement in mm but it appears to be a smaller one? probably 40-41mm?
multiple days of battery life even on heavy use (per reviews)
Cons: Ugly
Do not like the bands (but may see if these can be changed)

Pros: EVEN CHEAPER in cost but also even more positive reviews
Cons: 42mm wide is so biggggggg for me
Too many options and all of them look ugly
or big
or expensive
I just want a device on my wrist that will yell at me and hold me accountable for my routines/meds/ect