So the past 24 hours has been wild.
My mom was jokingly complaining about dad not letting us get another cat (we already had 4) but my dad asked if there was another cat she saw on her facebook feed. Turns out there was, a black and white indoor who was abandoned 2 weeks ago when his owners moved out. What really confused me was that my dad agreed to get the cat.
So my mom drove over to where the cat was and brought him home. He seemed very scared, and very tiny. Our cats investigated while he was still in the carrier. Our youngest cat, Oliver, is the only one who was scared by the cat's presence, with our other three just being curious. The new cat hissed and growled some, unsuprising, but nothing else could happen with him in the carrier still.
He is now in my parent's bedroom, has been since last night. He mostly hides under the bed, but did come out for food and to use the bathroom (thank god he's littertrained that's always the worst part of getting a new cat) and apparently got up onto the bed while my parents were sleeping. I haven't interacted with him much, and he doesn't have a name just yet. My mom is considering "Finn" but she isn't dead-set on it just yet.
So yeah we have 5 cats now (again).
Or redecorate?