My store manager sat me down to tell me that our Regional manager, allegedly, is threatening to change my schedule up without my permission as some gross punishment because I haven't sold enough adjustable bases at work last week.
I've had normal adjustable base sales for the year and a half I've worked here. quotas fluctuate like with anyone.
But the entire store is down, everything is down. All quotas for the store overall is mostly down. But that's the entire region, the company even!
Foot traffic is 80% DOWN at my store, we actually calculated it compared to last year. My assistant who works My same schedule, he's same as me on numbers and he's known for being amazing at this sales thing.
So to frame this as a punishment is cruel! And when I bring these reasons up, I'm met with "that's just an excuse". My store manager said that and it really got under my skin.
They know that Mondays are important to me, so it's felt like a low blow every time they do this. they've always tried to take it away because jobs just cannot STAND a person needing one day out of the week to not be available because it's the only day I can run errands and take care of my family. The only day I'm guaranteed to see my husband. holidays take it away which is fine, although sometimes I feel like my store manager finds joy when I lose my Mondays this way. But like I'm fine working that day occasionally as needed, just need it to be my usual off day for my personal life. If they take it, I'm absolutely screwed out of any appointments (share 1 car and I can't drive here ect ect), dates, anything that I do with my partner outside of work. It's only on this day because my shifts are 11 hours, it's impossible to squeeze family time with work time otherwise. My husband CAN'T change his off day at his job, he had to fight a lot to get his Mondays off too.
My managers know how important this is to me.
This is only because I didn't sell adjustable bases for one week! I mostly sold mattresses for kids last week!!
RSM also suggested I didn't sell any Tempur/Sealy/Stearns brand mattresses. another quota we have. But in fact I sold more than anyone else, I only didn't sell any last week. The week before last I only worked 1 day because bereavement, but I still sold these brands and an adjustable in fact!! I don't understand that even when I say this, they still continue to threat. I HAVE BEEN selling these things, just last week flopped!
I'm not inadequate! Why do they push my nerves like this?
I'm so angry
no other job around here will pay what this job pays, I've been looking, but I can't afford our home if I take a pay cut. This is just the straw on top, I've been biting back on so much work stress from these managers. I wonder if they're trying to push me to quit? Maybe this is why my store manager keeps pushing extra work on me.
In desperate times, my management team is becoming rude af.
It's terribly angering :vanora_cry: