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Forums Serious Talk hagglers SUCK

Voltie — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/3 19:47:16 )

There is no end to my frustration with flipping hagglers in retail jobs! I'm not the setter of prices, I'm not authorized to give discounts just because you said I "WILL" do it. I won't! I won't I won't I won't!

People get so damn aggressive with me at work because they insist they deserve free handouts and chopped up prices. There are some cases where I'm able to waive a fee for customer satisfaction, but that ends up cutting into the pay check of someone else if I do that too much. I can also get critical action notices for it if my company knew I did it for any other reason.
"stop harassing me" isn't a good cause!! makes you way less worth it!

There is a person who became infamous in my store for being the worst haggler. She acted like she didn't speak English very well, but she did. She'd switch tones like a manic person going from begging and pleading, to aggressive and screaming at me, getting way too close to me, then grief. She'd break up her English, but then she'd speak very clearly. She'd switch back and forth to try and find which button to push to get me to chop off TAXES!
She insulted me and my team
she offended other customers, created a scene making everything so uncomfortable
she refused to leave but my management wouldn't call anyone about it. There's probably not much they could've done aside from call police, but i understand the hesitance.
I got so overwhelmed I lost my dang mind and cried in the back warehouse from just pure rage.

So today I'm afraid because I might have just met her husband. He looks very familiar and tried haggling aggressively with me, frustrated me, but he wasn't as difficult.
But he said he'll be back today with his wife
I swear to god
if it's her I don't know what I'm gonna do to handle that again! Even if it isn't her, I can't deal with that kind of person again. Feeling trapped in place while someone just harasses you for as long as they wish.

I'm having such a bad time at work even without this
I just want to scream

I am leaving Voltra
Find my links here

08 22 22

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/3 21:24:54 )
Moody Says. . .


golly that sounds like an absolute nightmare. I agree with total, they should be banned.
They obviously have not and will not learn any lessons from getting denied multiple times.
Especially making everyone uncomfortable.

I would definitely have their picture up as well as them being banned LOL.
but i do hope something is done about it. No one deserves to be treated how they treat people.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Voltie — They/He Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/4 19:48:20 )
Should they keep it on display...

tbh, if it is her, i'd straight up call the police, because she's already caused issues there before.

Or redecorate?

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