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Forums Vibrance Day 2022: Spring Cleaning! Waste Not, Want Not (Scavenger Hunt)

Npc — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/29 20:07:56 )

“These dust bunnies are making people leave out more good stuff than normal, Eugene. squeak Oh, look, it’s a friend. Hello friend.”

“A perfectly good washing machine! Sure it’s missing some minor parts, like a control panel and filter and a door BUT I could think of at least three… no, four other uses I could put this to! Who would waste such a treasure?”

“Hum… I think she didn’t hear us… We should go-”

“No, I heard you! I’m asking what you think about that!”

“Oh… Yeah, people throw away goodies all the time.”

“Agreed! You always were more resourceful than anyone else in town! It’s a rat-ter admirable trait, if you ask me!”

“Yeah rats do like it.”

“SO FAR today I’ve found a pristine rusted toaster, a box of unwound cassettes, and a smashed television set. What are people thinking, treating this all like garbage? They’re looking to get trash talked. What did you find today, Vreg?”

“I found this neat bouncy ball.”

“Fascinating! Looks like there’s a chunk missing out of it, but I’m sure it works just fine.”

“Oh, that was me. I thought it was candy.”

“It could be if you were brave enough! Now, if you’re free, I’d like to bounce a few ideas off you, as long as that wouldn’t drive you totally ball-istic.”

“Eugene says to only say yes if you stop.”

“T-rat-gic that we’ll have to part ways then.”

Npc — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/29 20:08:19 )

• Take photos of the items listed below and win event currency!
• The top three users to take the most photos will earn an additional prize!
• Each photograph submitted must be taken by you and must have your username handwritten on paper and legible within the photo.
• You can fit as many items as you want into a single photograph, as long as they are still all recognizable.
• Please place photographs within a spoiler when posting them in the thread.
• Items you take photographs of must be real and cannot be from other photographs found on the internet.
    **Note: You may get creative with some of the more difficult to photograph content. For example, if you need a picture of a gear, you may take a photo of a book cover featuring a gear.

• All entries must be submitted by June 12th, at 11:59 PM Voltra Time. Items will be tallied and rewarded at the end of the contest.

Remember to ping Vregory with your photographs so they don’t get overlooked in the thread.

Submission Form
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Item(s) Shown:

1st Place: 1 Spring Cleaning '22 Bundle
2nd Place: 3 Spring Cleaning '22 Goodie Bags
3rd Place: 1 Spring Cleaning '22 Goodie Bag

Art by ghost

Npc — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/29 20:08:49 )
Scavenger Hunt Items

Below is a list of items you can find trash hunting with Vregory and Valentina, separated by category.
Each item on the lists are worth 10 Dust Bunnies, which will be tallied and rewarded at the end of the contest.
Submissions will close on June 12th, at 11:59 PM Voltra Time.

• Bucket
• Gloves
• Spray Bottle
• Mop
• Broom
• Duster
• Soap
• Bubbles
• Sponge
• Rag/Cloth

• Pop Can
• Newspaper
• Cardboard / Box
• Plastic Bottle / Container
• Glass Bottle / Jar
• Milk / Juice Carton
• Blue Bin
• Lightbulb
• CDs/DVDs
• Magazines

• Donut
• Cookie
• Pastry
• Chips
• Sandwich
• Pretzel
• Candy
• Pizza
• Burger
• Popcorn

• Remote Control
• TV / Monitor
• Toaster
• Toolbox
• Charging cable
• Powerstrip
• Batteries
• Magnet
• Gears
• Wires


Item(s) Shown: Bucket, gloves, spray bottle, mop, broom, soap, bubbles, sponge, rag, pop can, cardboard, plastic bottle, glass bottle, milk carton, blue bin, lightbulb, CDs, DVDs, magazine, pastry, chips, pretzel, candy, pizza, popcorn, remote control, TV, toaster, toolbox, charging cables, powestrips, batteries, magnets, gears, and wire.
I'm putting these in a Google Drive folder because there are legit 33 total photos. Clickie Me!

Item(s) Shown: Bucket, Gloves, Spray Bottle, Mop, Broom, Duster, Soap, Bubbles, Sponge, Rag/Cloth, Pop Can, Newspaper, Cardboard / Box, Plastic Bottle / Container, Glass Bottle / Jar, Milk / Juice Carton, Blue Bin, Lightbulb, CDs/DVDs, Magazines, Donut, Cookie, Pastry, Chips, Sandwich, Pretzel, Candy, Pizza, Burger, Popcorn, Remote Control, TV / Monitor, Toaster, Toolbox, Charging cable, Powerstrip, Batteries, Magnet, Gears, Wires (I hope my blue bin and gears are ok)
also in a google drive because that's a lot of pictures : click here

Item(s) Shown: broom ,duster, gloves,bucket mop, rag, duster, bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im peelingpotatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom, news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container, spray bottle, soap, remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's,remote ontrol, tv onitor, wires, CD's, light bulb, charging cables, wires, popcorn, candy, chips , cookie,magnets, milk carton, juice carton, batteries, gloves, power strips, Burger , toaster, donuts, jars, sandwich, pastry,cardboard, pizza, pretzels? ( bag says it is, persnally im in doubt doenst lok what googl gives me )

broom ,duster, gloves,bucket mop, rag, duster,
bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im fixing potatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom
news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container
spray bottle, soap
remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's
remote ontrol, tv monitor, wires, CD's, light bulb
charging cable
more charging cables and wires
popcorn, candy, chips ( popcorn will later be donated to someone else I never eat it same goes for cookies )
milk, juice ( and a stray smoothie )
more gloves
batteries ( 10 years worth ) ^^;; and the only power strips I could find in my apartment
Burger ( first time EVER I had a burger, believe it or not... homemade, vegetarian )
toaster ( on a box in a store dont have a toaster myself dont have rom for it in my kitchen )
an other toaster on a box in a store... the joy of not knowing what type you meant
donuts in a monitor ( dont eat donuts )
jars (?)
more jars..
a (fish) sandwich
months worth of cardboard ( bonus for pizza on one of the boxes..? I didnt get to make the pizza and take pic o it in time. unles th event first ends in 12 hours.. ( timezones are a struggle )
the bag says it is pretzels,, but it doesnt look like what google gives me of pictures of pretzels..

Item(s) Shown:
• Bucket
• Gloves
• Spray Bottle
• Mop
• Broom
• Duster
• Soap
• Bubbles
• Sponge
• Rag/Cloth

Item(s) Shown: charging cable, bucket, bubbles, candy, remote control, batteries, sponge, pastries, chips, popcorn, pizza, blue bin, duster, spray bottle, soap, pop can, magazines, cookies, DVD, plastic bottle, juice carton, magnet, glass jar, pretzel, rag, lightbulb, power strip, gears, TV/monitor, cardboard box, wires


Voltie — They/He Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/29 21:59:06 )
Should they keep it on display...

Oh boy here we go!
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: MaxIsConfused
Item(s) Shown: Bucket, gloves, spray bottle, mop, broom, soap, bubbles, sponge, rag, pop can, cardboard, plastic bottle, glass bottle, milk carton, blue bin, lightbulb, CDs, DVDs, magazine, pastry, chips, pretzel, candy, pizza, popcorn, remote control, TV, toaster, toolbox, charging cables, powestrips, batteries, magnets, gears, and wire.
I'm putting these in a Google Drive folder because there are legit 33 total photos. Clickie Me!

Or redecorate?

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/29 22:33:07 )
we still have a semi "old school" Tv & it works. Will post later on this week.
Ensuite, je suis le fantôme de Novembre!

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/30 15:52:48 )
Oh boi time to go be weird in the local shops I see ( out of the things listed I dont own a Toaster, Powerstrip, Gears. Never eats Donut,Cookie, pastry
, Sandwich ( oly nce in a blue moon a socalled luxus starcaster )Pretzel ( no joke I literally had to google pretzels to figure ou wht they are or how they look; not something ive seen in any danish stores in my area ) am also weird enough to never eat Pizza, Burger or Popcorn ) Pop Can ( never drinks soda ) Newspaper ( dont get news paper )Cardboard / Box ( is also a big no got rid of all those )
Blue Bin ( that was very specific.. not something we got in my country.. we got grey/black bins however )

the cleaning supplies I at the very least can do

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/6 10:42:45 )

This'll be fun! :D I'll get pictures of things soon!

I mostly lurk, but will post from time to time.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/11 19:05:57 )
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: Alorrena
Item(s) Shown: Bucket, Gloves, Spray Bottle, Mop, Broom, Duster, Soap, Bubbles, Sponge, Rag/Cloth, Pop Can, Newspaper, Cardboard / Box, Plastic Bottle / Container, Glass Bottle / Jar, Milk / Juice Carton, Blue Bin, Lightbulb, CDs/DVDs, Magazines, Donut, Cookie, Pastry, Chips, Sandwich, Pretzel, Candy, Pizza, Burger, Popcorn, Remote Control, TV / Monitor, Toaster, Toolbox, Charging cable, Powerstrip, Batteries, Magnet, Gears, Wires (I hope my blue bin and gears are ok)
also in a google drive because that's a lot of pictures : click here

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 17:55:36 )
See if i get time to load all pictures in here

@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: TeaTales
Item(s) Shown: broom ,duster, gloves,bucket mop, rag, duster, bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im peelingpotatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom, news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container, spray bottle, soap, remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's,remote ontrol, tv onitor, wires, CD's, light bulb, charging cables, wires, popcorn, candy, chips , cookie,magnets, milk carton, juice carton, batteries, gloves, power strips, Burger , toaster, donuts, jars, sandwich, pastry,cardboard, pizza, pretzels? ( bag says it is, persnally im in doubt doenst lok what googl gives me ) just tossing all in here in case i dont manage to find all the photo linsk in time

bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im fixing potatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom
news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container
remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's
remote ontrol, tv monitor, wires, CD's, light bulb
charging cable
more charging cables and wires
popcorn, candy, chips ( popcorn will later be donated to someone else I never eat it same goes for cookies )
milk, juice ( and a stray smoothie )
more gloves
batteries ( 10 years worth ) ^^;; and the only power strips I could find in my apartment
Burger ( first time EVER I had a burger, believe it or not... homemade, vegetarian )
toaster ( on a box in a store dont have a toaster myself dont have rom for it in my kitchen )
an other toaster on a box in a store... the joy of not knowing what type you meant
donuts in a monitor ( dont eat donuts )
jars (?)
more jars..
a (fish) sandwich
months worth of cardboard ( bonus for pizza on one of the boxes..? I didnt get to make the pizza and take pic o it in time. unles th event first ends in 12 hours.. ( timezones are a struggle )
the bag says it is pretzels,, but it doesnt look like what google gives me of pictures of pretzels..

Didnt take photo of my beloved toolbox with its contents showing ( and withut seeing the contents it just a big black box ) as it is hidden well away in my cleaning/tool closet ( would liteally have to move everything out of it to get to it )
Blue bins is a HUGE ussie to get here in my country as they're only able to be gotten from 1 single store, which is an online store... where it costs 1000 dkr which I am not willing to pay especially not when I have a funeral in 2 days to get to in the other end of the country

And pop cans... I never drink of lol, in my notes I somehow had written it so my brain read it as poporn. so none of those either.

ironically enough non of my 500+ books or mangas have gear in them was tempted to use y bicycle gear and call it a day.


Donator — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 01:10:53 )

Voltie — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 04:56:34 )
@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: Clover
Item(s) Shown: charging cable, bucket, bubbles, candy, remote control, batteries, sponge, pastries, chips, popcorn, pizza, blue bin, duster, spray bottle, soap, pop can, magazines, cookies, DVD, plastic bottle, juice carton, magnet, glass jar, pretzel, rag, lightbulb, power strip, gears, TV/monitor, cardboard box, wires

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 17:01:27 )
Was told by other players to repost this as I forgot the tags in the first post in my stress ( still keeping first post up )

@Vregory: I have something for you!
Username: TeaTales
Item(s) Shown: broom ,duster, gloves, bucket,mop, rag, bubbles, bucket, sponge, news paper, magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container, spray bottle, soap, remote control, CD's, tv monitor, wires, light bulb, charging cables, popcorn, candy, chips , cookie, magnets, milk carton, juice carton, plastic container ( in the form of a smoothie ) batteries, power strips, Burger , toaster, donuts, jars, sandwich, pastry, cardboard, pizza, pretzels? ( bag says it is, personally im in doubt doesn't look what googl gives me ) just tossing all in here in case i dont manage to find all the photo linsk in time

bubbles, bucket, gloves ( the type i use when im fixing potatoes as im allergic couldnt find my cleaning gloves if thats what you're asking for ) , mop, rag, sponge, duster, broom
news paper magazine, ( only got one in my home sorry ) plastic container
remote control, tv monitor, wires(?) CD's
remote ontrol, tv monitor, wires, CD's, light bulb
charging cable
more charging cables and wires
popcorn, candy, chips ( popcorn will later be donated to someone else I never eat it same goes for cookies )
milk, juice ( and a stray smoothie )
more gloves
batteries ( 10 years worth ) ^^;; and the only power strips I could find in my apartment
Burger ( first time EVER I had a burger, believe it or not... homemade, vegetarian )
toaster ( on a box in a store dont have a toaster myself dont have rom for it in my kitchen )
an other toaster on a box in a store... the joy of not knowing what type you meant
donuts in a monitor ( dont eat donuts )
jars (?)
more jars..
a (fish) sandwich
months worth of cardboard ( bonus for pizza on one of the boxes..? I didnt get to make the pizza and take pic o it in time. unles th event first ends in 12 hours.. ( timezones are a struggle )
the bag says it is pretzels,, but it doesnt look like what google gives me of pictures of pretzels..

Didnt take photo of my beloved toolbox with its contents showing ( and withut seeing the contents it just a big black box ) as it is hidden well away in my cleaning/tool closet ( would liteally have to move everything out of it to get to it )
Blue bins is a HUGE ussie to get here in my country as they're only able to be gotten from 1 single store, which is an online store... where it costs 1000 dkr which I am not willing to pay especially not when I have a funeral in 2 days to get to in the other end of the country

And pop cans... I never drink of lol, in my notes I somehow had written it so my brain read it as poporn. so none of those either. Gears the best I coud give you would be my bicycle gear doubt tit to bewhat you meant

ironically enough non of my 500+ books or mangas have gear in them was tempted to use y bicycle gear and call it a day.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/18 20:36:02 )
@KDA Drew: Thanks! I had to get creative with a couple things because i didn't have access to them and didn't wanna go back to the store lol

I didn't realize we could submit more than one occurrence of each item. Otherwise i would have had more points.
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

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