I've been fighting them since the start of this year and I FINALLY concluded it
Last year when we moved to tx we had switched to tmobile for reasons. They had talked me into a BOGO phone deal and insisted if I open a 3rd line, it would make my bill cheaper due to whatever promotion at the time? I was real skeptical so I kept asking for the details, where could this come around and bite me cause nothing in life is free really. He insiiiiiiiiisssted that the free phone was based on my credit and there's nothing else to it, all I do is pay the tax on it. So I'm like ok maybe that part makes sense, but the 3 lines dont.
We went in circles and I just didn't understand, but my husband insisted he understood and they both said
"This wont cost you anything"
"These are the only costs you should expect"
The mistake I made was failing to ask for a disclaimer to read before I accept. He scrolled to the part on his tablet where I sign to approve the transaction, so I didn't actually see that above that there WAS a disclaimer I needed to read. I found this out later when my husband became employed by Tmobile.
What I also didn't realize, my foggy brained dumb moments, they took my address from my license that literally the same month I was in the process of changing and updating. It was like 2 houses ago!
But for like 5 months or whatever the service was fine. truly unlimited data for internet is nice, the signal is good, and like $87-90 per month for two phone lines isn't terrible at all.
and we decide hey employee discount sounds pretty cool, its 75% off so WHY NOT, right?
All we gotta do is switch the account to be under his name instead so that it would work. I made a mistake again of letting him go alone to do this, cause sometimes my husband's brain is not much more than hamsters on a wheel. They opened a WHOLE NEW ACCOUNT and charged him (on my card) $60 for line opening charges.
When he told me, I immediately called the store when I realized this and said hey, this was not at all authorized by me to charge this card and this is not what we were supposed to be doing at all. THis employee was being shifty because she gets commission off line openings. The store manager agreed that isn't what was supposed to happen, but Tmobile DOES NOT GIVE REFUNDS even when I didn't authorize a purchase ????
They give refunds in the form of crediting my account
I was beyond pissed! But like fine whatever, I'll let that part go, but now I have these two accounts that I need to quickly get taken care of. I'll be charged a shitton for this!
I had to call their customer service line, cause most issues they dont actually deal with in store. This is when I found out that if I close out my account, then I'd be charged for my BOGO phone because it was "free" in the way that it credits to my account, making my bill temporarily smaller until it runs out (which explained the small bills). but like WHAT
I fussed at them because I felt it was initially stated to just be fucking free based on my credit, and I felt mislead. They were like ok ok we'll just transfer all this to the new account, waive the fees and such. It'll take a month to appear because everything that Tmobile does takes a month to actually happen.
So they do, they move our phone numbers over and close our two lines.
But wait, I have a third line!
This is where they dropped their brains. They kept asking weird questions and confusing me. Like I'd say "I just need the two lines moved to his account and the third line to be closed"
And he'd reiterate things "alright I have line ending in [number] and [number] transferred over and the third line is open"
And I"m like nonono I need the third line closed
and he'd say something regarding the other two lines
and I'm like no the one ending in the 5, CLOSE IT
and I THOUGHT HE GOT IT after me repeating myself what felt like 20 times.
Then a month and a half later
something else happened and I actually cant remember because its constant with these guys. But my husband was talking with his manager buddy about this stuff and she went to look at my account to verify something. Thats when she saw "oh, there's an outstanding balance on here that doesn't seem right"
I wanted to scream when he told me. Thankfully my silly husband told me at the START of my work shift that day sarcasm lmao
I didn't know about these balances because they took the address on my old ID, so the letters all along were sent to a house I had not lived in for what.. 4 or 5 years now?
So starts the disputes. This began in march.
Not long later my mother receives a letter that Tmobile sent me to collections already. That didn't take them a month like everything else does lol
This is all because that dipshit didn't close the third line so it was billing me for it. The other two lines were moved over, so ended that promotion, making that extra line not free anymore. I had to really yank at these Tmobile customer service people. The first one really didn't want to help and I ended up hanging up and calling again to get someone else. Took an hour but they were able to give me some vague "I've sent this request and I'll call you back once they respond, could take an hour".
I waited 4 hours to give grace.
Called them back, and had to re-explain the entire story to this lady so she could help. She finally understood and found that he did send that request and it was approved, so I don't owe anything. I requested verification if she could email me because it seems they have my wrong address so I want to be extra sure I get it in time so I can call and dispute with collections.
Nope, Tmobile doesn't "do that"
Snail mail only
So I'm like ok can I give you the right address then?
Nope, Tmobile don't do that either. Once line is closed you cant edit the address.
Always verify if a service took your address. this is partially my fault for not thinking about it way back then.
So I'm like fine ok I'll figure this out.
While I was on the line with her, the guy DID try calling me back and left a voice mail that stated I don't owe anything, so I have had that saved for like almost two months now lmao
I set up address forwarding so I can get that document. June 13 was the deadline to dispute the charges, which was a month and a half from when I had this verbally cleared. Tmobile takes a month to do anything.
If I had actually waited, the letter wouldn't have come until today :' )
But I finally marched to a store last week and got them to print me a verification (most store printers are broken and they physically cant email or pdf it, but I found one that had a functioning printer finally).
So I send an email with the document attached to dispute everything and simply ask for verification that I'm in the clear.
No reply.
The collections letter I got didn't have a phone number, but I looked up one. Couldn't get ahold of anyone on it until today because their hours are hard for me to work around with my job.
All to find that "its all been cancelled but no we can't prove it to you"
I'd quit their service in a heartbeat if it didn't mean I'd have to chuck around $400 at the value left on my not free free phone. And it isn't unlocked until those credits clear. Ugh
Is this how Tmobile avoids being sued? By hardly giving you proof to anything they do? I mean I did finally get that bill from Tmobile that clears me but even if their employees fuck that up, they just wont help you.
It's actually more common that this is happening and not just me. I'm so baffled how its possible to fuck up your customers this badly?
One customer my husband met a week ago couldn't buy a house because of this exact same situation! Having outstanding balances sneak up and kill your credit because an employee didn't close a line that you asked them to close, and they took the wrong address without verifying with you so you can't be notified of things happening.
anyway this rant ended up bigger than I expected
Ima go have a soda now