@aisukohi: I didn't go to my first concert till I was 23.

My parents didn't like the bands I listened to at the time.That's pretty convenient that your university's campus had concerts! I've heard of that band but I dunno any songs by them.
Aww, that sounds like a fun experience! I'm bad with names so I'm not familiar with too many VAs, neither English or Japanese. Sometimes a voice will sound familiar and I'll look up the name and be like 'oh, they also voiced ___" so that's where I've heard them before. I think some of the MHA VAs came to a local con here that was a few months ago, but I didn't have a ride. I used to go with my friend, but she has a toddler now so she doesn't have much time anymore. I hope I can go to a big one too one day, though a multi day once sounds exhausting to me too. XD I want to cosplay someday, because I never have before. The little con here that I did go to, I bought a couple art prints from a woman who did really nice watercolor artworks; I got a couple little Pokemon art prints, one with Ghastly/Haunter/Gengar and one with Vulpix & Ninetails. I like looking at the art at cons a lot too. :) I wish I had bought some more because my walls are pretty bare and in need of some art.
@totalanimefan: True, I'm sure she was since she's so fashionable. Shame I can't read Japanese, but since it's a fashion mag there's plenty of fun pics to look at at least, lol.
Oh cool! I lived in the North Bay for a few years, but I moved back to CO where I'm originally from.
Yeah, it's definitely way different from English, the way a kanji can be read different ways depending on what it's combined with, and trying to remember all the strokes. I can recognize some of the more common and simple ones, plus I can recognize the names of my favorite artists such as Namie, but that's about it. Nowadays there's translation apps anyway, so if I do ever get to go to Japan, hopefully I can rely on those a little bit.
Ayu was one of the first Jpop artists I heard, and I like some of her songs but I think part of it is I don't like her voice that much. XD Utada has some songs I like, and they have a great voice, but I just never got too into their music style I guess. I have always liked Traveling, Colors and Wait & See though! And Utada was also one of the first Jpop artists I heard; I remember I heard a Kingdom Hearts CM on TV and Simple and Clean was the bg song, so I looked it up to download. I think they have a lot of English fans who got into them from that game. That's awesome that they're still making music and living in London. :D