That's understandable. I think with both Japanese and English dub VAs, the most popular VAs will be in a lot of different things, especially if it's the same company like Funimation. I'm just glad that dubs are better these days than in the 90s/early 00s, cause even though I don't mind subs, sometimes I'm lazy and just want to hear a dub.

I'd like to cosplay as Sailor Mars, though I might do a casual outfit rather than her senshi outfit because I don't usually dress in tight outfits, plus me in high heels is like newborn Bambi. XD I've also thought to go as a Team Rocket Grunt, maybe take with me my giant Meowth plushie I won at a fair years ago. :3
Aww, that's awesome. There are a lot of Pokemon nowadays so it's a bit hard to keep up, but I feel nostalgic about the gen 1 Pokemon still. The newer games add different versions of Pokemon like Sandslash and Cubone too, so it's a bit different but also familiar.