@aisukohi: Ugh, I hate crowd-goers like that. :s Nothing worse than pushy annoying people. I saw Halestorm a few years ago and this dude and two girls shoved their way right in front of me, and they were all like a foot taller than me, kept shouting to each other during the show and one of them stank of B.O. >.>
I'm not sure if I've ever had a bra that's the right size cause they all seem to fit badly on me, even when I tried to measure myself. XD Nowadays I mostly just wear bralettes. They're more comfortable to me than standard bras, and I don't need much support cause I don't have much going on there lol. Yeah, I'll never wear crop tops. I hate when shirts barely cover my bellybutton and I gotta keep pulling them down constantly. My problem lately is finding shorts though. I feel like every time I find a pair that fits me and is a decent length when I'm standing up, as soon as I try to sit they ride up into my crotch, haha. I just want a pair of shorts that's a length between short-shorts and grandma shorts.

I wear athletic shorts at home, but I still haven't found a decent pair of denim shorts w/ pockets to wear outdoors.
I have a couple of corset-style tops I got at HT years ago, but sadly they're way too big on me now. ;_; I haven't bought any band shirts from HT lately, but I bought some boots and a pair of denim shortalls last year. They seem to always have some kind of sale too, so I've been tempted to buy stuff from them a lot but I already have so many clothes lol. Aw, that's always sad when you lose your favorite clothes. I think she threw away a Sailor Moon shirt I wore all the time too. I mean it was kinda falling apart from wear, but still.