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Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/23 20:42:31 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: I gained too much weight to be able to wear it
tho buying a new brace has to wait because now I have to replace my laptop's battery as it was swelling my laptop near bottom keyboard and mouse pad.

so I'm using my small backup HP Laptop till I'm able to fix it up.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/24 14:28:42 )
@MoodyB: oh wow. It sounds like you've run in to a couple complications with things, haven't you? I hope you get it all worked out :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/24 14:29:22 )

............. good morning. :3


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/24 21:00:46 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: and more complications came. I injured my knee badly. so I'm on bed rest for 6 weeks now

I was in such horrible pain.
bit the swelling has gone down some.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/25 19:07:57 )
@MoodyB: Well that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that you really messed up your knee. What did you do to it? I hope you feel better soon! :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/25 19:27:08 )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>>> And where IS everyone?

... is everyone off hiding?
... enjoying the summer weather?
... just busy doing things?

It has been awfully quiet around here (and a lot of places online) lately...

*puts out some summer goodies for anyone who comes through*


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/25 20:28:07 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: so I have knee issues and have since 2017 and some years before it.
2017 I last had it pop out or dislocated it.

I didn't do anything strangeous but when I tried turning on my side it dislocated itself and I was in a horrendous amount of pain. I could not even have my dad scoot me more over on the bed so I wouldn't fall off.

so my aunt who is in medical field had to take a look and told me to stay off it for 4-6 weeks for it to heal.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/25 22:49:25 )
@MoodyB: that sounds painful to be sure! I really hope you heal well and feel better soon! :3


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/25 23:43:47 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: Thank you it's extremely painful.

I'm healing slowly but surely but at least I can get some art done lol

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/26 00:18:09 )
@Wildfire: pooh! I didn't get a ping nor see you replied earlier.
Chickens, yes! But my roommie is doing yard projects first to make room.
The new job my husband took on irritates me.
Im unfortunately not doing well, mentally, with this change.
Another... Maybe 2 months before we financially catch up/even out since his job switch. /sigh
However, i went river floating a few days ago. It was really relaxing.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/26 13:03:16 )
@MoodyB: Awww... I'm sorry that you're in pain. But, like you said - at least you're getting some art done, right? What better excuse to sit and do nothing but artwork?!! XD Are you working on anything particular these days?

@Koah: Oh no - no ping?!! What is this world coming to?? XD
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're having to make some adjustments like that with the job switch and that it's affecting you so much, but I'm really not surprised with what you've mentioned of it :( That kind of thing can be quite stressful!
... but chickens! <3 How did this decision come to be made, btw??
... and floating down a river!! <3 <------- that's something I should go do, tbh, but I've been having trouble wrapping my head around "it's summer" (and nearly over!) for some reason... and that I should go do some "summer things" XD


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/26 21:36:36 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yeah. its not as bad tho and not as swollen.
swollen has gone down a lot. to i got to limp to the bathroom LOLOL.
and i can't even go down the stairs at all.

I've worked on a few new things. until i get the new battery tomorrow for my laptop i can't
access any of my already saved files as they are saved in the Clip studio paint format
and to access them they'd need to be in the PSD format.

so i started some new sticker concepts.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/29 14:58:35 )
@Wildfire: it is hard to believe summer is already coming to an end soon! Oof.
When we bought our house, its in a zone that allows animals. So we wanted chickens since we bought the place. But my husband wanted a bunch of yard stuff done before we got them.
With the political climate.. And inflation, my roommate decided to help out because now he Really wants chickens too. Roomie is doing a lot of the tedious work to get the projects going.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 16:36:02 )
@MoodyB: Oh, I hate it when you can't access files because of some stupidity with file types not being recognized with one piece of software versus another! ... but hopefully you got the new battery for your laptop and you're back in business, so to speak, now! How's the knee feeling - any better after a few days of taking it easy?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 16:40:25 )
@Koah: I'm just so completely messed up when it comes to figuring out what season we're in. It feels like summer... but it doesn't... part of me still thinks we're in May or something, instead of the end of July. I don't know what the heck is going on - lol!!! XD

I wish we had land for chickens - I would definitely get a few... and a couple goats! :3 <3 I'm happy to hear that Roomie is all on board and helping you get stuff organized and set up for chickens! In this day and age, it just makes sense, imo, to be at least a little more self-sufficient.

How are you doing otherwise?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 16:51:55 )
@Wildfire: Self-sufficiency is a good goal, especially since we have the space to do so.
Roommie took down a fenced in area that was purely decorative from the previous owners and it opened up a beautiful spot to put a garden. It's a really well shaded area.
We had a wind storm last night and a branch came down, and barely missed the garage. =O

I'm okay, my husband left yesterday. We fought a lot while he was home for the week and a half. I'm dealing with all sorts of emotions right now and he' focused on this new job that he was hard to talk to. I do see why he's focused on the job, he's a 'fixer', like most guys. Working = money, less financial stress, which eventually means less emotional stress.
He spent time with the kids and gave me breaks, so that was good. But he and I didn't really connect or do anything together.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 16:58:46 )
@Koah: Yes, make the most of the space you have!! :3

I'm glad the branch missed the garage. ... and you found a great spot for a garden? - awesome! Hooray for small miracles, huh? XD <3

Yeah, less financial stress becomes less emotional stress...but getting there can be sooooo stressful sometimes... :( I'm sorry you're having a rough time dealing with it all right now. It's completely understandable and I empathize completely. Hopefully it'll all work out sooner rather than later :3


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 18:06:48 )
@Wildfire: sorry I'm sitting here whining about this stuff. bleh. My old toystore, family-owned, we sold it- I found out that shut down this month too. So all those years of hard work and fun are just a memory now. That hit pretty hard. Then one of my nieces ended up in a psych ward, so i've been keeping my phone close for my sister to have someone to talk to.
then a totally different niece told me she's pregnant.

This month has been an overload of emotional things going on. XD Hopefully August can be a little less emotionally chaotic. A lot of those things don't even directly affect me but it's my own life stress + plus those things and i end up feeling overwhelmed.
OKAY I'm done ranting/whining.

My husband basically gave the roommate and I the... yellow light to do the chicken coop how we want to do it. He had a different idea of how he wanted it done but he won't be home to stop us- so.. lol, he can't exactly tell us "no." XD We're going to repurpose a shed that's not being used and use the materials around the property to make coops and whatnot.
My husband had a more expensive plan in mind which would take years to even afford. cx

How did your garden do this summer?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 19:08:10 )
@Koah: ooof. That's a lot, Koah... even if it's nieces instead of your own kids, and a store that you haven't been involved with for a while now, it's a lot of personal history, memories and just... family... stuff going on for you, on top of hubby doing the new job and apparently not being home too much. Plus the new baby... who's... about four months old at this point? And I'm sorry to hear about all of that going on for you right now. {{hugs}}

LOL - what is it with guys coming up with all these unnecessarily elaborate plans for things like chicken coops? XD Hubby can create his dream chicken area as a hobby... right now, with how things are going, just get things set up. Chickens don't care how pretty their space looks XD

My garden sucks. XD LOL. Some things are growing. Some are definitely not. The bananas seem happy enough, but they're still small. I have one papaya that is putting out flowers, but I'm not seeing fruit or any evidence of pollination. I have an eggplant that is growing all over the place and has flowers, but again... no little baby eggplants. Okra, which is supposed to be a "toss somewhere and forget about it" brainless, stupid-simple and easy thing to grow around here is just not doing anything. I have 5 or 6 plants and one of them is giving me the occasional okra. I should be overwhelmed with and absolutely drowning in okra. Instead, I'm slowing adding them to a bag in the freezer and even after months, still don't have enough for a meal. :/ I am fighting mealy bugs and probably a few other things, judging from the holes in the leaves of some of my plants. I don't know what's going on out there. There's stuff growing... but not really...?? /shrug/ I should go test the soil and see about PH and nutrients but haven't made it out there to do that yet (before it gets too hot to do much of anything without passing out).

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 20:21:47 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yup we back in business!!
tho the whole dashboard for the keyboard on my laptop is completely fried so I had to buy a wireless keyboard.
but I'm happy with my purchase since eventually I was going to do so for my new desktop setup.

Now my laptop is practically just a monitor with USB ports

my knee feels okay tho now my other one is bothering me. I overall need to lose some weight so there isn't as much pressure on my knees. Once I'm recovered we are going on many walks.

im resting lots and keeping my legs elevated. Swelling is gone so we can measure and order my brace.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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