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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/07/31 23:00:01 )
@Wildfire: oh my gosh, you put hard work into your garden too! I was excited with you about your new garden adventures this year. XD
It's so bizarre to me how different our garden climates are. Our area is good for potatoes, berries, and squash and grapes.
Squash is supposed to be our 'plant and forget it' food, but i tried that last year and they died once we got a hot day. /crosses fingers that the new area opened up will be good for squash.

My husband has a plan that basically overhauls the whole acre we own and re-arranges everything. But we've lived here 2 years and he hasn't done anything. His plan is expensive and he'd need to actually go out and get dirty and do the annoying jobs which he hates doing. He's not the type to do tedious things.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/1 13:10:13 )
@MoodyB: lol - it sounds like you have a bunch of work-arounds going on, but it also sounds like they're working, which is good :3
I'm glad that your knee is starting to feel a little better. Walks are awesome for a gentle exercise (and as an excuse to get some fresh air)!

@Koah: lol... yeah... my garden... I don't know what's going on. It can be difficult here between the heat, the torrential downpours and semitropical climate, the periods of really dry weather (it's one or the other extreme), the bugs, the animals, and the nutrient-free sand. It's weird, and its different from most of the rest of the country. But I'll figure it out. It's probably something stupid and simple like I'm not fertilizing enough or at the right time or or haven't managed to attract enough pollinators... or haven't spun in a circle five times at midnight every third day chanting some weird ancient version of "please grow, Garden" XD

LOL - if your husband is anything like my husband (who also usually doesn't like doing those kinds of jobs), you'll be waiting a very long time before he gets around to implementing his plan... only to get it half done. XD I'm glad you're doing something, and that you have the help from Roomie :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/1 13:12:38 )
..............and good morning everyone. Welcome to August.
How is it August already??


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/1 20:47:41 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yeah a got a lot going on LOL.
and some friends been drawing art of my OC so now i gotta make it into a draw this in your style challenge.
no idea if it'll get any takers but it'll be for fun.

yeah. Luckily by the time i recover it'll be time for the hot air balloon festival.
September will be a hard month but my fam thinks we should go and try to have fun regardless.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 01:02:30 )
@Wildfire: Hi there. c: Nice place you got. lol
Thinking about playing Pokemon Crystal again.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 12:21:51 )
can't wait for september. ik my birthday's in a day but like. i would much rather take cooler weather tbh.
please ping me for the love of god.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 13:51:45 )
@MoodyB: lol - it does sound like you have a lot going on! <3 ... and an air balloon festival?!! That sounds like a lot of fun - I hope you can go. Have you been before?

@PashminaPanda: Thank you. How are you?

@Feral: lol - that's quite the choice - birthday or cooler weather...XD I can't do anything about the weather, but I can wish you a "happy birthday", so... uhh... Happy Birthday?!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 13:53:04 )
Good morning :3

What is going on in your world today?

I plan to get some stuff done outside (sooner rather than later because of the heat) and then try to do some cleanup around the house. Fun stuff, huh? XD


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 20:05:25 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: we've been going since I was very young.
we keep it a tradition since my mom loved it.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 20:37:03 )
@MoodyB: that's awesome. I'm glad that you keep the tradition going :3 It sounds like a lot of fun!


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/2 20:50:07 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: it usually is but since covid and other viruses came we haven't gone to the field.
so it's a little less exciting lol.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/3 14:06:06 )
@MoodyB: So is this a regular thing like once a month or just an annual event? Or are there other activities at this field that your family likes to attend?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/3 14:08:39 )
Good morning. What is going on, peeps?

It's time for a random question! Ready? GO! ----------------------------> If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/3 18:05:07 )
@Wildfire: Good morning!!

Ooh, dis-invent something? What an interesting question!!

I would love to say something like "computer glitches" but then I wouldn't have a job xDD and there's no such thing as a perfect piece of software, we're only human xDD

Are we allowed to uninvent concepts? I'd love to un-invent bullying!

An item I'd un-invent though? That's tricky...

My friends said "laptops with speakers on the bottom" and "plastic"



Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/3 20:04:47 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: more like once a year.
and no we don't really participate in other activities.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/4 14:05:46 )
@Alchemists Fire: Hi. Good morning! You have some interesting thoughts about what to dis-invent! I love it! <3 It is definitely an interesting question, isn't it? I'm with you on the wanting more to dis-invent concepts more than things... like, I'd want to get rid of the type of ego that lends itself to "evil" - the kind that lends itself to manipulation of others for personal gain or similar behaviors or results (not the kind of ego that is a healthy self-confidence). A thing that I'd like to dis-invent... that's harder for me to choose because most of the things humans have invented are just tools in one form or another, and it's really the way people use them that can sometimes make them less-than-positive due to that whole ego thing^^. I can get on board with dis-inventing laptops with speakers on the bottom, though... XD

@MoodyB: Yeah, you've mentioned that you guys don't tend to get out much, but the balloon festival sounds like a whole lot of fun! ... and once a year is good :3 I was asking because I know there are groups that do that kind of thing semi-regularly and wasn't sure if that was the case near you.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/4 14:12:26 )

Good morning!

What does your day today look like? Do you have any interesting plans or activities going on?

I'm going to try to follow up with a couple unfinished creative projects, do a little more research for my garden and hopefully figure out the best way to boost the nutrients in the soil sand, and try not to worry about my dog who's currently at the vet getting a fleshy growth removed from his foot. Beyond that, it'll be a trip to get a few groceries (probably), and the usual cooking and cleaning up around the house. Pretty boring stuff, tbh.

But, let's post another random question, huh? ------------------------------------> What is the wackiest thing you ever did to help a friend?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/4 15:11:16 )
@Wildfire: lol sounds like we married similar people.
HA! you'll have to let me know if spinning around 5 times and asking the garden to grow works. lol C:

I've had a weird week. o3o" My sister and [not her kid]niece showed up and surprised me for a day. That was fun. Then the house bathroom flooded, which I managed pretty well on my own, I just need to go bleach the floor sometime soon.
And my kids have been acting out this week. :T My daughter is hitting that stage where she just wants to play girly games and doesn't want to be around her brother 24/7 anymore. He's pretty upset about it and hates that things are changing.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/4 17:03:19 )
@Wildfire: Ooh, I like the idea of dis-inventing that kind of ego!
Another idea one of my friends came up with is un-inventing guns, and I agree, I don't even like them when used as tools.
Same friend suggested uninventing the concept of capitalism.

Ooh, I'd love to hear about your creative projects! I have a bunch of things I'd like to do as well, but there never seems to be enough time xD
I just had a long weekend and it was too hot to do anything T_T

Wackiest thing done to help a friend... maybe bought an expensive hobby item from them? (hobby we both share)
Actually, I've done that a couple times for two different friends for the same hobby xDDD


Currently dressed for Halloween

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/08/4 18:19:22 )
@Koah: it does sound like we found similar people, doesn't it? XD
Yeah, I'm not sure about the turning 'round in circles things, but it's worth a shot! XD I did some testing and surprise surprise! Although my soil sand is fairly neutral pH (not ideal, but not horrible, for growing veggies), there are very few actual nutrients showing up in it. So now I apparently get to play with compost and fertilizers (more than I have been). In the heat. And humidity. Fun.

Oh no! Your poor son. That's a rough stage. I don't think any of us (me or my two boys) managed that one without a couple scrapes...

It definitely sounds like a weird week for you...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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