Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)
It's my birthday, but I can't really enjoy it. The past two weeks have been a blur. I just need to get this off my chest because I can't stress my family out more by talking to them. I'm doing the best I can, but it's been stressful.
My father tried to take his own life, for a week they tested to see if he'd make it. Last week, they pulled the plug on his life support because there was no brain activity. It was his birthday. My mother stepped in as my replacement to sign off on it because I couldn't do it. The other day I signed for what I had to since I'm the oldest child. I'm still trying to process what could have gone through his mind. I'm grieving, but I know he saved three people since he was an organ donor and one of them went to research.
I've been mentally exhausted by everything that has followed. School is starting for my kid so I have to help him get ready and catch up on everything but I'm just so tired.