@Wildfire: My day's going okay, pretty quiet and now it's almost over!! I guess this was posted like 7 hours ago so at that time I was just starting work xD
I had a little luck with the orbs and crates, although I got a bunch of duplicates I don't need xD There's still one more item I wouldn't mind having, but I think I'm gonna hold off on spending any more Ohms for now.
Oh, the BJD stuff, yeah xD
I usually try not to buy pieces, because finding bodies can be a real pain (skin tone matching between different companies is tricky). The recent purchases were two heads and a body, and in this case the body I bought matches one of the two heads I bought (same company, same size)
The other head is a second face for a character I'm already working on - basically he'll have two different looks, and the second head will actually be easier to skin tone match a body for, thank goodness.
I really should be focusing on getting bodies for the "floating heads" I have, since there's still 4 of them xD I think what's slowing me down now is a combination of trying to colour-match the heads to bodies I like the look and size of.
The other thing I should really be working on is figuring out what the heads who currently have blank faces are going to look like. A couple of them I've been fussing over trying to figure out since like 2015...
@MoodyB: Yeah, I had forgotten about your knee. How's it doing - still healing? When are you going to see the balloons?
@Alchemists Fire: That sounds challenging, actually... trying to match up heads with other appendages, etc. - especially if the skin tones and body parts vary a bit between makers (which would be expected). So do you create the faces - like paint them once you've decided on eyeballs... or what?? Needless to say, I know nothing about this particular hobby.

@Alchemists Fire: That sounds challenging, actually... trying to match up heads with other appendages, etc. - especially if the skin tones and body parts vary a bit between makers (which would be expected). So do you create the faces - like paint them once you've decided on eyeballs... or what?? Needless to say, I know nothing about this particular hobby.

@Wildfire: It definitely is!!
Generally in the hobby things are sold either as full dolls, or heads and bodies. You don't have to try and source individual appendages xD But yes, skin tones and the way bodies look vary between makers - think of them as individual sculptures basically. I could post links/photos, but the bodies are typically shown naked so it's awkward ^^;
The heads have 3D facial features, but you create the eyebrows, lip colour, makeup, etc. - in the hobby we call it a "faceup" The eyes can be changed out, and hair is wigs rather than rooted like a Barbie or Monster High or whatever =)
I don't do the faces myself, don't have the talent, so I send mine out to a faceup artist. There's one particular artist I love working with, so I think most of my heads are gonna go to her ^^
Generally in the hobby things are sold either as full dolls, or heads and bodies. You don't have to try and source individual appendages xD But yes, skin tones and the way bodies look vary between makers - think of them as individual sculptures basically. I could post links/photos, but the bodies are typically shown naked so it's awkward ^^;
The heads have 3D facial features, but you create the eyebrows, lip colour, makeup, etc. - in the hobby we call it a "faceup" The eyes can be changed out, and hair is wigs rather than rooted like a Barbie or Monster High or whatever =)
I don't do the faces myself, don't have the talent, so I send mine out to a faceup artist. There's one particular artist I love working with, so I think most of my heads are gonna go to her ^^
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: it's healing slowly.
still a bit tender so I have to keep icing it.
really hard to keep it straight as it hurts my hip lol
balloons starts first week in September I believe.

@Wildfire: it's healing slowly.
still a bit tender so I have to keep icing it.
really hard to keep it straight as it hurts my hip lol
balloons starts first week in September I believe.
@Alchemists Fire: that's interesting... and a bit complicated-sounding (but most hobbies sound complicated, don't they?). Thanks for explaining. Don't worry about posting photos - I can always do an online search if I'm that curious... and I'm sure that I've seen them before - it has just been a while :3
@MoodyB: wow - you really wrenched it, didn't you? I'm sorry to hear you're still in so much pain from that injury, but it does sound like it's slowly healing, so that's good. :3

@MoodyB: wow - you really wrenched it, didn't you? I'm sorry to hear you're still in so much pain from that injury, but it does sound like it's slowly healing, so that's good. :3

Good morning. :3
It's time for another random question!! ----------------------------> What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: well considering it was way worse this time? Yeah...
and it tried dislocated again when I slept.so lots of ice and rest.
last time I had this injury I didn't even rest. I just went To GED class. so this time I'm taking better precautions.

@Wildfire: well considering it was way worse this time? Yeah...
and it tried dislocated again when I slept.so lots of ice and rest.
last time I had this injury I didn't even rest. I just went To GED class. so this time I'm taking better precautions.
@Wildfire: Yeah, it is kinda complicated, but thankfully there's a pretty good sized community online and folks are generally willing to take resin match photos and stuff like that to help ^^
If you're gonna search online, one of my favourite companies is Resinsoul. I have a Mei, a Ju, 3 Songs (different colours), 2 Ai (twins), a Long, a Ni, and a Yu
If you wanna search and look at a variety of dolls, like from different companies, a couple of good sites are Alice's Collections and Denver Doll Emporium. These sites both act as dealers for a number of different companies, and should have lots of different ones you can look at =)
I realized I asked about creative hobbies and didn't mention my other ones. I also make chainmaille jewellery, I love to doodle Zentangle-style things, and I'm learning to make friendship bracelets and how to knit!
If you're gonna search online, one of my favourite companies is Resinsoul. I have a Mei, a Ju, 3 Songs (different colours), 2 Ai (twins), a Long, a Ni, and a Yu
If you wanna search and look at a variety of dolls, like from different companies, a couple of good sites are Alice's Collections and Denver Doll Emporium. These sites both act as dealers for a number of different companies, and should have lots of different ones you can look at =)
I realized I asked about creative hobbies and didn't mention my other ones. I also make chainmaille jewellery, I love to doodle Zentangle-style things, and I'm learning to make friendship bracelets and how to knit!
@Wildfire: I'm doing okay. Mentally preparing myself for the week I have ahead of me. I have payroll and resident billing coming up, and then I have family flying in from Idaho on Friday. Still have to do a bunch of cleaning and decluttering to get ready for them.
How about you?
How about you?
@MoodyB: it sounds like you need more and better precautions and care this time - especially if you've already been through this once, and this time is so much worse than the last time.
@Alchemists Fire: cool - thanks for providing the links. Chainmail jewelry can be lovely, and I imagine it's a fun thing to do with your hands during otherwise "idle" time. Knitting is fun too ... there's just not much use for it where I am, so I never pursued it a whole lot.
@Aisukohi: it sounds like you have a few things going on in your corner of the world right now. I get ya with the mental preparation stuff... somehow that's harder than the actual event sometimes :3 Good luck.
I'm doing ok, thanks. I'm in the middle of a gazillion different things and trying to stave off the mental exhaustion from constantly switching back and forth, tbh, but other than that, I'm doing fairly well.

@Alchemists Fire: cool - thanks for providing the links. Chainmail jewelry can be lovely, and I imagine it's a fun thing to do with your hands during otherwise "idle" time. Knitting is fun too ... there's just not much use for it where I am, so I never pursued it a whole lot.
@Aisukohi: it sounds like you have a few things going on in your corner of the world right now. I get ya with the mental preparation stuff... somehow that's harder than the actual event sometimes :3 Good luck.
I'm doing ok, thanks. I'm in the middle of a gazillion different things and trying to stave off the mental exhaustion from constantly switching back and forth, tbh, but other than that, I'm doing fairly well.

@Wildfire: You're welcome! I thought it was a good idea in case you did wanna look into it to know some actual places to look rather than just wandering lost in a google search. Recasts are also a big issue, and I didn't wanna see you get swept up in that mess =)
I think the whole "keeping my hands busy" is part of the reason I love making chainmaille, somewhere to channel my "I can't sit still" energy that isn't just playing on my phone. The only thing I find is if I try to chainmaille and watch something at the same time that my attention gets pulled to the show rather than my weaving. Works a lot better for me with music/a podcast/an audiobook, hehe.
Knitting is another great "keep my hands busy" option. We do have winter here, but it never gets super-cold. I'm gonna try and knit some basic scarves for fun, and maybe I'll get to wear one if I'm using transit to get to work again this winter.
I think the whole "keeping my hands busy" is part of the reason I love making chainmaille, somewhere to channel my "I can't sit still" energy that isn't just playing on my phone. The only thing I find is if I try to chainmaille and watch something at the same time that my attention gets pulled to the show rather than my weaving. Works a lot better for me with music/a podcast/an audiobook, hehe.
Knitting is another great "keep my hands busy" option. We do have winter here, but it never gets super-cold. I'm gonna try and knit some basic scarves for fun, and maybe I'll get to wear one if I'm using transit to get to work again this winter.
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: that's why I'm on bed rest for 6 weeks. it takes that much time to heal this type of injury.
then I basically gotta do physical therapy

@Wildfire: that's why I'm on bed rest for 6 weeks. it takes that much time to heal this type of injury.
then I basically gotta do physical therapy
@Totalanimefan: Hey Total - how are you doing?
My av? Awww... thanks! <3
@Alchemists Fire: Yeah, I get the whole divided attention, slightly "twitchy" hands thing. It's one of the reasons why I took up knitting to begin with - just to have something to do that was fairly mindless while I had to be helping the kids with schoolwork, waiting for them to ask questions or whatever. :3
Thanks for saving me from the onslaught of rabbitholes and sidebars! XD
@MoodyB: It always amazes me how much time it can sometimes take for an injury to really heal... but it also surprises me exactly what the body can heal from sometimes too!

My av? Awww... thanks! <3
@Alchemists Fire: Yeah, I get the whole divided attention, slightly "twitchy" hands thing. It's one of the reasons why I took up knitting to begin with - just to have something to do that was fairly mindless while I had to be helping the kids with schoolwork, waiting for them to ask questions or whatever. :3
Thanks for saving me from the onslaught of rabbitholes and sidebars! XD
@MoodyB: It always amazes me how much time it can sometimes take for an injury to really heal... but it also surprises me exactly what the body can heal from sometimes too!

Also, good morning everyone.
(<------ it seems like a "cold pizza for breakfast" kind of day to me so far :3 )
What is on your "to do list" today?
I have some menu planning to do, some cooking and general preparation for the next week, but I also have some creative experiments to do, some cleaning up around the house, etc. And I'm guessing that I'm going to have to go get my son from a friend's house (an hour away) but we'll see about that.
I still haven't gotten any orbs or orb items... I should probably change that :3

What is on your "to do list" today?
I have some menu planning to do, some cooking and general preparation for the next week, but I also have some creative experiments to do, some cleaning up around the house, etc. And I'm guessing that I'm going to have to go get my son from a friend's house (an hour away) but we'll see about that.
I still haven't gotten any orbs or orb items... I should probably change that :3

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: for real. makes Me glad I never broke a bone. tho a pain to heal right smack in the middle of summer.

@Wildfire: for real. makes Me glad I never broke a bone. tho a pain to heal right smack in the middle of summer.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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@Wildfire: Today has been a good day, at least. A nice calm day at work, which is something I'm totally not used to lol. Usually I'm always putting out little fires, so today was nice. Switching back and forth? Sounds like my normal day at work too. xD Hope your week goes well for you.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811
@Wildfire: I'm very much divided attention right now as I'm playing D&D and also trying to update my commons wishlist xDDD
I think my biggest problem is I keep updating it in a spreadsheet instead of in my thread, so the thread's getting out of date.
I got up to like 15k Volts and I've now spent like 10k, haha, so it's time to do some posting again!
I think my biggest problem is I keep updating it in a spreadsheet instead of in my thread, so the thread's getting out of date.
I got up to like 15k Volts and I've now spent like 10k, haha, so it's time to do some posting again!
@MoodyB: Yeah... it didn't look like much fun when my son broke his arm.
@Aisukohi: Thanks Aisu. Yeah, it seems like I'm always switching gears between at least a couple of different things. You too, huh? Congrats on the nice calm day at work! I hope you get more of them! :3
@Alchemists Fire: lol. Wishlists are tough to keep track of, imo... but a spreadsheet? Obviously, it seems to work for you (even if keeping the thread up to date is a little off), but that's far too organized for me! XD

@Aisukohi: Thanks Aisu. Yeah, it seems like I'm always switching gears between at least a couple of different things. You too, huh? Congrats on the nice calm day at work! I hope you get more of them! :3
@Alchemists Fire: lol. Wishlists are tough to keep track of, imo... but a spreadsheet? Obviously, it seems to work for you (even if keeping the thread up to date is a little off), but that's far too organized for me! XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
Guess who has covid. =w=

very not good

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.