Yessss noodles are so easy to make dishes out of! I never get tired of them or veggies.
But sometimes my body isn't satisfied if I ONLY eat that
I dont watch too many food videos, unless there's some comedic value. I cannot -stand- watching others eat, so if there's any of that (which usually there is?) I get grossed out lmao
We cook for ourselves every day to save $$ and be healthier, but long work hours make it hard to do anything fun. Sometimes we cook something with more effort but usually just quick easy meals. They tend to be a bit lackluster XD
last night I did a "wing it" night since we didn't meal prep much, so we dug through what we had to toss something random together.
Ended up with making hash browns, with jalapinos, bacon bits, and melted cheese on top. Ate that with sour cream and now thats all I wanna eat lmfao itssogood
(I think I defeated food aversions for now!)