I've had SO MUCH good sleep this past week! Even husband says it seems I've been extra sleepy, I sleep so much when I'm not at work. I postponed our plans for outings just to sleep more. Each week at work we have meetings and my boss starts us off by asking each person "what's going good for you this week?" in reference to personal goals and life stuff. Its a healthy practice I appreciate a lot, but my good thing of this week was nothing other than "MAN THE SLEEP IS GOOD" XD
I think my body just straight up needed a reset and it felt so good
Tomorrow husband and I get to go out to the big city and try some uber early christmas shopping! Then asian market to blow all our savings on good snacks (jk but I do usually lose a chunk of money there lmao)
I feel more energetic after my sleepy week so I'm very excited and very much in a good mood

Any of you have fun or casual plans this week??