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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/2 13:11:28 )
@Koah: oooof!! :( That's rough. I'm sorry to hear that, and that the vet had no real answers for you. I hope that things have resolved for you on that front between when you posted and now, and I really hope that whatever caused the seizure was something simple and unique... like she got in to something she shouldn't have, and there are no lasting repercussions.

You have had a rough summer, to be sure. I'm really sorry hun :(

Sorry on the late reply, btw. I've been busier than normal - mostly with my younger son. He is mostly home now, which is really good for him (he needs to decompress), but we're dealing with some drama and fall-out of his decisions over the last several months... and I'm acting as chauffeur now because he has no transportation (and I'm not letting him near my vehicle after his track record with his last 3)...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/2 13:18:08 )
So good morning everyone.

What's going on in your world?

I am playing chauffeur to my youngest son, trying to fine-tune some changes in my diet and doing more cooking again, trying to get back in the garden and prepare for Fall planting, trying to get back to doing more of my craft and creative projects, dealing with random pain and trying to get a little more active after largely sitting on my butt for the last couple of years... it's pretty much all good stuff, but it takes up the day pretty quickly.

... but we (Americans) have a holiday weekend this weekend....... and it won't change anything for me! LOL! But, what do you have planned for Labor Day weekend?? Are you doing anything fun?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/2 18:59:56 )
@Wildfire: I don't blame you for not letting him drive! XD
My dog regained what she lost from her seizures. Her training for the last 3 years went out the window. So recall was gone. e.e That has sucked, but she's coming back from that. She's more 'touchy' which is weird as hell. She's my aloof dog and she's seeking comfort and reassurance from her favorite people. Part of that is probably the meds she's on to prevent seizures. I'm going to start weening her off of them soon and see if the seizures are reaccuring or not.
I'm so freakin jumpy, always expecting her to seize.
School starts soon. I'm excited for the schedules to start.
I'm trying to regain control of my house. I rearranged upstairs since my upstairs renter is only using the bedroom/kitchen/bathroom now. With his lady gone, he doesn't want the living room space and he wants us to go upstairs more often because it's too quiet. I'm getting rid of a lot, too.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/2 19:46:51 )
@Koah: Awww... poor puppy! :( It's hard to see your pets go through things like that. We're dealing with medical stuff with one of our dogs* right now too, but it's nothing like dealing with the unexpectedness -and basic scariness!!- of seizures! I can definitely see why -and how- you'd be a little jumpy with that. I really hope it was a one-time thing and that she comes back mentally and physically, from the experience! Poor thing!

My dog had a growth on his toe removed and promptly popped the stitches, so the healing has been longer and ... weirder. We've had to change his bandages and monitor his pain levels/limping/pain meds and activity levels so he can heal properly, while making sure he doesn't eat the bandages. He has been pretty good about it and is healing, but still....

I hope you get a bit of a break from "life stress" when school gets back in :3 Are your elder kids doing anything particularly fun this year at school? Are they ready? Excited?

It sounds like your roomie is adjusting. Is it a good thing for you guys to have more space to use, or does it really matter in the scheme of things?

I'm trying to get rid of stuff too, but it seems to be a very slow process somehow. It's annoying, tbh.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/3 13:12:40 )

Good morning everyone. :3


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/3 15:34:57 )
@Wildfire: oh my gosh, I feel your pain. The same dog that is having issues now, she picked a fight with a marmot last year, and it bit into her paw pretty bad. We had to bandage it up and tape a sock up to her... elbow. elbow?
I don't really need the space upstairs, but it is nice to know it's cleaned up if I have people visiting. Getting rid of things is a bonus. One of my un-easiness feelings is the fact my husband switched jobs so fast and we live in a smaller town.
I'm somewhat down-sizing.. in case we need to move. I don't think we will, but it would put my mind at ease that I'm not sitting on a bunch of stuff that I don't have intentions of keeping. My donation pile is taking over my dining room. lol. cx

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/4 12:51:34 )
@Koah: Yeah... and keeping them from gnawing on the bandage, etc. /eyeroll/ So this same dog of yours is just looking to cause trouble, huh? XD I'm so sorry she's dealing with seizures now (and you too!). Dogs are the strangest pets sometimes...

Are you thinking that moving might be a possibility because of hubby's new job? Is it that far away, or is it just shuffling your finances around so much that it might have that big an impact?

Regardless of the reasons, decluttering is a nice thing - it feels good to know that the stuff you have is actually stuff you need and want, instead of stuff you've just accumulated for one reason or another :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/4 12:53:42 )
Today's morning menu:
---> option #1:
---> option #2:
... which are you choosing today?

I definitely choose option #2. It just seems to be a day for it :3

Good morning.
How are you today?
What's new?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/4 18:53:01 )
@Wildfire: i hope your doggo recovers quickly too. <3
I don't know, honestly. Financials are pretty much the same as the previous job currently. That's subject to change soon, for the better. But my husband never being home definitely puts me in a position of wanting to be closer to family.
However, our home needs quite a bit of updating before we even think of selling. I do like my house and neighborhood, so i don't want to imagine leaving.
For now, just downsizing and getting rid of things puts my mind at ease.

Baby is teething now. So! Lots of coffee for me.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/5 13:14:27 )
@Koah: That's understandable. I really hope things work out - maybe you can find a new household rhythm that works... but I feel ya on the simplifying thing, and I'm glad it's bringing you some relief.

I need to do a lot of that myself, actually... for mental and physical sanity... only we've been in one spot now for a long enough time to accumulate and not necessarily declutter (because the higher priority was always raising the kids and everything that went along with that), so it's hard to know where or how to begin. And I have a lot of different interests and projects, which take time, and sometimes, materials or tools.... Ugh. I'm stopping now. I'll get to a point where things just need to go and it'll probably all go at once XD

Anyway.... teething? Ugh. Poor baby. Poor YOU! *hugs*


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/5 13:15:18 )

Good morning.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/09/8 12:28:15 )
Good morning, good morning...

question#1: How are you?
question#2: What's going on in your corner of the world today?
question#3: ... and... random question ------------------> Would you rather live (permanently) in a roller coaster park or a zoo?

My answers:
#1: I'm currently tired and trying to wake up, but doing ok overall.
#2: Today, I'm supposed to meet a friend for coffee, I have some groceries to get, some laundry to do and I really should try to do some gardening but it's not even 7:30am and the glass on the windows is steamed up, indicating that it's really humid out there... so we'll see what happens and when :3
#3: I think that I'd rather live permanently in a zoo than in a roller coaster or theme park. Either would take quite some getting used to, though! XD :3

Sorry I haven't been around much lately - there has been some chaos going on that I've had to deal with, sort through, etc....


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 13:42:05 )
@Borealis: Oh - Hi! Sorry about the late reply... I didn't see the notification on the thread of a reply and I didn't get a ping.
I'm with you on the zoo versus the amusement park. I'd much rather be around animals 24/7 than deal with roller coasters and everything that goes with them. :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 13:43:12 )
Good morning.

Everyone seems to be so busy lately!! What have you been up to?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 15:00:23 )
Well I heard some stuff at work, that I cannot talk about to my best friend because she also works at the same place I do. And it needs purging. Ugh.
One of my coworkers is going to be let go soon, and another HR is getting involved with that. First one has been making a lot of mistakes due to physical and mental limitations, and unfortunately his job is just too demanding and vaguely dangerous for us to keep in that position. If he worked at one of the bigger donation centers with multiple attendants he would do better. But in our tiny donation center, it's only one attendant to take care of donors and do other stuff. Saturday he accidentally set the alarm to the store while the store was still open. My friend that I can't talk to, told me that they had to be walked through disarming it via phone call with the manager. Then the police showed up. The second one is the information cannot share, and should not have. While I was reporting some of the problems over our weekend with the manager out of town, I added that Coworker 2 may need to be reminded that she doesn't have to kill herself for our store. But they've already had the conversation a few times. I walked in on her sobbing from the pain in her back. She threw it out years ago, and it has been causing massive problems lately. We aren't sure she can still physically do her job anymore.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 16:40:24 )
@Another Movie Addict: Wow! That is quite the bit of drama at the store!
Other than being a bit frustrating to you and being naturally a bit chaotic as these people and positions transition, does this affect you directly in any way?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 18:19:03 )
Not really unless we let go of coworker 2. Because that would leave just me as the only trained person who can do anything.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/13 23:32:36 )
@Another Movie Addict: Well that would definitely increase the pressure on you


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/15 12:30:35 )
Good morning.

How are you today?
What's new?
What has been keeping you busy??

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/09/15 14:43:19 )
Howdy howdy

I am groggy from just waking up.


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