I am a somewhat new DM and I love doing homebrewed campaigns. I would absolutely love to discuss with other players and DMs about ideas or anything fun that has happened in previous campaigns. Also just general D&D talk. Sometime in the near future I'll post dice that I've made too! I just got a resin dice making kit and when I get an area to do it I'll be happy to share my results.
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Aaah! I love dnd!!
My best friend got me into dnd bc she joined a group and aperently it sucked so bad she said "fine ill do it myself" and has since been DMing. Im ofc the longest staying member but later on we invited another friend and they have been staying aswel! Ive been playing for 2 years this month! We only play online sadly bc it would just be a way to big hastle to get a group togeter lol.
Sadly recently there was some drama in the group and 2 ppl needed to be kicked out due to bad behaviour and being overall shitty ppl... But our friend asked if one of their friends can join + theres already a mutual who wants to join aswel!
Ive made MANY characters, i played a few for oneshots and only 2 for 2 difr campaigns.
A lil about my first character: His name is Wendell, hes a short pink tiefling sorcerer. In campaign he got dubbed "the twink" bc he wore high heeled thigh boots and well, was a bit fem and sassy. I loved playing this character, his int was high but wis low. He came from a rich family, the oldest son with 7 brothers and a single sister. He was the next in line to take over the family bussines. One day his sister got kidnaped and he went on his way to save her (dispite being quiete useless at surviving on his own lmao). Backstory wise that was it since he was my first character i din put alot og thought in and just had fun. Later on in the campaign he acidently brought a lil glowshroom to life and dubbed him "my son". Wendell brought him everywhere in a lil babypouch. Here you can see pics of him
The character im curently playing is called Gwilym, hes... also a tiefling but this time half dragonborn! (ive made way too many tieflings at this point aaaa). Well hes a dark purple/grey half tiefling half dragonborn, ive also decided to multiclass as a bard and a rogue (and ive been playing like a fighter on steroids lmao). This time the character has well thought out backstory! I wont go in all detail but in short: His father prior to having gwilym made a deal with a demon, to convert everybody to praise him and make a vesel so the demon can roam around again. So gwilym was born and raised to be this vesel, sadly he was to weak, the demon grew tired and made the father kill the family. Gwilym managed to escape and later on joins a whole parade of traveling entertainers. Mother raised him further (Mother is a drag queen and also was kinda the head of teh whole thing). Sadly after many years his father got to him again, seeing his second family masacred, he got one of the mount dogs (theyre horse sized dogs) and ran away. Fast forward to now where hes trying to find his "aunt" aka one of the entertain ppl who helped raise him but later left bc she wanted to become a pirate. Hes had trouble opening up to ppl again and had alot of suport of the mount dog whos called Ypi. Hes been hiding his face bc hes terrified his father will find him again. Campaign wise hes adopted a lil pocket sheep (its a sheep... but pocket sized, who he dubbed Blair. Both Ypi and Blair are isnpired by animals i used to have). Due to things in the past (the demon ect) hes now terrified of any kind of feline and dragonoid creatures... just so happens the party has a leonin lol. Instead of acting scared he was rather mean to him. But after Gwilym became friends witha lil Goblin and the Leonin helped out with the Goblin proposing to an elf, Gwilym understood the Leoning might not be that bad (even tho teh Leoning accidently cut his ear twice in a row bc he missed in battle lol). Here you can see pics of him
Weve also started recording our sessions, for now its mainly for ourselves to look back on later or see what happend lats week. But the DM does plan to edit them and slowly start uploading the on YT. The only video i can share in this 3.30 min video thats a compilation of the DM screaming and some funny moments lol: The video!
So uh... yea i like DND alot lol
My best friend got me into dnd bc she joined a group and aperently it sucked so bad she said "fine ill do it myself" and has since been DMing. Im ofc the longest staying member but later on we invited another friend and they have been staying aswel! Ive been playing for 2 years this month! We only play online sadly bc it would just be a way to big hastle to get a group togeter lol.
Sadly recently there was some drama in the group and 2 ppl needed to be kicked out due to bad behaviour and being overall shitty ppl... But our friend asked if one of their friends can join + theres already a mutual who wants to join aswel!
Ive made MANY characters, i played a few for oneshots and only 2 for 2 difr campaigns.
A lil about my first character: His name is Wendell, hes a short pink tiefling sorcerer. In campaign he got dubbed "the twink" bc he wore high heeled thigh boots and well, was a bit fem and sassy. I loved playing this character, his int was high but wis low. He came from a rich family, the oldest son with 7 brothers and a single sister. He was the next in line to take over the family bussines. One day his sister got kidnaped and he went on his way to save her (dispite being quiete useless at surviving on his own lmao). Backstory wise that was it since he was my first character i din put alot og thought in and just had fun. Later on in the campaign he acidently brought a lil glowshroom to life and dubbed him "my son". Wendell brought him everywhere in a lil babypouch. Here you can see pics of him
The character im curently playing is called Gwilym, hes... also a tiefling but this time half dragonborn! (ive made way too many tieflings at this point aaaa). Well hes a dark purple/grey half tiefling half dragonborn, ive also decided to multiclass as a bard and a rogue (and ive been playing like a fighter on steroids lmao). This time the character has well thought out backstory! I wont go in all detail but in short: His father prior to having gwilym made a deal with a demon, to convert everybody to praise him and make a vesel so the demon can roam around again. So gwilym was born and raised to be this vesel, sadly he was to weak, the demon grew tired and made the father kill the family. Gwilym managed to escape and later on joins a whole parade of traveling entertainers. Mother raised him further (Mother is a drag queen and also was kinda the head of teh whole thing). Sadly after many years his father got to him again, seeing his second family masacred, he got one of the mount dogs (theyre horse sized dogs) and ran away. Fast forward to now where hes trying to find his "aunt" aka one of the entertain ppl who helped raise him but later left bc she wanted to become a pirate. Hes had trouble opening up to ppl again and had alot of suport of the mount dog whos called Ypi. Hes been hiding his face bc hes terrified his father will find him again. Campaign wise hes adopted a lil pocket sheep (its a sheep... but pocket sized, who he dubbed Blair. Both Ypi and Blair are isnpired by animals i used to have). Due to things in the past (the demon ect) hes now terrified of any kind of feline and dragonoid creatures... just so happens the party has a leonin lol. Instead of acting scared he was rather mean to him. But after Gwilym became friends witha lil Goblin and the Leonin helped out with the Goblin proposing to an elf, Gwilym understood the Leoning might not be that bad (even tho teh Leoning accidently cut his ear twice in a row bc he missed in battle lol). Here you can see pics of him
Weve also started recording our sessions, for now its mainly for ourselves to look back on later or see what happend lats week. But the DM does plan to edit them and slowly start uploading the on YT. The only video i can share in this 3.30 min video thats a compilation of the DM screaming and some funny moments lol: The video!
So uh... yea i like DND alot lol
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
It is sooooo hard to find a steady group. Back when I lived in Tennessee I had a steady group, but my husband and I moved to Tennessee and due to schedule conflicts we had a hard time keeping the group up even online. I found some friends up here and we're small and my brother comes up once a month to play with all of us so starting the 26th we're gonna meet monthly to play til everyone's done. It sucks when you get bad toxic players. You don't know til you start playing how horrible they are and if the campaign focuses on backstories it makes it hella annoying for the dm. That happened to one of my campaigns and then I had to completely cut out a huge part of the story and alter it to make it fit.
I absolutely LOVE your characters! You would be so fun to play with. I've been a player a few times but not as much as I'd like. Unfortunately I haven't found anyone interested in running a campaign. I like DMing but I like being a player too. My favorite characters I've played have been Urog the Sand-speaker, smartest orc of his tribe with a 6 intelligence score who was cursed with any kind of intelligence roll. For some reason anytime I rolled any intelligence based roll for him I would get a 1-3 leading to some very interesting and hilarious results such as his logic of wandering the desert "you gotta keep an eye out for baby krakens. Little known fact, krakens are born in the desert and then they migrate to the ocean." I had a voice for him and everything and coincidentally he started in a one shot and became a main character for other campaigns. I do bring him back every now and then as an npc just to keep his spirit alive.
Another character I made was Tragedy the Tiefling. She was my first serious character back when my group had doubts about me playing a leader role and I killed it with her. I just like silly characters when I can play them. But she was a homebrew reconstruction wizard so her evocation spells would heal for half the rolled amount if I chose to do so. But I lead the party through many situations where we should have died and legitimately earned the loyalty of the other players. As her name suggests, she had a very tragic backstory too. I forget all of it cause it's been a few years since I played but she was born in a traveling theatre troupe to a human mother who had originally named her Love and I believe an incurable plague took everyone out but it was something magical that she had unleashed on them for the price of the knowledge that she found in an ancient tome that allowed her to become a wizard so she goes by Tragedy and dedicates her magic to helping others rather than destroying things and will maintain the name until she can forgive herself. That's the rough backstory for her.
We're probably gonna record our sessions as well and make them into a podcast. I'll definitely check out your sessions and follow. Fantasy High is one of my favorite youtube campaigns. I absolutely love D&D as well.
I absolutely LOVE your characters! You would be so fun to play with. I've been a player a few times but not as much as I'd like. Unfortunately I haven't found anyone interested in running a campaign. I like DMing but I like being a player too. My favorite characters I've played have been Urog the Sand-speaker, smartest orc of his tribe with a 6 intelligence score who was cursed with any kind of intelligence roll. For some reason anytime I rolled any intelligence based roll for him I would get a 1-3 leading to some very interesting and hilarious results such as his logic of wandering the desert "you gotta keep an eye out for baby krakens. Little known fact, krakens are born in the desert and then they migrate to the ocean." I had a voice for him and everything and coincidentally he started in a one shot and became a main character for other campaigns. I do bring him back every now and then as an npc just to keep his spirit alive.
Another character I made was Tragedy the Tiefling. She was my first serious character back when my group had doubts about me playing a leader role and I killed it with her. I just like silly characters when I can play them. But she was a homebrew reconstruction wizard so her evocation spells would heal for half the rolled amount if I chose to do so. But I lead the party through many situations where we should have died and legitimately earned the loyalty of the other players. As her name suggests, she had a very tragic backstory too. I forget all of it cause it's been a few years since I played but she was born in a traveling theatre troupe to a human mother who had originally named her Love and I believe an incurable plague took everyone out but it was something magical that she had unleashed on them for the price of the knowledge that she found in an ancient tome that allowed her to become a wizard so she goes by Tragedy and dedicates her magic to helping others rather than destroying things and will maintain the name until she can forgive herself. That's the rough backstory for her.
We're probably gonna record our sessions as well and make them into a podcast. I'll definitely check out your sessions and follow. Fantasy High is one of my favorite youtube campaigns. I absolutely love D&D as well.
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Toastaphonix: Urog the Sand-speaker sounds AMAZING!
Tragedy sounds intresting aswel!
My friend also mentions shed love to play sometimes instead of DM and weve joined some oneshots made by ppl in our group but not alot.
My main problem with DND is that it encourages me to make even more characters (ive been making characters since i was a lil kid, ive always been into worldbuilding ect).
My favorite race is ofc tieflings, I know canonicly they arent but i like that ppl just make them in all colors of the rainbow lol. I had trouble sharing my characters backstory and DND has helped me with that alot.
I havnt watched in awhile but i used to watch critical role! (i kinda stopped at the part where Dorian left bc my life just got too busy).
I help my friend out alot with making NPCs, it helps that i have a very bad memory (due to ADHD) so when the character actually gets instroduced ive forgotten most of them lol. I do must say i dont get any benefits for being her best friend lol (wich is good i dont want that!) i just get to help coming up with like merchants or new species since its also a homebrew. The Goblins in this campaign are based on my view of goblins (u can see 2 in my signature), theyre fluffy, small humanoid, like shiny things, overall arent evil just chaotic, and a lore piece i love is that they propose by either finding or making a button for the one they love.
Tragedy sounds intresting aswel!
My friend also mentions shed love to play sometimes instead of DM and weve joined some oneshots made by ppl in our group but not alot.
My main problem with DND is that it encourages me to make even more characters (ive been making characters since i was a lil kid, ive always been into worldbuilding ect).
My favorite race is ofc tieflings, I know canonicly they arent but i like that ppl just make them in all colors of the rainbow lol. I had trouble sharing my characters backstory and DND has helped me with that alot.
I havnt watched in awhile but i used to watch critical role! (i kinda stopped at the part where Dorian left bc my life just got too busy).
I help my friend out alot with making NPCs, it helps that i have a very bad memory (due to ADHD) so when the character actually gets instroduced ive forgotten most of them lol. I do must say i dont get any benefits for being her best friend lol (wich is good i dont want that!) i just get to help coming up with like merchants or new species since its also a homebrew. The Goblins in this campaign are based on my view of goblins (u can see 2 in my signature), theyre fluffy, small humanoid, like shiny things, overall arent evil just chaotic, and a lore piece i love is that they propose by either finding or making a button for the one they love.
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
I love your view on goblins. I do that quote a bit where I homebrew traits of races and such. As it says in the DM handbook it's just a guide to help you get started but you can imagine whatever the heck you want. Like I've had friendly liches before, less that they're evil but more they're given the chance to exact revenge via unholy powers from a neutral diety.
I understand how your friend feels. Outside of oneshots I don't get to play. One of my players said he might DM after he gets a better feel for the game. Him and his sister are new new players. I wish I had someone to help me with ideas sometimes. Kinda why I made this thread cause I absolutely love any and all ideas. I've even made some stuff out of memes like the spell Otto's Correct where you can turn a spell into something else. My favorite races are tied between tiefling and lizardfolk so almost all my campaigns have areas or key npcs featuring those two. Have you ever tried DMing? You would be a fun DM I think. You have some awesome ideas from what I've heard so far. Does your friend use pinterest? I've found quite a few cool monsters and magic items on there. One of my favorite items I found is a super sarcastic one to throw when your party keeps asking for magic items. It's a stone that basically does just normal stone stuff I'll have to flip through all my pins and find it again then I'll send it to you.
I understand how your friend feels. Outside of oneshots I don't get to play. One of my players said he might DM after he gets a better feel for the game. Him and his sister are new new players. I wish I had someone to help me with ideas sometimes. Kinda why I made this thread cause I absolutely love any and all ideas. I've even made some stuff out of memes like the spell Otto's Correct where you can turn a spell into something else. My favorite races are tied between tiefling and lizardfolk so almost all my campaigns have areas or key npcs featuring those two. Have you ever tried DMing? You would be a fun DM I think. You have some awesome ideas from what I've heard so far. Does your friend use pinterest? I've found quite a few cool monsters and magic items on there. One of my favorite items I found is a super sarcastic one to throw when your party keeps asking for magic items. It's a stone that basically does just normal stone stuff I'll have to flip through all my pins and find it again then I'll send it to you.
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Toastaphonix: I have considerd DMing a Oneshot, but thinking of actually doing it mkes my anxiety kicks in lol. It also sucks that the idea i had would make it so one of my friends couldnt join in and i dont wanna rly exclude them. My idea was a horror mystery, somebodys gone missing and the party would need to find out where they are all the while theres verry obvious clues laying around. It would lean heavely on the uncanny aspect of horror. But like i said, one of my friends is terrified of anything scary and im not one to push anything on anybody lol. Ontop of that The DM has actually sugested me not to so i can focus on other things first. But perhaps when im in a better state of mind id like to try it one day
My friend absolutly uses pinterest lol, whenever shes looking she tells me shes into the void again and sents me several fun things lol.
Wich reminds me, we have several homebrew rules! To name a few:
-If you make a horny joke or comment you get put into horny jail. In battle that means for one turn you cant move and have a disadvantage on all roles. Out of batle you just have disadvantage on rolls. However theres a merchant that sells "get out of jail" cards where you can use it before your act and not be throw in horny jail.
-After using all your spell slots you can still cast, but you have to roll a D20 to see if you succeed, if you don't the spell explodes on you and you take the damage or effect of said spell.
-When rolling a nat one in battle you will hit the closest standing party member, and have to roll a d4 for damage.
-When standing close to each other in battle, one can hold their action to make a combo attack with the other, Combining and doubling the damage and potentially combining the effect it gives on a successful attack role.
My character is in possesion of some homebrew items aswel tho!
A key that can be used on any door, but everytime you use it you forget somebody
A lock that can be opend by you but anybody that tries to pick it gets disadvantage on it
With the aproval of the DM i was allowed to make my own bag of tricks! I went over each one and changed animals acording to what she thought was fair. So what in it is: Lizard, Axe Beak, Octopus, Jackal, Crocodile, Lynx, Flying snake... and one i had to beg for an Allosaurus lol. Just a couple of sessions ago in a heated battle i summoned one... and got an Octopus... with no sea or body of water nearby... It was hillarious to say the least lmao.
My friend has a mimic sword, wich once a day can turn into any sword like item but has to be fed metals to do so
Some other homebrew stuff
Theres also a merchant called Pigeon... They are like a humaoind pigeon yea. And they basicly just sell trash. However some of the trash can be combined to form an item thats useful
Theres a 1 in a ??? change that if you have a bag of holding this kind of cryptid bag mosnter can come out, its aperently not friendly lol
In pretty much the first session of campaign 2 i started drawing these small creatures around the map and slowly theyve been getting lore. They are called Bug Wazowskis (yes inspired by Mike Wazowski) are roughly the size of an open hand, are black but have 1 big red eye, very small limbs with 1 horns (size depends from bug to big). They watch the partys everymove, but are no thread. Their dream is to join the party one day. At this point i try to draw them so small and in nooks n crannys and wait for ppl to notice them lol
My friend absolutly uses pinterest lol, whenever shes looking she tells me shes into the void again and sents me several fun things lol.
Wich reminds me, we have several homebrew rules! To name a few:
-If you make a horny joke or comment you get put into horny jail. In battle that means for one turn you cant move and have a disadvantage on all roles. Out of batle you just have disadvantage on rolls. However theres a merchant that sells "get out of jail" cards where you can use it before your act and not be throw in horny jail.
-After using all your spell slots you can still cast, but you have to roll a D20 to see if you succeed, if you don't the spell explodes on you and you take the damage or effect of said spell.
-When rolling a nat one in battle you will hit the closest standing party member, and have to roll a d4 for damage.
-When standing close to each other in battle, one can hold their action to make a combo attack with the other, Combining and doubling the damage and potentially combining the effect it gives on a successful attack role.
My character is in possesion of some homebrew items aswel tho!
A key that can be used on any door, but everytime you use it you forget somebody
A lock that can be opend by you but anybody that tries to pick it gets disadvantage on it
With the aproval of the DM i was allowed to make my own bag of tricks! I went over each one and changed animals acording to what she thought was fair. So what in it is: Lizard, Axe Beak, Octopus, Jackal, Crocodile, Lynx, Flying snake... and one i had to beg for an Allosaurus lol. Just a couple of sessions ago in a heated battle i summoned one... and got an Octopus... with no sea or body of water nearby... It was hillarious to say the least lmao.
My friend has a mimic sword, wich once a day can turn into any sword like item but has to be fed metals to do so
Some other homebrew stuff
Theres also a merchant called Pigeon... They are like a humaoind pigeon yea. And they basicly just sell trash. However some of the trash can be combined to form an item thats useful
Theres a 1 in a ??? change that if you have a bag of holding this kind of cryptid bag mosnter can come out, its aperently not friendly lol
In pretty much the first session of campaign 2 i started drawing these small creatures around the map and slowly theyve been getting lore. They are called Bug Wazowskis (yes inspired by Mike Wazowski) are roughly the size of an open hand, are black but have 1 big red eye, very small limbs with 1 horns (size depends from bug to big). They watch the partys everymove, but are no thread. Their dream is to join the party one day. At this point i try to draw them so small and in nooks n crannys and wait for ppl to notice them lol
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

I haven't taken the time to read all the messages yet, but I'd love to jump in on dnd talk. I recently got my soulmate into dnd and I've been showing him various shows and teaching him the dice rules and such. 5th edition at the moment. Not to much homebrew so he has a base to start with before I plunge him to deep down the rabbit hole.
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Shadami: My friend just pushed me into teh homebrew madness from the start lmao. But tbh in the begining everything is so confusing. But i learned trough playing and whenever i had questions everybody in my party helped out wich ive apreciated alot. I dont claim to be a master of it now but i can watch/read stuff ab DND and know what most terms mean lol
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
I might hit you up for some ideas when I hit a block. The campaign I'm running is very light to start and the story will kind of develop in the background and depending on the players will determine how fast they learn things. The main part is they're in a kingdom that is made primarily of three powerhouses. The elves to the west, the humans to the east, and the tieflings to the south. The official monarch is the tieflings but there's basically a fragile truce between the three that's keeping the peace and the title of monarch is just for diplomatic purposes for interactions between other kingdoms. The story's going to progress with them getting an offer from an elven noble to open an adventurer's guild so he can compete with his father's guild since he's kind of the black sheep of his family. While the party develops their guild and gets involved with the kingdom stuff behind the scenes will happen. Ancient demons get released and start corrupting the different kingdoms and there will be a timeline where things just get gradually worse and worse and they'll have chances to catch on earlier but it'll be up to their interpretation. Cryptic messages and such. Depending on how fast they catch on will cause it to be easier or harder. But I'm excited to see how it develops.
Your group sounds hella fun but I do feel bad for your friend who can't do horror stuff. I end up incorporating a lot of horror elements in my campaigns just because it gives that heart racing suspenseful feeling. When you are able to start running one shots I definitely want to hear about them. I hope things level out in your life soon. I hit my rock bottom mentally probably like 5 or 6 years ago and it was one heck of a climb out of that pit but it was a journey I had to do. I most likely can't understand what you're going through since we come from different walks but I do sympathize with you.
I can't imagine not doing homebrew stuff now that I've tasted it. I've made plenty of homebrew items and spells and it just makes it feel so much more personal and specialized to whatever kinds of campaigns you're running. It's as addictive as collecting dice. You guys have some fun rules. My biggest homebrew rule is the DM's curse. I enforce it when someone metagames or breaks character. I'm big into the roleplaying aspect, especially flaws. They're important and if you fail to act on them then you're killing crucial roleplaying moments. I am lenient though if you're new. I advise everyone new to play characters close to who they are so it makes it a bit easier to roleplay for them.
Your group sounds hella fun but I do feel bad for your friend who can't do horror stuff. I end up incorporating a lot of horror elements in my campaigns just because it gives that heart racing suspenseful feeling. When you are able to start running one shots I definitely want to hear about them. I hope things level out in your life soon. I hit my rock bottom mentally probably like 5 or 6 years ago and it was one heck of a climb out of that pit but it was a journey I had to do. I most likely can't understand what you're going through since we come from different walks but I do sympathize with you.
I can't imagine not doing homebrew stuff now that I've tasted it. I've made plenty of homebrew items and spells and it just makes it feel so much more personal and specialized to whatever kinds of campaigns you're running. It's as addictive as collecting dice. You guys have some fun rules. My biggest homebrew rule is the DM's curse. I enforce it when someone metagames or breaks character. I'm big into the roleplaying aspect, especially flaws. They're important and if you fail to act on them then you're killing crucial roleplaying moments. I am lenient though if you're new. I advise everyone new to play characters close to who they are so it makes it a bit easier to roleplay for them.
Welcome welcome, D&D honestly is like religious conversion lmao. I can't help but mention it and go into depth like preaching scriptures whenever anyone asks me what I do in my spare time. Especially the many many maaaannnyyyy dice. You can never have too many dice. Part of why I'm trying to get into dice forging. It's always great when you can share such a hobby with your s/o cause it's such a fun game to play. I definitely wanna hear about it when you introduce the homebrew stuff. It just expands the game so much. How long have you been playing and what size is your group? Also are you mostly DM, player, or both? Also speaking of 5th edition they're coming out with a revised 5th edition next year. Have you seen the preview for it?
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Toastaphonix: The lil lore you said was rly intresting!! I love seeing ppl talk about the worlds they create. How long do you think youve worked on your campaigns story? Also im definitly open to throw some ideas your way when needed :^D
Yea it does suck my friend isnt into horror, The DM and i are big into horror (mainly games) and its sad i cant rly share any of it with my friend ;;
Ill definitly talk about it when ill try to atempt any kind of DMing!!
I thank you for your sympathy, its definitly not easy. Especially since i was just coming out of my pit and stopped going to a psychologist (with their aproval) and fell in even deeper afterwards. I mainly have it hard that theres just no break lol, its like everyday something happens and i couldnt even deal with the last thing yet. But not to make this all negativity...
About homebrew, i got teh DM to add a new thing. The "bullshit roll", basicly once a session a player can ask to do this imposible thing (idk like go trough a portal, meet god and throw a rock at him. Or compleatly make up a spell at the spot ect) and if the player can convince the DM with a good reasen why you can roll for it.
Also a thing i should mention, theres this npc called "the postman". And as his name states, he delivers the post, except hes a deity of some kind. He has brought us post in the middle of a battle (where one of us then asked to send one of the enemys as a present to somebody and it worked lmao), Coming out of the toillet and out of bags ect. Its always great when he comes by
When starting campaign 2 i thought to play a compleatly difrent character then my first, hes more stoic and has been called grumpy alot, my friend calls him "the emo dude" lol. But that absolutly not who i am, and sometimes i cant help to crack in a joke. So ive already decided what to play if this character dies or next campaign (wich can be in quiet a long time...). A Changeling Monk disguised as an Elf Wizard. Just the thought of roleplaying why i cant/dont use magic is making me laugh so much.
Yea it does suck my friend isnt into horror, The DM and i are big into horror (mainly games) and its sad i cant rly share any of it with my friend ;;
Ill definitly talk about it when ill try to atempt any kind of DMing!!
I thank you for your sympathy, its definitly not easy. Especially since i was just coming out of my pit and stopped going to a psychologist (with their aproval) and fell in even deeper afterwards. I mainly have it hard that theres just no break lol, its like everyday something happens and i couldnt even deal with the last thing yet. But not to make this all negativity...
About homebrew, i got teh DM to add a new thing. The "bullshit roll", basicly once a session a player can ask to do this imposible thing (idk like go trough a portal, meet god and throw a rock at him. Or compleatly make up a spell at the spot ect) and if the player can convince the DM with a good reasen why you can roll for it.
Also a thing i should mention, theres this npc called "the postman". And as his name states, he delivers the post, except hes a deity of some kind. He has brought us post in the middle of a battle (where one of us then asked to send one of the enemys as a present to somebody and it worked lmao), Coming out of the toillet and out of bags ect. Its always great when he comes by
When starting campaign 2 i thought to play a compleatly difrent character then my first, hes more stoic and has been called grumpy alot, my friend calls him "the emo dude" lol. But that absolutly not who i am, and sometimes i cant help to crack in a joke. So ive already decided what to play if this character dies or next campaign (wich can be in quiet a long time...). A Changeling Monk disguised as an Elf Wizard. Just the thought of roleplaying why i cant/dont use magic is making me laugh so much.
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
I'll keep you updated as the story progresses. And if we do decide to record and post our sessions I'll definitely drop a link. I try to cater to my players to keep them interested and since two of my players are brand new I'm trying to incorporate all different aspects lightly where they can kinda get their toes wet and I can adjust the campaign based off their responses. Honestly I've probably only worked on it in total maybe a month? I've drawn up a few maps and such and some secret lore like there was an ancient holy war that was initiated by the Queen of Chaos who had united the demon princes and generals under her tyranny to take over the world the gods had created so to prevent anything like that from happening they sealed the generals away and basically created a barrier preventing all outerworld entities from being able to enter the mortal's world so by the time in history the campaign plays demons and dieties are nothing more than fables and the only records kept of the war that happened in the early days of the world is locked in a secret cloister deep within an underground labyrinth by a secret order that no longer exists. It's a secret that will eventually be discovered by the party guided by the last remaining member of the order who has just repetedly been recording the events of the world in his own pocket dimension on the skin of his never-ending clones. He collects priceless artifacts and has earned the name Mimir(norse mythology is the primary religion) by offering an insight into the future and guidance to mortals who have something of historical value such as a king's crown from a lost kingdom where with his divination magic he can piece together the history of the lost kingdom. He's going to be a key npc with a tragic story that I already have figured out. The same with the last true heir of the kingdom they live in. Sorry I could talk about this all day. I'm gonna type up and printout my chain of events now that I finally have a printer again.
I will be sending positive vibes your way with the hopes they reach you. For real though if you ever need a cheap laugh I can find some of the funniest memes. Especially D&D memes. I have tons.
I can't wait to hear more exploits of your characters. I have a bad habit of coming up with pun names. I made a kinda emo character once. A nobleman by the name of Lord Edward Gylwann which was abbreviated to Lord Ed G. This is part of why people didn't think I could play serious lol. How often do you guys play? I know it takes time to come up with the next chapter based off previous sessions when you're DMing. I need at least two weeks between sessions with what I normally have to do outside D&D prep. Also I absolutely love playing changelings. I had one for a one-shot and its changeling quirk was it would become something like a kobold and convince others he was a vertically challenged dragonborn. He even had pouches of highly flammable alcohol he would keep in his cheeks and a gadget made of flint where he would "blow a kiss" since he was an eccentric bard causing a small fireball to back his lies. He could do it many times and with his russian accent he would say "small dragonborn mean small lungs. I make small fire but lungs refill faster" and that was usually enough to convince people. His backup personality was a blue skinned high elf he would claim to he a tiefling noble whose family was dishonored so they cut her horns off before banishing her.
I will be sending positive vibes your way with the hopes they reach you. For real though if you ever need a cheap laugh I can find some of the funniest memes. Especially D&D memes. I have tons.
I can't wait to hear more exploits of your characters. I have a bad habit of coming up with pun names. I made a kinda emo character once. A nobleman by the name of Lord Edward Gylwann which was abbreviated to Lord Ed G. This is part of why people didn't think I could play serious lol. How often do you guys play? I know it takes time to come up with the next chapter based off previous sessions when you're DMing. I need at least two weeks between sessions with what I normally have to do outside D&D prep. Also I absolutely love playing changelings. I had one for a one-shot and its changeling quirk was it would become something like a kobold and convince others he was a vertically challenged dragonborn. He even had pouches of highly flammable alcohol he would keep in his cheeks and a gadget made of flint where he would "blow a kiss" since he was an eccentric bard causing a small fireball to back his lies. He could do it many times and with his russian accent he would say "small dragonborn mean small lungs. I make small fire but lungs refill faster" and that was usually enough to convince people. His backup personality was a blue skinned high elf he would claim to he a tiefling noble whose family was dishonored so they cut her horns off before banishing her.

Welcome welcome, D&D honestly is like religious conversion lmao. I can't help but mention it and go into depth like preaching scriptures whenever anyone asks me what I do in my spare time. Especially the many many maaaannnyyyy dice. You can never have too many dice. Part of why I'm trying to get into dice forging. It's always great when you can share such a hobby with your s/o cause it's such a fun game to play. I definitely wanna hear about it when you introduce the homebrew stuff. It just expands the game so much. How long have you been playing and what size is your group? Also are you mostly DM, player, or both? Also speaking of 5th edition they're coming out with a revised 5th edition next year. Have you seen the preview for it?
I've seen a bit of the revised edition. It didn't seem significant enough to catch my attention. Just some basic stuff that can be homebrewed/is homebrewed already by various groups. I wasn't to impressed. . . But of course I'll probably pick it up at some point
I've been playing DND since before I knew it was DND. I started using the gods as what I thought were larping characters for playing in the backyard with my brother and cousin. XD
I don't get to play much at all. Dm or player. So alot is me just writing up stories like a dm and players xD but I love sitting down with groups and playing even if they're one shots.

I absolutely love the idea of Aesop there xD that's amazing!
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.