its sick season and covid is circling around me!

My managers family got it, then he got it, and I work with him on every shift I get! And I have to use his desk sometimes. since he tested positive Ive cleaned his desk and he's at home this week, but obv I worked with him closely up to this point. he sits directly behind me.
So the odds of me getting it from him are pretty high.
THEN GO FIGURE my at home tests expired in May so I recently tossed them. I didn't get more right away cause my mind wandered from me, and now I realize I have to pay for the tests now

They don't just lemme have a dang price before going into this and my insurance doesn't like cover anything.
We're not allowed to quarantine cause then the store would shut down entirely. Let's see what happens... Hope it's all good! I've been hugged by covids before and not caught it so maybe I'm one of those rare ones who don't get it after the first time?
Be safe out there!! With jobs only giving 5 days off for covid and no quarantine chances for some, this will only keep spreading for a while.