Npc — He/Him
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/9 20:53:13 )
“Well, that was, er-“ *grumbles* “At least we’re all in one piece, yes? Everyone? In one piece?” *squeak* “My thoughts exactly. Do you have a plan, Val?” “I got us here, didn’t I? As promised.” *insistent squeak* “Okay, okay, I have a backup plan. I have the map, that should—“ “You, uh, mean this map?” “That’s the one. The one that’s currently… in pieces. Ah, that landing was rougher than it seemed. Do we have all the pieces at least? We don’t? Ah. A metaphorical spanner in the metaphorical works.” *panicked squeaking* “Not to worry. Those pieces can’t have gone far, can they? C’mon, spread out, let’s look for them.” “This map is our ticket home, we’ll need all the help we can get.”
Npc — She/Her
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/9 20:58:16 )
While on vacation with some of their fellow Volties, Valentina and Vaughn had a little incident while flying the airship.Their map was somewhat destroyed in the landing, but all the pieces have been found. Now, it’s up to us Volties to correctly reassemble the map. Mechanics
Volties can prepare the map section through Jigsaw.
Volties can submit a maximum of 2 completed maps at whichever Jigsaw difficulty they choose.
Each difficulty grants a higher amount of rewards.
Very Easy - Goodie Bag
Easy - Goodie Bag
Medium - Goodie Bag x 2
Hard - Goodie Bag x 4
Extra Hard - Goodie Bag x 6
Extreme - Event Bundle
Impossible - Event Bundle x 2
To enter a submission, provide a screenshot of the completed jigsaw and difficulty level and be sure to ping @Valentina: so your submission(s) do not get overlooked. Volties will have until October 23rd, 11:59 Voltra Time to submit their completed jigsaws.
*Rewards will be granted after goodie bag and bundle are released in shops*
— Sha/female
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/11 02:40:58 )
@Vozzy: oh my gosh thank you
i wish i had caught a screenshot of my progress. xD i only have an earlier one that i sent to my imzadi. he was impressed . xD i'd told him 1000 pieces. and it didn't sink in until i sent him a screenshot of it and he went "holy so many pieces!!"
Admin — He/Him
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/11 02:56:34 )
@Shadami: You're very welcome! I can't even complete a 500 piece puzzle in real life. Lol
I did complete the medium puzzle of the map last night while watching some TV before bed.
— Sha/female
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/11 03:01:35 )
I used to do really cool 1000 piece puzzles with my mum growing up. But they were where's waldo/ispy level things going on and it was deeply entertaining to me to look at all the little tiny details to see what funny things i'd find next. So it helped me get good at puzzles xD
I'm not fast. but i can do them.
my dad however always said he'd only do a puzzle if it was one piece. xD
— Sha/female
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/11 14:29:06 )
*hits head on desk* I need to just do easier puzzles I can crank out in a few minutes. Every time I get rolling and I'm doing great on the harder stuff. Interruption. Kids. Meals.
Oh look something on my computer has updated and ruined my progress. Oh look my computer restarted itself to update my art tablet driver.
Admin — He/Him
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 23:36:31 )
@Goblin: So sorry I did not see this sooner! I received a report from another user and decided to check in on other's who may have completed the daunting task of the impossible jigsaw! You've been granted the appropriate reword.