Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/18 18:21:13 )
@crisis: All very valid points, but I've pointed out in the FAQ thread that due to active lives [jobs, kids, schooling, etc] that participating in other activities is not always an option and posting is all that some people have. Without the multiplier that would have left someone needing between 15 and 38 every single day for the entirety of the two week event. [Numbers based on max vs min payout for Event Forum only.] And for someone with an active life, that could be an almost impossibility.
The main issue I have, that is continually being ignored, is that these EI's are literally the most expensive EI's in Voltra's entire five year history. Even specialty EI's have NEVER been 750 currency before, and I would really like to understand 1. why that is and 2. why that's being completely ignored by everyone who tries to respond to me. Like the activity on this site has all but crash landed into the dirt, so an event that requires such a high amount of activity to get even a SINGLE EI set for PERSONAL use is just absolutely baffling to me.
Encouragement of activity should generally start smaller. To, you know, actually encourage the activity they want, and then increase from there to continue said encouragement. This event came out swinging a 12 gauge and they handed us a stick to cope with it. And I am not the only person who's mentioned the high prices, I'm just the only one loud enough to try and put the blame where it belongs... On the staff.