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Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 05:46:13 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: I like your art btw. Do you have it posted somewhere?

I was gonna say that you're really good at drawing that kind of 'older, but young spirit' kind of guy. Are they meant to look older?
I don't wanna accidentally imply they look old. ><


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 05:55:39 )
@Rallaa: Mainly, he doesn't need them. And he's just got problems. XD Also, who knows? Maybe they look really bad.

mmm... I have most of it on dA. You can find me by the name VinsentW

Zane is in his early 30's, so maybe? :)

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 17:21:37 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: If you like, I could try to write out some lore summaries for your OC.
Just gimme whatever deets you've come up with.

So far for Zane we have:
Abandoned child, and adopted into a cult. (Do you have any lore on the cult?)
Developed pyrokinesis and a regenerative ability.
(Possibly has some mind of body dysmorphia or body integrity disorder, causing him to destroy his own eyes?)
Can see due to another supernatural ability, despite his self afflicted blindness and use of blindfolds.
Left the cult as a teen
As an adult met Detective Morgan, felt a connection with him, began dating.


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 18:11:44 )
@Rallaa: Whoa!! You made everything sound so official o:

Lore on the cult... mm... there's like a main leader who is similar to Zane but sturdier and devoid of fun. The cult is more on the dark side, with rituals and sacrifice. But it's also quite boring and solitary, everyone focusing on themselves for the most part.

Recently I read about jesters on Wikipedia and found out about the Zanni, which uh... is very apt for Zane. XD I had no idea. My original drawing of him was in a jester-type outfit. (over 10 years ago! oof)

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 18:23:25 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@shark: Similar to Zane? Like this leader also has powers, or similar in another way?

Heh, that's just the quick bullet points, I'll expand on it in a bit.
Did you have a problem with me explaining Zane's eye thing as possibly a mental disorder?
Also, does he view his abilities as curse or a gift?

Aaaand, how old is Morgan? would he have been investigating the cult during the time Zane was a part of it, or only afterwords?
I was thinking, if they were near in age, that Morgan met Zane during his investigations after hearing about a boy who left the cult, so sought him out to learn about them.


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 20:18:19 )
@Rallaa: Yeah he might have powers. Different ones. Like... ancient ones? Whatever that means.


Yeah I feel like the body dysmorphia is relatable to him. He's a bit of a free spirit, so he doesn't think too deeply about the meaning of things, so neither a curse nor a gift.

Morgan is about 40. Zane would have been long gone by the time Morgan was a part of any investigation.

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 20:42:14 )
You gotta @Mention me.


Abandoned child, and adopted into a cult because the leader could see the spark of abilities within him
With the leader's dark guidance, he developed pyrokinesis and a regenerative ability.
Has some mind of body dysmorphia or body integrity disorder, causing him to destroy his own eyes. (Or, I'm imagining a scenario where the leader gives some sort of lecture and punishment to Zane saying "and you'll remain in isolation until you *open your eyes* to the truth!", and so Zane rebelled in the most extreme way he could.)
Can see due to another supernatural ability, despite his self afflicted blindness and use of blindfolds.
Fascination with knives. (possibly cut out his own eyes)
Grew up rebellious and free spirited despite the influence of the cult's leadership, and left the cult as a teen.
Never gave much thought to the nature of his abilities, views them neither as a gift nor a curse. They just were as they were.
As an adult met Detective Morgan, felt a connection with him, began dating. Morgan's investigations into the cult had lead him to finding Zane.
(Perhaps Zane cooperates with Morgan by giving info on the cult, causing breakthroughs in the investigation? A possible future lore development?)


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 22:23:43 )
@Rallaa: Yesss!! owo Awesome!!!

I'll give some more info on Morgan. just cause. His sidekick/best friend is a steampunk fanatic who invents very useful gadgets and tools for Morgan to use. He's got an aura about him to amplify certain things. They're a bit of a secret technology duo. (even eluding the government and most dangerous underground groups)

However, Morgan despises being a detective and would rather pursue gardening or photography. He's a hairdresser as a side job.

He has religious trauma, is depressed, and fears death.

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/12 23:31:07 )
You gotta @Mention me.

Done with the first portion. Lemme know if you want changes, or if I missed the mark with some of the liberties I took.

Zane was abandoned by his mother, foisted into the foster care system around his third birthday, not that it was, or ever would be celebrated. His earliest memories are of days he spent being passed around within the system that was unable to care for him. Due to his peculiarities the foster workers found him off putting to be around. That is until [Headmaster] found him, seeing the spark of his talents. And so Headmaster took Zane into the fold of his community, a place for those with great potential.

Through his childhood and adolescence within The Community, with the tutelage of The Headmaster, Zane began to feel out and cultivate this strange power within himself. He gained the control over flames manifested from his mind, and the physical dexterity for precise control of edged implements.

But his time in this family was not without it's own problems. There were strict rules and rites one must follow, and Zane did not find himself behooved to behave by them. On several occasions he had found himself on the receiving end of the Headmaster's ire. Each subsequent reprimand coming with greater chastisement, until one day in his teens, during a penance in isolation, he snapped.
Zane had developed great power, but little self control. And so, as if to mock Headmaster's own words, "You will remain in isolation until you *open your eyes* to the truth of this world," he cut them out, and burst from his cell wielding the force of his pyrokinesis, rebelling with all his might.
After his rampage and escape, he realized he could still 'see' the whole time thanks to another form of his innate talents, and what's more is that his eyes began to heal over the coming days of his aimless wandering. These eyes represented the control of the Headmaster, and he wanted them gone...


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 01:17:39 )
@Rallaa: Whoa, that's amazing! o: And intense.

I don't think his early life was all that epic.

Let's see... He doesn't have any memories of his parents other than the feeling of being unwanted. Taken in by the leader as a potential sacrifice, maybe...

Their community is an outdoorsy one, with many tents and campfires.

Oh yeah, I forgot he started wearing blindfolds as a child... I think that's just part of their uniform. So I guess that's one aspect of his former life that he couldn't let go of, even though it's unnecessary now. Only in his exit of the cult did he start to self mutilate.

His departure was more of a misfire and a fizzle... rather than a grand escape. Scorching the lot to a crisp. (not sure what happened to the other members... that's a bit hazy)

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 04:57:32 )
You gotta @Mention me.


Almost all of Zane's early childhood was a blur to him. He can only recall the feeling of being unwanted, as if he were a burden or curse upon his parents. He spent his days trying not to meet their gaze until 'They' had found him. The Leader's eyes and ears had sought out for children who contained the spark within them. Finally, Zane had felt wanted, and he gladly went together with them to become a part of his new family. For a time, it was bliss.
They helped him to tap into the spark and channel it, helped him to grow his powers. He thought he would become a member of high standing if he continued to excel, but his purpose for being brought in was not truly for his benefit. Unbeknownst to Zane, he was chosen to be a sacrifice. He was to be fattened up, and his power siphoned for the dark machinations of The Leader.

They taught him to not rely on his eyes, to 'see' the world for what it really was, to be one with it and nature. Through this, along with other harsh lessons, he learned to manifest and control flames, bending them to his will. He could see and feel the fire dance and spin through the air, licking around him with warm radiance. It was euphoric.
But his power grew stronger than his capability to control it, and in his teens, when he was told that he'd be nearing the end of his lessons, he fully lost himself while basking in the warmth of his flames.
Zane lost what control he had over his power, and it lashed out wildly around him. The many tents around, charred along with those inside. With the last of his energy fizzling out, he stood alone in a charcoal wasteland.

((More to be written/edited, but thought I'd post this to get your response on it.))


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 05:53:13 )
@Rallaa: Damn, yeah, that sounds cool as hell. I really appreciate how much effort you've put into this. o: Blows my mind.

@Kory: Oh no x___x

Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 06:00:23 )
@Kory: You're very silly. You know I can't make comics.

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 06:08:48 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: I'm glad you like it. So the second attempt sounds all good so far then?
I'll try to do the next half tomorrow.
I'm just not sure how to narrate the transition from his life in the cult, to meeting Morgan.
If he blows up and loses his place in the world as a teen, what does he do for the years until he meets, Morgan?
And if Zane basically wipes out the cult, how does it get investigated later?
Was this only one sect of the cult, or would that mean there had to be survivors that rebuild?


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/13 06:32:29 )
@Rallaa: I think so, yeah o:

Hmm.. yeah... I don't know. XD Well Zane is an alcoholic, so he probably spent a lot of his time drunk and committing crimes. But being a trickster, he's never been caught.

Met his friend Gavin out one night. Gavin asked for a light, and Zane took that as a chance to show off. Gavin didn't have much of a reaction to the flames, and Zane thought that was endearing.

I guess any investigation would be like... what caused the fire and why are there dead people? Any higher ups would have probably seen it coming and left long before being trapped. Or weren't affected by the fire. Some sort of fire resistance.

For how he meets Morgan... uh... Zane just kinda hangs out around where a lot of crime happens. Lurking in the shadows.

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/14 04:11:46 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: Didn't get around to doing more writing of Zane. Had bit of a bad day. Might be busy tomorrow too, idk.


Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/14 04:37:01 )
@Rallaa: I feel that. :( My day has been pretty bad too. What's got you down?

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/14 04:47:36 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: Bit of a fight with my mom. She's been getting more and more irritable as she gets older.
To make a long story short:
she demanded some help when it was near sundown, I did the thing she asked me to do,
then she came back and yelled at me because I didn't read her mind and do some other stuff.


Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/14 04:54:38 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Shark: What happened with you?

Wardrobe/Art Collection

Art by kiwi

Donator — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/14 05:07:36 )
@Rallaa: aw, I see. :( Yeah my mom can also be difficult now that she's getting older.

Ahh... with me... just a general depression day. Nothing in particular.

Ping me!


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