“Ohhh, this is just a disaster!” Treat stomps her foot on the ground, crossing her arms in a huff. “It’s the same way, every year - this Reaping Ritual is beginning to feel cursed!” She sighs, her momentary outburst settling. “I suppose I should be more considerate, given the circumstances.” She taps her foot, thinking about the events that have transpired. It really is such a tragedy.
"I don’t feel as though I can be of much use to the Voltra Police Department. I’m certain they and the Monster Task Force can handle it on their own. Still…I feel a bit on edge sitting around doing nothing." She catches a glimpse of a crowd nearby. "Ah! I have an idea." She approaches them.
“You there!” They turn their attention to the source of the voice. Citizens of Voltra…some seem to be a part of said Task Force. “You seem like the types who would be willing to entertain–err–enjoy a bit of friendly competition to take your minds off things, right?” She gives a grand gesture, spreading her arms out wide. “How about a little costume contest?” There are murmurs in the crowd, some nodding their heads to her words. “Let’s see…we can play on a little theme. Aha! I have the perfect idea!”