Yeah, at the start of the year he was struggling finding a good job (and with depression) but he's doing really well already. I'm so proud ;o;
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog passing. How old?
Aside from that it sounds like you have a lot of good news as well, I'm really glad to hear <3 a fresh new condo sounds super nice! We are currently trying to save up to buy a house but it probably wont be where we're currently living. So might be a bit. This city is still better than where we came from, but its trash
My husband's job offers movers and funds to help if we relocate (and mine does depending on the reason for the move) so like... that feeling of we are NOT stuck here is soooo good, we have so many options <3
Yess please do <3 I check this site infrequently so you'll have to tag me :D
I dont wear dresses a lot, myself, but I do have a love for them
@Trixie Kay:
Oh yay <3
I wonder whats in the christmas tea? maybe the peppermint, if there is? I havent had any in a while (Ive been hooked on this plum honey tea lately) but I know whenever I would get sick, my mom used to make me a tea that had peppermint in it and it would help a lot. especially with sinuses and throat issues.