The night was clear, a slight fog rolling over the top of the water of the river. Vontell carefully walked through the marshy banks, making his way upstream.
Wanting to assist the VPD, he had set out to investigate some creatures himself. Perhaps his findings could be valuable to the investigations and help to rule out suspects, or potentially find the culprit.
He paused momentarily to catch his breath, leaning against a tree. He had come here to find a Grindylok. He was aware of the dangers, but still...he felt it his duty to assist in some way.
As he rested, he noticed a creature emerge from the depths of the water. Its signature yellow eyes pierced the night. Careful not to draw attention to himself, he hid, observing the creature from a safe distance. He took out his notebook to begin to record the encounter.
Vontell grew uneasy as he watched the creature slink back into the depths - losing sight. He waited for a moment for it to resurface, fearful that he may end up becoming a victim of the Grindylok himself. The hair on the back of his neck stood up - something was watching him. He turned, surprised to see a deer standing behind him. He threw his hand over his heart and let out a slight chuckle.
"Ah! You startled me!" He reached out to give the deer a slight pat. "What is a magnificent creature such as yourself doing out here by the water? Come by for a drink, or have you perhaps come to observe the moonlight dancing across these waters?" The deer sniffed at him, making him laugh more. Suddenly, the deer turned its attention, hopping into the nearby brush. "Hm, perhaps the Grindylok has it on edge. I should heed its warning as well." Vontell turned to walk from the water's edge when a small rabbit hopped out by his feet.
He smiled. "I'm being graced by so many new faces tonight. This is surely a surprise." The rabbit hopped between his legs, closer to the water's edge. Vontell frowned slightly, chasing after it. "Oh, friend, please be cautious - you aren't aware of what lies in wait in those waters!" The rabbit gave one last glance to Vontell before it hopped directly into the river. "No!" Vontell jumped in after, desperate to find the rabbit. Instead, the water in front of him bubbled. "Oh dear. I was not thinking this through." Before him, the head of the rabbit popped up, giving him a slight moment of relief. He reached out to grab the rabbit, but as he pulled it out, his relief turned to shock. He dropped the rabbit, scrambling to get out of the water. He rushed to the shore, catching his breath.
He took out his notebook, frantically writing something down on the pages. He turned back, the water's surface still. He sighed, relieved. As he began to leave, something grabbed him from the water, dragging him in. Vontell scrambled to escape from the grasp, dropping his notebook on the shore.
He is pulled into the depths, a yell silenced as his head vanished beneath the surface.

art by Mica