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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 16:28:21 )
@Wildfire: I did download the book The Law of Spirit on my kindle, so I got about halfway through that between baby pukes. Cx
I worked on Sunday and took a minute to wander a box store after work before heading home.
I have a big, expensive dental appointment today. >3< looking forward to it and also not at the same time.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 16:37:02 )
@Koah: awwww.... munchkin is still not feeling well, huh? :(

You chose a good book to read, imo, while dealing with a sick baby... It's easy to read, the chapters/lessons are short and entertaining. Are you enjoying it so far?

LOL - I know what you mean about you're looking forward to the dental appointment, but not. It's nice to have the necessary work done and have it off your mental list of things, but it's not always the most comfortable thing to do (or to pay for). Good luck. I hope it goes well :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 16:48:36 )
@Wildfire: Doing alright today, struggling to figure out something relating to work and may just need to ask for more information. How about you, you holding up alright this year so far?

@Purpsy: Dreaded afternoon slump is something I do my best to avoid by having either another coffee or caffeinated tea. The legs are from the item called Deadly Darling. If I can help with any other item I wear in the future, just ask away. n_n <3

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 16:57:00 )
@Wildfire: He's done puking, but still sick. Whatever he has is viral. The other daycare baby has it too [and her mom T;T ].
It's definitely a good book, makes you think a bit about time and thoughts. I'm enjoying it so far.
I have a root canal appt. /ick/

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 17:01:42 )
@Lotus: So far, it has been a fairly chaotic year, tbh. I'm finally settling back in to a self-centric (I mean that in a healthy way) routine after "recovering" from the latest "monkey wrench", and making progress sifting through the remnants (My youngest (adult) son (Florida native, who has experienced snow for about 4 days total, one time, about 10 years ago) decided to take a job in WY... in February... during the harshest winter they've had for a long time, so there was a lot of scrambling in a short period of time to help outfit him appropriately and get him there, and we are now still dealing with his vehicles that are left behind, his complete mess of a room, etc.). So right now, I'm trying to re-motivate myself and get momentum going again for other tasks/goals...

I hope you figure out the issue you're dealing with at work :3
How are you doing otherwise? Everything good?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 17:05:25 )
@Koah: oohhh... ick. I'm really sorry to hear about the root canal - yikes! Good luck, hon. :3
I'm glad you're enjoying the book. <3
.... :( Poor baby... babies! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/20 23:58:49 )
@Wildfire: my dental appt was soooo long. bleh. no fun.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 01:43:10 )

@Wildfire: Without school or work for 'structure' I have a hard time holding to a healthy sleep schedule.

But yes, shirt came! I was going to take photos today modeling it (tried last night but our house is too darn dark) but my roommate and our houseguest were home aaaaaall day so I'm waiting until I can be a dork without an audience lol.

How are you doing? And how's the kiddo who made the big move?

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 14:30:36 )
@Wildfire: The last we talked about your kid, you were concerned, I am happy to hear that you are finding a balance in some way and I have no doubt you will be able to find a good rhythm for your other tasks and goals you want to achieve. I am taking each day as it comes, so, I would say doing pretty alright, got my caffeine this morning, and I feel it's going to be a good day. n_n

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 15:07:09 )
Good Morning.

It's my birthday. =O

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 16:22:13 )
@Koah: Yeah, serious dental work takes a while. I don't like it either. But how are you feeling? How are you doing?

@CooperationIsKey: LOL "Dork without an audience!" XD <3 Photos or not, how do you like the shirt, now that you have it and can touch it, feel it, and wear it?

If you've got no particular place to go, don't have to be there at a specific time, etc., I can see where your sleep schedule could get messed up. Mine tends to stray a bit without that absolute kind of structure too. But if it doesn't bother you and doesn't affect your daily reality, there's no harm in it, right? If it does bother you, then you could try enforcing a more regular pattern upon yourself ... set a reminder alarm "it's time for bed" kind of thing...

Kiddo who moved seems to be doing well, but it's hard to tell if he's pushing himself too far with the cold, for example, and apparently they're having a lot of issues with the animals freezing, etc., this year... :(


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 16:30:17 )
@Lotus: Thank you. I think I will always be a bit concerned for this kid... he's wonderful and determined and smart and dedicated and all kinds of things, but he also tends to push himself a bit too far and do things that are a bit on the risky side (which, given his age, the repercussions still land with and on us, thus the "monkey wrenches" XD). But, he seems to be living the life he wants and I'm proud of him for striving for it (at a newly-minted 20). And yes, I'll find that balance again... am finding it again... if it sometimes seems a bit slow... but like you say, day by day.

It sounds like your day is off to a good start! <3 *clink* XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 17:39:50 )
@Wildfire: It's natural to be concerned, you are his parent after all. The best way for him to learn from mistakes, challenges, and successes, all come from doing and learning. It's nice to see you encouraging while being cautious and giving warnings, while he may brush it off now, someday, he will appreciate it no doubt. I feel you entirely on finding that balance again. <3 Cheers.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 18:00:25 )
@Lotus: Yup... that is usually the best (and often, the only) way to really learn things. I have always tried to let my kids experiment and find their way, within reason... pulling them back when they were trying to do something that really went against my experience and better judgement/safety/etc. for their age/stage... letting them fail, sometimes (& be there to "catch" them). It seems to have worked, and they have both told me they appreciate how they've been raised (so, "go me"!! XD LOL <3), but thank you for the support and the kind words <3

Finding the balance... yes. I seem to be in a stage of just "going slow and recuperating"... gathering my thoughts, my energy, and my focus again before tackling specific tasks or goals. It's all part of the process :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 18:02:13 )
Good Morning.

It's my birthday. =O

WoooooooHooooooo!! It's your birthday!! Yay - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Koah! <3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 18:16:23 )
@Wildfire: As long as you're not doing it intentionally to smoother them. xD I have no doubt you did an amazing job, being a parent isn't easy from what I've heard. n_n <3 Don't mention it, glad to know I could be supportive and send kind words that helped you. Life really is a journey about finding ourselves and if we can help others along the way, why not? n_n

@Koah: I just saw you said it was your birthday before the new page, wishing you a happy birthday!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 18:50:12 )
@Lotus: ... no, not to smother them... just setting realistic boundaries for their ages or stages and keep them safe "enough". I am not somebody who smothers...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 19:11:53 )
@Wildfire: I don't think you would, you don't come across that way. Just loving reminders. <3

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/21 19:15:00 )
@Lotus: <3 They're all grown up now anyway... XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/22 14:45:06 )

@wildfire: I'm just trying to wake up rn and waiting for those 30 minutes.
I'd like to get some stuff done today and hopefully I do since I've been kind of out of it for several days x.x

Good morning btw~


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