@Purpsy: Good morning. I hope you have a productive day today, once the caffeine takes effect. Why have you been out of it the last few days? Is anything in particular going on - have you been sick, or not sleeping, or just "meh" (because of the weather and temperatures, for example), or something else? Regardless, I hope you get some stuff done :3

@Wildfire: I just get distracted a lot tbh and there are days I just want to oddly do nothing (which was my entire last weekend). Can't even say is seasonal depression is to blame this time because it certainly didn't feel like it. But I hate being behind on things so I need to snap out of it.
Btw is snowing here right now and I went out a bit earlier and it was actually refreshing to see.
How's your day going so far?
@Purpsy: Yeah, I get that. I need to snap myself out of whatever type of "lazy & unmotivated" thing I'm in too. Best of luck to both of us! :3
Are you getting part of that storm that's dropping a blizzard on the northwest of the U.S.?
... it's supposed to be close to 90°F here today and over the next few days ... o_0
My day is going slowly so far. I didn't sleep well last night, so slept later than usual this morning, and ... meh. And I have a dental appointment this afternoon... so that's fun...
Do you have plans for the day?

Are you getting part of that storm that's dropping a blizzard on the northwest of the U.S.?
... it's supposed to be close to 90°F here today and over the next few days ... o_0
My day is going slowly so far. I didn't sleep well last night, so slept later than usual this morning, and ... meh. And I have a dental appointment this afternoon... so that's fun...
Do you have plans for the day?

@Wildfire: Oh I'm not sure. I just got notified a blizzard warning my phone this morning and I didn't read the whole thing but is possible.
Awe lack of sleep sucks x.x I didn't have a full 8 hours sleep but I slept enough so I won't hopefully feel tired for the rest of the day. So not the best day for you then? Dentist appointments are so nerve wracking!
I need to do some cleaning on the bathroom, I have to do laundry, I want to draw is been days and I would go for a walk but there's a storm brewing out there. So many things to do but I have so limited energy to spend. And right now I'm procrastinating...
@Purpsy: I haven't looked at the details recently, but I think it's part of the same storm. Regardless, I wish you luck dealing with it. It sounds like you have a few things on your "to do" list today - I hope you get them all done.
... and yeah... dentist. It should just be a cleaning, but I honestly don't feel like going... but it's too late to back out now - lol!

... and yeah... dentist. It should just be a cleaning, but I honestly don't feel like going... but it's too late to back out now - lol!

@Wildfire: Well if it's just your annual cleaning maybe you can just take a small nice nap there?
If it's that normal idk... Well so far I got one done so that's a good start but now I'm starving so I need to eat lunch soon.
Yeah it could possible be the same storm since I see a pattern of us sharing the same storm often before xD
oof, been a little sick yesterday and today. T^T My birthday yesterday was a weird day. Mentally and over-all.
Wildfire, how is it so hot over there? o.0'
@Purpsy: I'm pretty sure it's the same storm. I took a quick look at the radar and saw some random news tidbits while I was at the dentist and it looks like it is... so... errm... good luck?! The news seemed to have been making a fuss about the weather in MI, I think...?... as they were dealing with the pre-storm stuff...
No nap for me at the dentist. It was just a cleaning, but the hygienist really likes to talk! ... and, there was a "snafu". Originally, my son and I had back-to-back appointments starting at 2pm, but because of his move out-of-state, we got him in last month... but the office never communicated that my official appointment was at 3, instead of 2... so guess what - I was there at 2... officially an hour ahead of my actual appointment. Fortunately, the dentist isn't far from my house, so I left and managed to pick up some groceries at least, instead of sitting in the office for an hour twiddling my thumbs, but jeeze... that was "fun" I didn't really need.
I hope your day is going better :3

No nap for me at the dentist. It was just a cleaning, but the hygienist really likes to talk! ... and, there was a "snafu". Originally, my son and I had back-to-back appointments starting at 2pm, but because of his move out-of-state, we got him in last month... but the office never communicated that my official appointment was at 3, instead of 2... so guess what - I was there at 2... officially an hour ahead of my actual appointment. Fortunately, the dentist isn't far from my house, so I left and managed to pick up some groceries at least, instead of sitting in the office for an hour twiddling my thumbs, but jeeze... that was "fun" I didn't really need.
I hope your day is going better :3

@Koah: Awww... I hope you're feeling a bit better today! Is the weirdness done with... at least for now? Did you do anything particularly fun for your birthday?
Oh - and it's so hot here because... Florida? ... semi-tropical? It didn't quite hit 90°F today, though - the high was about 85°... and absolutely lovely because of the lack of humidity!! ... now if only I could enjoy it without dealing with the after-effects of pollen. Maybe I'll go to the beach... tomorrow... or soon... It has been a while...

Oh - and it's so hot here because... Florida? ... semi-tropical? It didn't quite hit 90°F today, though - the high was about 85°... and absolutely lovely because of the lack of humidity!! ... now if only I could enjoy it without dealing with the after-effects of pollen. Maybe I'll go to the beach... tomorrow... or soon... It has been a while...

My tummy just feels.. turning [but I'm also stressed]. My kids got Another snow day today, so that gives me a bit of opportunity to rest since they can help my mom with her daycare.
@Koah: Yeah... I know that state of being, and I'm sorry (but not surprised) that you've gotten to that point - especially with all the viruses running around the daycare! All I can say is to take advantage of the Big Hint your body is giving you, and the "help(ers)" that the storm has provided, and try to rest and recuperate the best you can (before your body crashes harder). Take a nap. Take a long hot bath (or similar), if at all possible... cuddle under some blankets with some relaxing tea... and take your vitamins (C, zinc). I hope you feel better soon, Koah :3

Good morning everyone.
I slept late. Again. I must have needed it... especially since I don't normally do that kind of thing. But, it's all good, I think. :3 Today I have a couple of errands to run this afternoon, and some cooking/meal prep to do (I think. I'm still sorting that out a bit, tbh), and I really should go take a walk or something, but that means the gym, because although most of the rest of the country is dealing with snow, we're still dealing with pollen...
... and I'm rambling a bit, so........ random question ------------> Who is your favorite actor/actress and why?

Good Morning. If you go to the gym, I'll do my daily workout [which I haven't done in over a week because of my stress, etc]. So go to the gym. lol.
I used to have a lot of favorite actors/actresses, but I've met so many famous people now... now I don't have any favorites because I just remember they're normal people with jobs like the rest of us. <.<
I was scrolling last night and saw a super famous actor pop up on the tv and I ended up telling the kids about my interactions with him. He likes messing with me when we run into each other. [used to, I haven't seen him in years now but I know he still lives here].
@Koah: Being hungry is a good sign when dealing with a stomach bug! I know you know what to do with that, but good luck anyway! :3 <3
LOL - if I go to the gym, you'll do your workout! <3 <3 I don't know if the timing is going to work out, tbh... since I really don't feel like rushing around like a crazy woman just to go walk on a treadmill (ugh). It's almost 10 now and I'm still waking up/drinking coffee. I haven't eaten. I need to be somewhere at noon... which is the opposite direction of the gym. But I might be able to do it after that appointment and before I have to help my older son get his motorcycle to the shop - that would work. Unless I remember the other thing that is niggling at the back of my mind for today... hmmm... but now I'm rambling again... Oops. XD OK - you're on! I'll go after my first appointment :3
Yeah, I feel the same way about actors, actually... they're just people who happen to have a different job than the rest of us, and those that I've met/seen/talked with are just regular people. I don't really understand the idea of "celebrity", tbh. /shrug/

LOL - if I go to the gym, you'll do your workout! <3 <3 I don't know if the timing is going to work out, tbh... since I really don't feel like rushing around like a crazy woman just to go walk on a treadmill (ugh). It's almost 10 now and I'm still waking up/drinking coffee. I haven't eaten. I need to be somewhere at noon... which is the opposite direction of the gym. But I might be able to do it after that appointment and before I have to help my older son get his motorcycle to the shop - that would work. Unless I remember the other thing that is niggling at the back of my mind for today... hmmm... but now I'm rambling again... Oops. XD OK - you're on! I'll go after my first appointment :3
Yeah, I feel the same way about actors, actually... they're just people who happen to have a different job than the rest of us, and those that I've met/seen/talked with are just regular people. I don't really understand the idea of "celebrity", tbh. /shrug/

@Wildfire: Yeah I'm pretty sure it is. I just got notified earlier that we're now having freezing rain here and it snowed so hard yesterday that my dad had to cancel work for today. Since his carpool can't drive anywhere with all this snow.
Oh that is such minor inconvenience but I'm glad the clinic is not too far away from your home and at least got to get some groceries done at least. I guess no small naps then in your case xD And I thought hair dressers talks more (met too many so far)
I did not have a good day yesterday... It kind of went crashing down in the afternoon and can't even say the same this morning.
Is just a lot of personal stuff and it hinder me to get anything done so far and now I'm actually snowed in and this storm is not letting off anytime soon.
I managed to eat some eggs and drink a bit of coffee this morning, so I'm happy that my stomach isn't angry.
I'm transitioning the daycare to my mom, so I'm sort of ~disappearing~ in the morning until lunch/naps, when she actually needs help. She's not liking that. <.< but we need to do a slow switch until she has full weight back on her foot.
@CooperationIsKey: LOL "Dork without an audience!" XD <3 Photos or not, how do you like the shirt, now that you have it and can touch it, feel it, and wear it?
If you've got no particular place to go, don't have to be there at a specific time, etc., I can see where your sleep schedule could get messed up. Mine tends to stray a bit without that absolute kind of structure too. But if it doesn't bother you and doesn't affect your daily reality, there's no harm in it, right? If it does bother you, then you could try enforcing a more regular pattern upon yourself ... set a reminder alarm "it's time for bed" kind of thing...
Kiddo who moved seems to be doing well, but it's hard to tell if he's pushing himself too far with the cold, for example, and apparently they're having a lot of issues with the animals freezing, etc., this year... :(
@CooperationIsKey: LOL "Dork without an audience!" XD <3 Photos or not, how do you like the shirt, now that you have it and can touch it, feel it, and wear it?
If you've got no particular place to go, don't have to be there at a specific time, etc., I can see where your sleep schedule could get messed up. Mine tends to stray a bit without that absolute kind of structure too. But if it doesn't bother you and doesn't affect your daily reality, there's no harm in it, right? If it does bother you, then you could try enforcing a more regular pattern upon yourself ... set a reminder alarm "it's time for bed" kind of thing...
Kiddo who moved seems to be doing well, but it's hard to tell if he's pushing himself too far with the cold, for example, and apparently they're having a lot of issues with the animals freezing, etc., this year... :(

Shirt is more or less as expected; it's polyester so it's not the nicest thing I've owned, but it looks good. :) (Still haven't taken a proper photo though lmao.)
Yeah, it's really not a big deal most of the time, mostly just the occasional "I've got an appointment tomorrow I need to go to bed now" that's kinda hard sometimes. I sleep too much as it is (fighting depression tooth and nail) so that's not usually a problem though. :P
Oh that's awful with the animals freezing, gosh, that's gotta be hard to witness and deal with. I do hope he's doing well regardless!

@Purpsy: Hopefully this storm doesn't clobber you guys :3
I'm sorry to hear you're kinda "down". Hopefully it's short-lived and you start feeling better soon.
Yes, at least I was able to make use of my error and get the groceries taken care of. I was going to do it on the way home from the dentist instead of ahead of time (which included more driving and running around than expected) but at least my time wasn't completely wasted...
How's your day going today? You doing all right?

I'm sorry to hear you're kinda "down". Hopefully it's short-lived and you start feeling better soon.
Yes, at least I was able to make use of my error and get the groceries taken care of. I was going to do it on the way home from the dentist instead of ahead of time (which included more driving and running around than expected) but at least my time wasn't completely wasted...
How's your day going today? You doing all right?

@Koah: Thank you. I got my haircut. I got my elder son to the mechanic (& back - lol). I went to the gym and walked a mile and a half on the treadmilll. Now, I'm chillin' for a little bit before cooking dinner (probably... pork chops and a papaya/bell pepper stirfry, with rice... since one of my home-grown papayas is definitely ready to be eaten! :3 Maybe I'll skip the pork chops tonight... /shrug/ ... I'll finalize it when I get to the kitchen :3 XD). Tomorrow I'm getting take-out lunch with a friend and going to the beach! :3
I'm glad your tummy is feeling well enough to keep some food down. Hopefully that's the first sign of an ever-improving situation with the virus! :3
LOL - so your mom isn't real happy with taking over the daycare again? I would have thought otherwise...
@CooperationIsKey: As long as you like it, for the reason you got it, right? I can't imagine that it's something you'd wear as part of every day wear... once in a while, maybe...

I'm glad your tummy is feeling well enough to keep some food down. Hopefully that's the first sign of an ever-improving situation with the virus! :3
LOL - so your mom isn't real happy with taking over the daycare again? I would have thought otherwise...
@CooperationIsKey: As long as you like it, for the reason you got it, right? I can't imagine that it's something you'd wear as part of every day wear... once in a while, maybe...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
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