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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 16:28:07 )
@Purpsy: We all need reminders of things once in a while. I'm happy to help. Hopefully I helped. :3

... and yes, good morning. I slept late... and am still trying to wake up, so I'm not sure what's on the "to do" list today just yet. I know hubby wants to go back to the gym... and the house needs some attention, but I'll probably postpone that (again) XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 17:07:48 )

@Wildfire: Ayeee welcome to the procrastination club~
Is only you and me so far. But I did get something done earlier and by that meaning I just wash the dishes and threw the trash... on the snow... with shoes and no socks... First stupid decision I made today

But I feel well rested so I could be productive again later.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 17:25:42 )
@Purpsy: Yeah... maybe everyone is still sleeping in? XD
At least with the trash on the snow, it won't smell... but it might be a mess to clean up... good luck with that :3

I'm still trying to wake up. Some of the feeling of not being awake is the pollen, but I actually slept last night, so I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not liking it.

I moved my car so hubby can rake the leaves, and I made breakfast for myself. That's "productive", riiiiiight?? XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 17:35:34 )

@wildfire: EeErrrRR It's productive enough! There's no judgements here~
Some mornings it takes awhile to wake up I guess. I hate it when that happens to me too.

It was mainly just wet dirty snow outside and had to ninja my way out and in to the apartment... but no slippage! That would be hell because I'm wearing my favourite pjs that happens to be white/grey plaid >3>


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 17:44:41 )
@Purpsy: I'm glad you managed the task without slipping... that sounds like it would be quite the unpleasant mess if you did slip.

Yeah... I'm still groggy. I feel like I could go back to sleep. This is... sad? weird? unexpected? ... something. Did I overdo it at the gym yesterday? I really didn't do much - just walked on the treadmill and did a couple of the arms/shoulders machines really... /shrug/ oh well. Maybe by the time I find the bottom of this cup of coffee I'll feel a bit more awake.

So you're hoping to be productive today? What's on your list?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/26 22:05:05 )

@Wildfire: It's a mystery for sure. I don't understand it myself when my body acts that way also despite having good sleep but my guess... if you repeatedly have terrible sleepless nights for the past couple of days it could be due to that? It may mean your body haven't fully recovered yet ooor you did just work out too much in the gym yesterday xDD

I honestly just wanted to draw in which I already did and post it on my story on Insta. It was actually very nice since I've been into that weird funk not long ago I haven't draw anything at all. It's always refreshing to draw again after not to for several days =w=

And I had a full lunch.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 05:08:48 )
@Wildfire: ill cheer you guys on to keep up the gym trips! <3
I've had yet another busy weekend. I'm headed to my workplace tomorrow morning. It'll be interesting to get back to my workplace during the week. o3o

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 14:32:27 )
@Purpsy: Yeah... I'm not sure what's going on but it doesn't really matter. Today is a new day and I have things to do... once the coffee kicks in XD

I'm glad you got a chance to draw! It has been too long since I've sat down to do any kind of drawing or sketching, tbh. It's something I really need to change! :3

What was lunch?

... and what's on the schedule or "to do" list today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 14:36:30 )
@Koah: lol - thank you. We never made it yesterday. Hubby spent time cleaning up the yard and trying to get my son's truck to start (batteries are dead) so we can do something with it to help him get it to WY... and I just felt physically groggy all day (and since I was going to go to the gym with hubby, but his tasks were taking too long and he kept taking breaks...). Anyway, today, I have some errands to do; one of which hopefully includes making it to the gym.

So why are you going in to your workplace today? You're comfortable enough leaving mom to watch the daycare by herself, it sounds like... are there other reasons? I hope everything goes well for you today :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 17:20:51 )

@Wildfire: I have no clue what it is... I think is my dad's one of experimentation dishes because I don't remember eating it before.
Awe hopefully you'll take some time off and draw one day, it is quite a relaxing hobby. And as for my plans? I woke up late and groggy, haven't sip my coffee yet, and have things to do... I have some laundry to catch up to and other chores mostly to get done this week.

But I'm still sleepy
How about you?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 19:15:32 )
@Purpsy: LOL... yeah, drawing can be a nice relaxing thing to do. It can also be a pain in the arse. But I miss being able to just go and do it. It has been far too long since I've just sat and drew or painted regularly :3

Thanks for reminding me about the laundry that needs to be switched! I just got back from running some errands...

I hope you get your laundry done... and anything else that you need to do today


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/27 21:50:41 )

@Wildfire: I've done what I can today. Except the laundry because I started on it late and is still waiting for someone finish washing downstairs...
The curse of living on a small apartment (´•ω•̥`)

Glad I remembered you for it~


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 01:26:32 )
@Wildfire: Work today was very... interesting. I was one of 4 employees in the 'official' meeting. Boss man [total hippy], wanted to let us know our jobs were secure and beat around the bush to announce that he fired an entire location [the one next to my house], and my sister [our boss], was in the other room firing their long-term employee. [he's not good at his job. Cx ]
Now there's an employee skeleton crew of 5 total people doing day-to-day work. o_o' from about 20.
anyway, so, I actually knew about this but I had to act surprised and nervous because my fellow co workers had no idea. <.< So we went about a normal work day, which, I smiled about because it was freedom from the daycare. o3o My co workers are all adults and although, they looked relieved, they also were on edge. Makes sense.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 14:40:59 )
@Purpsy: the joys of apartment living :3 I hope you get your laundry done today, then

@Koah: OH! So your job is secure, then?! That's awesome news (isn't it?)! ... and Sister's job is also safe? It's understandable that everyone was/is a bit on edge... even if you're told that you're safe from that kind of reorganizing, it's still a bit of a shock.

I'm glad you got a break from the daycare too. I bet you were relieved! How'd mom handle being alone with all the kids again?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 14:52:35 )
Good morning......... but UGH! This pollen... /dead/ ... apparently today it's grass pollen that's assaulting me. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I never had allergies until I moved to Florida.

Anyway................ I was thinking about going to a class at the gym this morning but since the class starts at 9 (and it's 8:45am now) and I'm still struggling to see straight (both in terms of caffeine consumption but also the watery eyes from the pollen), that's not going to happen. I need to figure out what I'm cooking today, and whether or not it requires a trip to get groceries. And there's vacuuming that needs to happen. And... I have some seeds I should put in the ground in the garden but the pollen is scaring me a bit XD

So, again, good morning. How are you guys doing today so far?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 16:31:56 )

@Wildfire: Oh I got it done late yesterday afternoon. But I do still have some clothes to fold still that I need to do later.
Oh no not another pollen attack!! ( ⁰д⁰) Meanwhile it just heavily snowed yesterday and now there's too much snow outside.

I'm trying to wake up still... I have some stuff to do but I kind of procrastinating as always but for now I just need my
I had very veeerry terrible sleep last night...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 18:59:53 )
@Purpsy: It's not really "another" pollen attack... at this time of year, it's just a constant thing... So, although we don't have any snow, we get the kind of pollen that sometimes we really can measure with a ruler! XD (no, I'm not even kidding about that)

I'm glad you got your laundry done yesterday, Purpsy.... although I'm really sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well at all last night. Are you able to take a nap? Or will that just mess up tonight's sleep schedule? What are you procrastinating doing today?

How much snow did you get?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 20:11:26 )

@Wildfire: Well weirdly enough I'm not tired? And I fell a sleep around 6 last night because for some reason, my brain won't let me sleep rofl
I'll try not to take a nap today but that can be a real challenge later on. I'll just run myself with caffeine for the rest of the day. And erm I never got around folding those clothes yet and only took a nice shower but for an annoying reason my hair is taking foreever to blowdry, so I left it half-dried *shrugs*

Around to 5-15 cm of snow... at least that's what I read online...
I've seen pics of those pollens and is crazy how much they can be! Does wearing masks kind of helps with the allergies a little bit? Just curious to ask.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 20:24:58 )
@Purpsy: Thanks for the thought, but the pollen particles are far too small for a mask to do anything anyway, really. Besides, I absolutely loathe the things. The allergies are higher today, I think, because (1) I was outside for a little bit yesterday, (2) the dogs were outside longer than usual yesterday so they brought it in (3) the pollen type is shifting from trees to grass (4) the dogs are shedding and the hair isn't helping (5) I vacuumed and all the dog hair and dander that the vacuum didn't pick up is still settling... and (6) hubby brought home mozzarella sticks from the store, so the cheese isn't helping. Yes, my car is yellow because of the pollen, and the pollen is accumulating in the nooks and crannies of yards and sidewalks now. /eyeroll/

LOL. There are times here too when the laundry gets done but just not folded... fortunately, that hasn't happened in a while. But I get where you're coming from with that :3

Why isn't your hair drying with the blow-dryer?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/28 20:37:24 )

@wildfire: Oh god... (⊙_⊙) That sounds super annoying to deal with... I would lose it eventually if I were in your shoes. *gives you a virtual hug* Hang in there and your poor little nose x.x

Yeah it doesn't happen to me often also but the rest I needed to fold were just socks and underwear. I washed a huge load and didn't have energy left to fold them lel. And I have no clue really... sometimes my hair does that and I can only suspect because is cold today or something.


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