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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/2 16:01:40 )
@Koah: Oh! It sounds like you're finding some balance again - I'm really quite happy for you! :3 <3

Florida gets all kinds of funky stuff coming here... because it's in the South and is semi-tropical in its own right, but also because it's a peninsula with no real geographical "filters" (mountains, etc.), stuff apparently gets blown in across the Gulf of Mexico from ... well, Mexico, Texas, all kinds of South American countries... and then also from the Caribbean and even across the Atlantic...?? o_0

By April, my allergies should be gone... but that's just the difference in seasons across geography...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/2 16:18:22 )
@Wildfire: I'm definitely finding some balance now. :d My stress levels have gone down this week, thanks to my mom moving around more.. and having had the freedom to go to my actual job. XD I still took some work home because I knew I'd be home a few work-days.

omg, I never thought about all the stuff Florida can/does get. o.o'

Come April, I'll be like "I feel sick, I don't know why." XDD /allergies

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/2 16:29:22 )
@Koah: Yeah, when you think about all of that, it's no wonder that I (and a lot of people here, actually) have some "issues" with foreign particles floating around! x_X I know that feeling of "feeling sick but not really"... it's why I didn't go to book club last night. My voice is still shaky this morning. It's so hard to tell if it's allergies, a bug of some kind, or just not sleeping/sleeping well (and breathing funny).

I'm really really glad you're getting some balance back to your life and your stress levels are down a bit! ... even if it still means that you're bringing some work home


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/2 16:47:46 )
@Wildfire: The flu just hit this valley again, 2 months after the last cycle. OTL [which explains my baby's throwing up last weekend.. or was it the weekend before].... the weekend before. I can't imagine what kind of viruses float around in Florida with so much tourists and stuff. o3o'

I should ask my sister and see if she has flight points that I can steal. XD lol and just go for a day, like leave a Friday, burn my cheeks on the beach Saturday and head home on Sunday. lol. I'll let you know if I do have this discussion with her. She hoards flight miles like a dragon hoards gold.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/3 15:04:07 )
Good Morning.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/3 15:36:14 )
@Koah: Good morning. How are you today? I managed to sleep in a little bit!! Yay!

LOL ... dragon hoarding gold <3 Do let me know if you follow up with that discussion :3

I'm sure there are some viruses that make their way here -there always seems to be a flu or something going around at the same time a lot of the Snowbirds come down for the winter- but I don't find the "sharing" to be horrible... but I also don't frequent the typical tourist spots (because they get too crowded).

So what's on the agenda today?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/3 16:05:10 )
@Wildfire: The last 2 nights, I only got up once with the baby. omgosh! SLEEP! I feel amazing.
I did my workout last night and added a bit more difficulty to it. :d

Today, I'm going to the dentist, a bank, and a modelling try-out. [I don't have much hope for the tryout, but it's worth a shot.]
I accepted a babysitting job tomorrow, so I'll be occupied with that all day.
and Sunday, I work all day with my job. o3o

I have a busy weekend ahead.

How bout you?

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/3 16:19:52 )
@Koah: Oh wow - you have a busy couple of days ahead of you!! It's a good thing that you got some sleep! XD

I am... since my voice still seems to be MIA, I'm probably going to sit on my ass again today, playing video games for the majority of the day XD (I so rarely do that!!) ... although I did sleep last night, I know I need to rest some more. This "just a bit off" feeling is a weird one to navigate... do you push through? Do you rest? But, knowing my other, longer-term goals and situations iRL, I am opting for rest right now. :3 'cuz I want to and because I can. And I'm just going to, dammit! XD :3

Other than that, I'm looking at pillow options because I need a new one, and I should figure out what the heck I'm going to cook for dinner later. The boys (hubby, eldest & stepson) are going to see the new Demon Slayer movie tonight, and I should probably make sure they have dinner beforehand XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/4 14:40:52 )

@Wildfire: Ha! These past several days has been weird... oddly in burnout on whatever it is this time but also got some things done. A now I'm snowed in the middle of a blizzard. I may go out later once they properly shovel the streets just to see how bad it is out there.

It is very sad to admit it to be honest xD
It's a good reminder to be off here for several hours sometimes but I'll just end up unconsciously scrolling down on my phone rofl
How have you been lately? *takes the * Btw I actually need to start brewing some coffee. My thirty minutes is up!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/4 15:09:12 )
@Purpsy: Good morning. The last couple of days have been strange here too. It's kinda nice to know that it's not just me, but I really hope that the funkiness that you're dealing with clears up and you get to be productive soon :3 ... although dealing with a blizzard kind of limits that >.> LOL - how did you end up in another blizzard? Good luck - I hope it's not too bad!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/4 15:49:12 )

@Wildfire: I think this one is more serious than the several winter storms we had before this year. But honestly have no clue *shrugs*
But these kinds of stuff used to be normal around here but you know, global warming caused the weather here to be so bipolar. Is been like raining, snowing and freakishly warm and sunny lately.

I think is the winter blues I tell you. Is not like I'm completely unproductive, I've just been very slow getting things done around here.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/4 16:03:52 )
@Purpsy: the weather, for as long as I can remember, has always been "hit or miss" with colder winters (or a couple in a row) and warmer summers (or a couple in a row), or those that ping-pong back and forth with extremes. I remember it snowing in mid-April in New England when I was a kid - and even a flurry in ... I think it was June, one year - and winters where it started snowing in early October, and entire winters where it barely snowed at all... but yeah, the hit-or-miss weird weather is tough to keep up with. It does that here, only in milder temperatures - one day, you're on the beach, the next you're wearing a jacket and a hat. For you it's more a matter of "warm" or "wet" depending on whether or not it's snowing or sleeting/raining... or just mud. Good luck with it all though... and hopefully the sun will start coming out soon and those Winter Blues will start going away - it is March already...

Ya know, it's not always a bad thing to just "go slow" sometimes, getting things done. The modern culture is all "go, go, Go!" but really, our bodies and minds need a bit of a break... and the winter tends to provide that for us :3 I've been taking a break the last couple of days too, tbh.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/4 19:05:15 )
@Wildfire: did your husband and son like the new demon slayer movie?
Find a pillow? And did you relax yesterday?

I told my sister this will be my last weekend working. I want weekends off with my kids. Find them something to do Saturdays and Sundays.
We have a Ton of dental appts coming in the next few months. o3o"

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 15:25:53 )

@Wildfire: Morning! Hmm canadian weather at least since I moved here around 2005 have been somewhat stable. Like it actually properly snowed here throughout winter but not as much compared to our more northern neighbours. It will never rain or being suspiciously warm and sunny around this time but around when I'm in highschool I think that somewhat change. Or maybe my early childhood memories here are getting foggy (◎_◎;)

Thank you~ That's something I've been reminding myself recently too and also stopping this unhealthy habit of comparing my productivity towards other people. How are you this morning?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 15:27:11 )
Good morning.

@Koah: Hubby said that the movie consisted of synopses of the Train arc, the 'Pleasure' District arc (whatever the actual name of that storyline is - I can't remember ATM), the last two episodes that are out now, and what amounted to one episode of new material... or something like that. He wasn't particularly impressed but he said the audience as a whole seemed to be enjoying the movie.

I found a pillow. It was delivered last night and has been airing out and reconstituting itself since... it came vacuum-sealed. Without seeing it, I'm not sure I'd believe pillows -two queen-sized pillows - could be packaged so tightly and weigh so much! XD

Yes, I did relax yesterday... again. I really must be fighting off something with this fatigue and voicelessness/throat thing. It's hard to tell. I might just be crashing too and taking a subconscious, self-imposed "recuperative staycation"... XD

How was your day yesterday? Did you do anything fun with the kids or did you work all day?

How are you holding up with everything?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 15:34:43 )
@Purpsy: Good morning. :3

Yeah, all I was trying to say was that there have always, always been outlier seasons where things seem (or actually are) more severe than the usual... but that it doesn't necessarily mean that the sky is falling, so to speak. And like you're saying, overall, there's a general normalcy to the seasons and locations where people live overall.

Comparing yourself to others isn't usually a good thing - it's usually the opposite... whether that's in the amount of stuff you get done, the amount of stuff you have, what you look like, what you do, or anything else... it just tends to breed discontent. So, "you Do You" :3

What do you have planned for the day - anything, today? Or are you still dealing with snow and blizzard conditions?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 15:52:48 )

@Wildfire: It's a habit I've had for years unfortunately :/
Is not easy for me to change it when it's just ingrained on my mind for years but I am changing it slowly. Trying my best to live my own life as everyone says.

As suspected I knew it's going to be very warm and sunny after the blizzard so some snow melted but not all. I haven't been notified about any weather related news yet so is a bit warm atm. Dealing with single digits temp. but not in a negative. Well atm I'm in the middle finishing my breakfast and doing my dailies on DV. I plan to catch up with some more drawing later :3

And you? Anything interesting to do today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 16:16:10 )
@Purpsy: It's a habit that our cultures somehow seem to encourage, although it's not really the healthiest, imo... on a deep level, it tends to foster a bunch of mankinds' less than altruistic qualities (division between people (intrinsic if you're comparing "you" vs/ "me"), it encourages greed and aggression ("I want what you seem to have"), non-compassion (judging people superficially), etc.). I think it's a deep-seated unconscious "quest for normal" (along the lines of "fight of flight") or something. /shrug/ Dunno. All I can do is share my perspective and experiences and tell you to observe how you feel about yourself and situations when you're not so caught up in making comparisons. Again, at the end of the day, "you be you" :3 <3

LOL - the day after a good snowstorm is always special, isn't it? I always used to love the clean whiteness of the snow, the sun that often broke out once the front left, and yes, the warmer temperatures. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the day a little bit! :3

Today... well, right now, I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee and trying to figure out what I'm going to do today. I'm still feeling a little "off" with whatever is going on with my energy levels and lack of voice... but I might do some yoga/stretching later, and maybe some journaling and/or sketching. We'll see.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 16:37:19 )

@Wildfire: What you say makes sense though, it is what occurred in my mind when I typed my response earlier. Filipino culture are very much like that and I'm raised by that mindset. But I also add that poverty can also be a cause too and I know that by hearing my dad's story growing up. When education is a sure case of survival and better living around his time.

Haha it can be beautiful to view as you see just snow everywhere but I can say for some canadians that shoveling snow can be annoying. You can actually get fined if you don't shovel your part of the street if you live in the house lel. Plus often after a big storm most of streets here are shoveled properly around later afternoon through evening. Heck it can be endless shoveling if it snows longer. But other than that Is a very nice day to hangout outside after the blizzard. Most kids here if you live in a very hilly part of the neighbourhood, will use their sleds to slide down those hills. Or you see more people out and about if it's not too freezing cold outside :>

Ah most mornings do be like that. I'll be having a very quiet and peaceful Sunday. Most of the people here will be out and I can enjoy some quiet for a change. I'll be in my little introvert paradise xD But sounds like you'll also have a relaxing chill day too~


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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/03/5 16:56:23 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, what I understand of the Philippines is that it can be a tough environment. That said, I'd love to visit the country some day. :3 I can completely see why and how your family might be encouraging a certain amount of comparison. If it's done in a "this is what you can aspire to" without the greed, etc., attached, it can be a motivating thing... but at that point, it's not really comparison, but observation...

You can get fined for not shoveling?? WTH? o_0 Sorry, but Canada is weird.... :P (but I suspect there are similar things in place in certain areas in the U.S. too... so I can't really ... compare XD XD (see what I did there? XD ) )

rofl... ok, I amuse myself far too much!

Yes, I'm thinking that it's going to be another chill day for me... I'm glad that you'll be getting one too - and some solitude, if everyone is out and about today!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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