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Forums General Chit-Chat Late Night No Sleep..

Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 10:45:10 )
Hello everyone! I know you guys don't see me on here much, some may not even know who I am, haha. I lurk more than I post, however, I haven't been able to sleep so I wonder if anyone else is like me or is awake at this hour xD It's currently 5:42 am for me in Canada. I basically spent the night doing a voodoo doll (My art style) of my new avatar and making a new post style to match. I'll show you guys below.

What do you guys do when you can't sleep? Or what helps you sleep? I might need some help lol

Voltie — They/He Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 13:16:07 )

I'm a timezone ahead of you! I was up until ~3am playing roblox. Sleep Schedules are no longer a thing for me lol

I just play video games for the most part, but I did draw this last night bc a bunch of friends were doing it:

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Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 14:38:33 )
@MaxIsConfused: omg she's so cute! Hahah. I love her!
Yeah my sister js the same way, she doesn't have any kind of schedule either, she games a lot so she's gotta be kn whenever her friends are ready to play too.. I don't know how you guys do it o.0

If my back wasn't sore I'd have been asleep by at least 11pm latest. I just can't seem to get tired, or comfortable enough to actually sleep. I even tried blocking out the daylight now and still nothing lol

Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/10 22:56:54 )
@Totalanimefan: yeah but only for about 4 hours, although that's better than nothing at all so I'll take it! Haha. I just have to hope staying awake today will help me fall asleep tonight so I don't have the same issues

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/11 05:16:15 )
@Mandy Amour: I keep reading your name as Mandy Moore lol
LOVE your post banner! 😍
You’ve been here longer than me so hello if we haven’t talked before :3


Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 02:36:45 )
@Totalanimefan: I had a huge headache because I didn't sleep, however, I was able to get about six hours of sleep finally before work. It was quite the struggle, I don't know how people function on anything else than eight hours of sleep.. maybe I'm just getting old lol...

@Ruby: I guess that is mostly my own fault for making my username so similar haha. That makes me smile though, it's definitely not the worst name to be compared to! My friends used to call me that growing up, not sure why, but it stuck for a while so I don't mind at all. It's nostalgic now :p

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, while I have been on this site for some time I would gladly admit that you probably have more experience than I here despite me being a user longer, so it's my fault entirely if we haven't had the pleasure to meet before. I really should be more active here, mostly I just come on to bug Vozzy and totalanimefan haha.
How has your day been? hopefully a good one. We finally had some amazing weather here, so I was not disappointed in today at all.

Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 03:04:12 )
@Totalanimefan: You and I are alike that way, I can't depend on any caffeine to help me get through the day, being diabetic makes it hard to enjoy such things. I also require sleep to give me all the energy I have for the day, I need at least eight, some of my colleagues literally run on four hours of sleep or less.. I couldn't do it o.0

Yes thank you, My physiotherapist gave me a few positions to try and sleep in to help, Ill have to see tonight if any of them work lol

Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 03:40:30 )
@Totalanimefan: I have a fan on me at all times, I don't like to be warm at all haha Im weird that way, so cool is never an issue, though maybe I do need some noise to help me fall asleep, maybe ill try some white noise and see. Really? I do enjoy icedd capps from Tim Hortons but only now and then, sometimes I wish I could enjoy coffee more, it smells amazing

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 14:15:27 )

Honestly I'm just on my phone when I can't sleep... which works in some nights but it also worsen my insomnia xDD
I also listen to a lot of no talking asmr or drink some chamomile tea.


Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 15:05:08 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, I think the phone is what most peoples go to for helping make us sleepy, then again I find it can also do the opposite when I find myself down a rabbit while because I searched for one thing that lead to another lol. Although, the asmr and white noise may go hand in hand. I'll have to try those and see, something easy to focus on but soothing!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 16:05:17 )

@Mandy Amour: Yep I honestly start browsing when I have too much thoughts going through my head at night and often not so good thoughts.
Is a good distraction to silence the mind but is also a cause of a lot of sleepless nights =.=

I have become immune to asmr now though sadly because I have listened too much of it, so I listen less of them now. Honestly my go to late at night is just YT shorts since it's just mindless scrolling you know.


Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 16:23:23 )
@Purpsy: Yeah I get the mindless scrolling, for a long time I used to use tiktok to just watch little short clips, laugh a little, cry a little, just random things that didn't have anything to do with my day or night, however as time went on I found I was on there longer and longer, so even though I wanted to use it to help me relax and get sleepy, I got to the point I was on there for hours and hours watching these little clips. by the time I was even paying attention it was WAY past when I wanted to be asleep, leaving me only a few short hours of rest before a 12-hour shift. not what I call productive at all so I had to stop using it as a means to get sleepy lol

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 17:47:37 )

@Mandy Amour: Haha yeah I get that xD
I'll be honest I can't even solely blame my phone for my terrible sleep since I just love taking random naps throughout the day.

Can you take naps on shorter periods? I think I've master that skill a little. I think the term is called genius napping or something *shrugs*


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Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/12 19:09:48 )
@Purpsy: I mean I can nap..but weather or not I can control how long the naps are is another question lol. I wonder if a few naps throughout the day would help at least give me energy even if I don't fully sleep all night long..although I work 12 hour shifts so it's not often I get a day where I'm able to actually nap lol

Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/13 00:40:44 )
@Totalanimefan: it's a little noisy, which is probably good because I'm not a fan of loud noise when I sleep so it has to be gentle and low. My fan usually helps me sleep cause it keeps me cool, but I think the white noise part of it gets tuned out now cause I'm SO used to it lol

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/20 22:25:09 )
@Mandy Amour: Sorry for the late reply! I've been dealing with some back pain and haven't been able to really be online much.
Nice to meet you as well! Nothin wrong with popping by to bug Vozzy here and there haha Someone's gotta do it


Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/20 23:51:25 )
@Ruby: yes, that's for sure! And I take that duty seriously! Lol though I believe some days vozzy wishes I'd not notice he's online so he can focus on other things ahah. But he's always been so sweet about it. Maybe he knows I don't have many friends here xD so he's trapped.

Oh know really? I'm so sorry to hear that! I got injured at work, lower back as well. Doing physio twice a week to help manage pain and gain back mobility so I totally get that! You have to take it easy and do what your back will allow in its limits. I hope it gets better for you soon!

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/22 07:38:53 )
@Mandy Amour: haha yeah he’s a good sport, and good people <3
I’ll be your friend too if you want! :3 what kinda things do you like to do?
I can’t remember if I told you or not yet but I love your avi! Your combo of items is unique and I like the colors and the flow of everything~

Oh no sorry to hear you’re also having back pain! It sucks so much. You don’t realize, or at least I didn’t, how much your back affects every little move until you injure it. I’m glad physical therapy is helping! I put in for that too, haven’t gotten it all set up yet but hopefully soon.
I’m feeling a lot better now, I saw my other doctor and she helped adjust some things and put me back together haha. I’m still gonna go to PT though because I have other chronic issues I need help with. It’ll be nice to learn some stretches that’ll help in the long run.
I hope you regain pain free (or at least minimal pain) mobility again soon <3


Donator — V.A.G Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/22 07:59:22 )
@Ruby: it's actually getting there slowly. I can already see a difference, it's minor but it's still a change so it means we're going in the right direction at least! My physiotherapist gave me a bunch of stretches to do to help my lower back, I have to do it twice a day. Then I go see him twice a week so he can work on relaxing the muscles more. Eventually we will go bending, twisting and lifting. It's a slow process but I'll do it if it means I'm less likely to reinjure it.

Aww you are too sweet! I could use more friends! I've been here for years but I lurk more than anything and I've taken two long hiatus so I don't recognize many faces anymore.

Hmm, I like reading, I like art, I'm a ealthcare worker, so I work 12 hour days, I'm sore and tired most days and honestly I love people. I'm also an animal lover lol how about you? What kind of things do you like?

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/04/22 08:37:29 )
@Mandy Amour: That's good! How did you injure it? Mine was I moved slightly wrong and something popped, so I got an adjustment at the chiropractor and then my muscles were like "Um, rude" and got all tight on me and I couldn't relax them on my own and then it was pinching nerves and stuff too ;3; some pills and a new adjustment (and rest lol) later and I'm doing a lot better. But yeah, keeping things limber is definitely good.
I'm glad it's working! Slow progress is better than no progress that's for sure.

I feel that haha I took almost a year hiatus in the middle of 2020 and when I came back in the fall a lot, not all, but a lot of the people I talked to weren't active anymore. Had to branch out haha I have a hard time making friends IRL but online I'm like HEY BESTIE xD

Awesome! I love art and reading too :D Anything crafty and I'm there. I think my top 3 crafts are crochet, cross stitch and button making (like pinback buttons, I have 2 presses). So definitely that, and anything else I can do to be creative haha I'm part of the art team here (lead item tech) so I get to be creative that way making thumbnails and sometimes doing the colors and stuff. I used to do some digital art, but I have a different computer now that doesn't have a touchscreen that I'd use to draw so I don't do that much now but I still do a lot in photoshop for my buttons and just side projects or whatever lol
I like games and movies/tv too. I'm a avid builder in the sims 4, I build more than I actually play xD (more creative stuff lol) and I also really like Slime Rancher and Lego games. Oh and animals too! Cats are my favorite :3

That's cool that you're a healthcare worker, how long have you been doing that? Do you enjoy it besides the long hours on your feet? That's gotta be rough when you have a hard time moving with your back injury too ;3;
I'm on disability so I'm at home most of the time unless I have an appointment.


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