I wanna share this silly one but I also want to hear about what was your most awkward or silly job interview?
I had one this morning over the phone. I already got hired elsewhere, but I'll still avoid saying this company's name bc I don't want them to be judged based on this XD but its a... well, idk what to call it now, but its one of the common name companies for sending packages and such.
The first question they asked me was
"describe this company, tell me what you think it is and if you have ever used our services."
Maybe there's a secret psychological answer to this, I've never been asked this in an interview before so I do not know. So I answered as truthfully as I could and in my response I had called them a mailing/packaging service. I used them with my last job to ship packages to customers and to receive packages.
This.. possibly offended her? She grumbled at me and I cant remember what she said, but after this she became short for the rest of the interview while she's reading off information to me. There were more silly things, but at the end she came back at me about my description that she didn't like.
And she raised her voice to spit it like a dagger
We deal with loading and unloading, labelling, shipping, packaging.."
and proceeded to describe what a mailing service does
o v o
Perhaps there is a secret to this company that I did not know going into this phone call. But it resulted in something I thought was quite funny.
Hope that person has a good day.
Now its your turn! Have any funny interview memories?