Me: Sure would be nice to have a comfy sweater for winter. I should look around online!
All the models in the online stores:
How do you predict what something will look like on you when you basically resemble a toad?? asking for a friend :U
(And yeah, I've tried looking up stuff like "how to dress for your body type", but they all seem to assume I'm Frasier and just walk around wearing suits and blazers everywhere. Do people do that? Because I'd rather not.)
All the models in the online stores:

How do you predict what something will look like on you when you basically resemble a toad?? asking for a friend :U
(And yeah, I've tried looking up stuff like "how to dress for your body type", but they all seem to assume I'm Frasier and just walk around wearing suits and blazers everywhere. Do people do that? Because I'd rather not.)