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Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 08:05:40 )
@Alchemists Fire: oh sorry haha I just read the last few replies xD

We say both depending on what it is lol like if its hershey’s solid chocolate or even with almonds or whatever, its a chocolate bar. If its fatter and has other things like a snickers or things like that, its a candy bar lol


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 17:04:44 )
@Ruby: All good, no worries lovely ♥

Ahh ok, that makes more sense I want chocolate xD

Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 17:06:43 )
@Alchemists Fire: chocolate does sound good xD tomorrow’s Halloween tho 👀
Do you have any holiday plans? :3


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 17:35:50 )
@Ruby: I wonder if Dad has any mini chocolate bars stashed like he sometimes does... time to go be sneaky, lol
I work tomorrow, just debating if I'm going to dress up or not. I have something I want to wear, but it doesn't have pockets so it'd be kind of a hinderance at work.

I guess my Halloween celebration was on Saturday, I got together with a couple friends and watched Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness ♥

What about you, any plans?

Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 17:47:26 )
@Alchemists Fire: haha yis steal the chocolates!

What costume were you planning to wear?

Oh that sounds fun! :3
I don’t have any plans, been dealing with house problems so that’s been draining lol
I love horror movies so everyday is halloween xD


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 18:00:50 )
@Ruby: I wanna wear my skeleton leggings and my black longsleeve shirt with silver bats all over it, but the leggings don't have pockets =(
I need to be able to carry my phone, my wallet, my keys for work...
I should check if my Gengar kigu and my skeleton onesie have pockets...

Oh yeah, you were telling us about the house problems. How's all that going?

Haha, I did better than steal the chocolate, I had Nutella for breakfast xD

Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/30 18:07:51 )
@Alchemists Fire: oooh onesies would be a way to go for sure! Or, batman utility belt xD

Ugh I thought it would all be over once we got a new water tank put in but now our water is so chlorinated it smells like a public pool, which makes me gag 🙃 do idk what else to do. Our filter made the water too soft and it wouldn’t wash any soap off and without it I still can’t use it. I wanna just move at this point but who has that kinda money.

Mmmm nutella xD I once made myself so sick from that I couldn’t even smell it for years xD I’m glad to be over that finally lol


Donator Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/31 00:45:16 )

My favorite ghost type pokemon is Froslass, I absolutely love them ;u;
Hello, may I stop in to chat?
Post art is made by Jolly.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/31 06:23:39 )
@Ruby: Darn, the skeleton PJs don't have pockets. I still haven't checked the Gengar onesie....but it's also gonna be too warm to wear to work. I wish I had a utility belt, lol

Oh no, that sounds awful. Also water is such a pain - too hard and it doesn't wash anything off and you don't feel clean afterwards; too soft and it doesn't wash anything off either. I wish you were able to move, that's so rough :(

Just realized I'm confused - by water tank do you mean hot water tank, or like a water tower water tank? I guess the other way I could ask is are you connected to city water or well water or something?

I'm glad you're over that too! I love Nutella, but I don't think I could eat it every day xD
My favourite thing is one of the pizza places here does a banana nutella calzone that is heavenly

@MimikyuToo: Of course, welcome in! I apologize for not replying sooner, I was working from home today but ended up getting kinda busy >_<

Donator — She/Her Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/31 14:53:57 )
@Alchemists Fire: good morning too you, it is morning here, and I woke up to snow on the ground.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/31 22:05:53 )
@FUZZY: I meant to reply to this when I was still morning here, but missed my chance ^^;; Good afternoon!
Thankfully I did not wake up to snow, but it was still cold
However, not cold enough. I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt and I'm wayyy too warm xD

How's your Halloween going?

Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/10/31 23:13:48 )
@Alchemists Fire: Aww bummer :( did you get to wear anything fun?

Seriously it's been over half a year dealing with this now D;
Oh sorry I mean the water heater in our house haha we tried to go with a tankless, insta hot version so you never run out of hot water but it was so bad. So we went with a standard one again.
It smells really heavily of chlorine, more than usual. Like a public pool. But we called the city and they came out to test it today just to make sure. He said that they just started with the winter water (aka more chlorine) and that we're really close to the water treatment facility so that could be why and that it will dissipate some. Also if that didn't already say, city water xD

Lol yeah see I ate a single jar by myself in 2 days xD I had just discovered it and I was playing a game on my DS so I was mindlessly eating it. Very dumb, do not recommend xD


Donator — She/Her Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/1 00:09:18 )
@Alchemists Fire: I'm taking my daughter out trick or treating, its still cold outside but we are dressed warmly

Donator Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/1 02:01:17 )

@Alchemists Fire: tis all good. I’ve been all over the place today honestly. So I get it xD I’m trying to get back to being active so 🤷‍♀️
Post art is made by Jolly.
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Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/1 22:22:25 )
@Ruby: I was wearing my silver bat shirt and my skeleton hoodie at least, and I changed and put on my skelly leggings when I got home.

Oh jeeze, that's awful =(
Ohhh ok, city water and a new hot water tank instead of tankless. I've been tempted to ask my dad to try going tankless with the pipe upgrades we're doing next spring because there are a few places in the house that it feels like it takes FOREVER to get hot water to D: But we also just replaced our hot water tank not that long ago, so it also seems silly.
Oooof, okay so it's a combo of they just switched to winter water treatment plus you're really close. That sucks =( I'm also kinda surprised your crazy filter didn't help dechlorinate D:

Yeahhh a whole jar in 2 days is toooo much, I couldn't do that xD

@FUZZY: Oh nice! I hope you two had a great time! What did your daughter dress up as? Did you dress up too?

@MimikyuToo: I feel so bad I keep missing you! I'm kinda sporadic because I'm at work and can only post in the little lulls I get (I'm at our help desk today)
At least an event is a great time to get back to being active!

Donator — She/Her Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/2 00:35:04 )
@Alchemists Fire: it was cold here, i put a skirt on over my pants but it was chilly out, my daughter dressed up as Wednesday. She wishes that should could have been Kuromi, from hellokitty but there wasn't a costume of Kuromi.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/2 00:38:03 )
@FUZZY: Aww, Wednesday would've been an awesome costume! I probably would've done Wednesday too if my hair was long enough
Kuromi would've been amazing too! I hope she can be Kuromi another year!

Donator — She/Her Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/2 00:42:11 )
@Alchemists Fire: if no one is gonna sell a Kuromi costume, I wanna try and make one

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/2 15:56:17 )
@FUZZY: Ooh, that would be awesome! I always really love home-made costumes ♥
Currently dressed as: Grey

Donator — She/Her Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/2 15:58:22 )
@Alchemists Fire: home-made costumes are so unique, and one of a kind which is always so much better
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