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Forums Welcome Committee I'M BACK BITCHES

Artist Posted 11 months ago ( 2023/11/4 20:52:38 )
@Anarchist Beauty:


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 01:49:30 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Haha, indeed we will. I also think that's pretty funny, as well as the people who are like "I dun care bye" but are still around xDDD
But yeah, seriously, tell me you have no life without telling me xD
At least it's brought you back!!!

Lol, I wanna know what that John Simm "public menace" gif was from xD I love him in Life on Mars

@Ruby: I forgotten that I used to call you that, I thought it was something new I just came up with xDD
Well if you love it, I shall start doing it again!
Ahaha, that hair flip <3

Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 02:57:13 )

        @Alchemists Fire: Honestly though!
        Like when I don't care... I leave.

        And that gif is from Doctor Who. lol

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 03:10:55 )
@Alchemists Fire: Yes please, I love it~ even more actually that you just remade it :3

Donator — she/they/him Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 05:43:37 )

welcome back


☥ "Think of me when you look at the night sky" ☥

leave me msgs here

The Crooked Dog Inn

plz ping me!

Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 07:04:40 )

        @Justice: Thank-you! ^-^

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 07:48:37 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Yeah, seriously. Your comment in the other thread about "drama.... like flies to poop" was SO funny

Oooh, I didn't realize John Simm showed up in Doctor Who, I shall have to investigate!

@Ruby: Then RURU it is! ♥
It's too bad I can't use that when I mention you xD

Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 18:09:35 )

        @Alchemists Fire: I mean, is it true or is it true? xD

        And yeah, he shows up when David Tennant was the Doctor.
        John plays the Master.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:27:38 )
@Anarchist Beauty:
@Anarchist Beauty: I mean, it's very true xDD

Oooh, okay. I think I've heard of The Master. Also YAY David Tennant, my favourite doctor ♥

Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:29:44 )

        @Alchemists Fire: David is my favorite Doctor, too.
        But I like Matt Smith's first Tardis the most. lol

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:34:39 )
@Alchemists Fire: That would be cool if you could ping nicknames xD

Voltie — They/He Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 11:28:18 )

@anarchist beauty: Hey!!! Long time no see!!!

I'm hoping the site survives the trainwreck that's going on now. It's wild how this all started with some AI art... (I get it, I'm an artist, but this spiraled downhill much more than I anticipated it would. I'm probably missing a lot of context, honestly, and that's okay.)

I'll certainly be in the row right behind ya, never liked sitting in the front.

Don\'t know how to use/read tone tags?
Go Here!


Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 13:46:58 )
@Alchemists Fire: I am glad that you are back, I told this to someone already, please stay this time

Donator Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 14:37:59 )
10 and 11 are my fav doctors. I can't wait to see what happens for the next 3 specials.... and I can watch them cuz they are going to be on disney+.

Welcome back by the way!

Donator — He/They Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 19:59:35 )

Well, I'm late, but I saw a familiar "face", so welcome back! You couldn't have chosen a better time. :Y


Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 22:02:02 )
@Anarchist Beauty:
@Anarchist Beauty: Ah, I haven't watched enough to recall the differences between the TARDISes. Guess I'd better start watching again!
I watched all of Eccleston, and then we got a couple episodes into Tennant and stopped =(

I also haven't really paid attention to the differences in the Sonic Screwdrivers either. Guess I have my work cut out for me after I finish catching up on like 20 years of Star Trek xD

@Ruru: It would be amazing, but I'm getting away with it this way xDDD

@FUZZY: I plan to stay this time, gotta support my Ruru! And Ana's back, which is huge encouragement to stay =)
I'm also enjoying getting to know you and hopefully we'll be friends too! Definitely the more the merrier ♥

@Count Trashula:
@Count Trashula: Hello! I love your avi! What a perfect "OMG SCARED" expression xD
Currently dressed as: Grey

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 23:35:25 )
@Alchemists Fire: its amazing xD and aww ;3; you’re sweet <3 I’m glad you’re back <3

@Count Trashula: I agree with Alch! Great avi!


Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/7 00:31:26 )

        @MaxIsConfused: Hiya!
        Loving your rainbow avi!
        I've been watching the drama unfold and to be honest, there's gotta be a ton of shit we're missing here.
        Yes, the AI was a bad move, but honestly with all the backlash from it I think Vozzy would be an absolute moron to ever use it again and for some people to get so up in arms over ONE instance of it? So up in arms that they straight up leave the entire site?
        Tell me you're over dramatic without telling me you're over dramatic.
        And like, I'm not even defending Vozzy here. He and I got a bit of beef between us, but it's 100% Grade A natural beef.
        This is... This is like vegan, "beyond meat" type shit. lmao
        Which even the bitchy people know it because they're still here!
        You see them lurking, you see them posting their little derisive threads where they get together and circle jerk to nothing.
        It's beyond childish and while I don't agree with certain decisions Vozzy has made, I'm not childish enough to put "I don't care/I'm leaving" messages in my sig or on my profile and then continue to log in daily. 😂

        @macsen191: I think 9 is still my favorite.
        I wish we would have gotten more than just a season with him, but his will always hold a special place in my heart.
        And thank-you! It's nice to be back!

        @Count Trashula: Haha! What can I say? I love other people's drama. LMFAO
        Thanks for the welcome!

        @Alchemists Fire: Yeah, everything changes between doctors. lol
        Sometimes even one Doctor will go through a couple TARDISes.
        I know Matt Smith has two.
        I like his first one the best out of every TARDIS, and his second one rolls over to Peter Capaldi.
        I haven't seen all of Capaldi yet so idk if he gets a new TARDIS later or not.

Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/7 01:32:29 )
@Alchemists Fire: all reason seem like very good ones and hopefully so on the friendships
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — He/They Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/7 05:54:52 )

@Alchemists Fire:
why ty ;u; I change mine like every other day, but this one's growing on me

@Anarchist Beauty: Seems like every avatar site eventually goes there...


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