Donator — #Roy4Mayor
Posted 1 year ago ( 2023/11/6 22:02:02 )
@Anarchist Beauty:
@Anarchist Beauty: Ah, I haven't watched enough to recall the differences between the TARDISes. Guess I'd better start watching again!
I watched all of Eccleston, and then we got a couple episodes into Tennant and stopped =(
I also haven't really paid attention to the differences in the Sonic Screwdrivers either. Guess I have my work cut out for me after I finish catching up on like 20 years of Star Trek xD
@Ruru: It would be amazing, but I'm getting away with it this way xDDD
@FUZZY: I plan to stay this time, gotta support my Ruru! And Ana's back, which is huge encouragement to stay =)
I'm also enjoying getting to know you and hopefully we'll be friends too! Definitely the more the merrier ♥
@Count Trashula:
@Count Trashula: Hello! I love your avi! What a perfect "OMG SCARED" expression xD
Currently dressed for Halloween