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Forums Events The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout

Voltie Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 18:08:28 )

        @Alchemists Fire: Eh, so long as the event is going the perma thread can wait. lol
        Gives you time to plan! lol

        And for sure. I'll get CHB back up and going in a bit.
        Just gotta recheck everything and make sure it's all up to date and what not.
        Debating on making new banners for it, too. XD

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:05:36 )
@FUZZY: Hehehe, looks like you figured it out! Rainbows and Roy for the win!!!

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:31:39 )
@FUZZY: Oh no I'm so sorry ;3; I hate teeth issues. I'm dealing with some myself right now. Are you able to find a different dentist to fix it?

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/5 23:32:34 )
Anarchist Beauty:

        DIDN'T FEEL


@Alchemists Fire: I should make you one //ninja or at least a pattern xD
Thank you ;3; it took me 3 hours yesterday to get soap off my hands and then I was exhausted after


Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 01:05:23 )
@Ruby: nope? not at the moment. That is the sucky part of it all.

@Alchemists Fire: yep, that is so very true.

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 01:33:43 )
@FUZZY: that's awful I'm sorry :( are you still able to eat?

Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 01:37:47 )
@Ruby: yeah, I just try not to eat near that tooth

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 02:07:08 )
@FUZZY: I hope you're able to get it fixed soon ;3; or at the very least that the pain stops soon

Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 06:23:54 )
@Ruby: infection came out of it tonight, so its not hurtting now, but in all honesty if a dentist ever tells me that I'm too have another root canal done, I'll be saying no thank you please pull the tooth out.

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 11:12:30 )
@FUZZY: I don't blame you one bit. I haven't had one but my mom has and she went into shock from being so tensed the whole time >.<

Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 13:07:37 )
@Ruby: I know how to get mine out, and I don't like it or the taste of iŕon. I think it is gross.

Donator Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 14:41:59 )
I went as a ghost once when I was a little kid... all my Grandma did was take an old sheet and cut eye holes and a mouth hole so I could see and breathe.... it worked, lol.

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 18:51:26 )
@FUZZY: I’m sorry :(
I actually like that taste lol or maybe like is a strong word, I don’t mind the taste. I used to get hella nosebleeds as a kid tho so maybe I just got used to it.


Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 18:51:47 )
@macsen191: omg thats so cute xD

Donator — She/Her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 19:32:08 )
@Ruby: when you have iron mixed in with a bad infection it dont taste too good meaning the iron. I don't mind iron, I eat things that have lots of iron in it, but if it has any hint of an infection, no thanks. count me out.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 21:38:43 )
@MimikyuToo: Apologies for the late reply! I really miss those weekends too, I try and steal them here and there as much as I can xDD
I totally forgot to get my dad a birthday gift for the beginning of October, but he's really hard to shop for xD
My mom's birthday is coming up, and I've gotta figure out either what to get or make her...although that just gave me an idea, I should get one of my fiancé's photos framed for her!!
It really shouldn't be this hard with how convenient Amazon is, lmao xD

Ooh, what're you doing the painting of?

@Anarchist Beauty: Haha, that's true, more planning time is always good. I think the Lair is also a better hangout theme than the chainmaille hangout I ran on Ernya, probably more relatable xDD

Ooh, I always love your banners so yesss! Can't wait to see!!

@Ruby: Ahah that'd be amazing, and a great first project for me to try and stitch!
Oh nooo, 3 hours to rinse? Please tell me not all at poor thing T_T

@FUZZY: I love your avi, haha, such a great combo ♥

@macsen191: Awww, cute! I've always wanted to do that costume, but there's no way my parents would let me do that to our sheets xDDD
Of course, now I have an old torn sheet, but it's torn too much =(

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 21:49:03 )
@Alchemists Fire: no, it was all at once OTL. I even pulled my shoulder out of place T3T
I’m used to washing my hands like a million times a day and not being able to do that has been very distressing at times. I just want my normal water back.

I can make it kinda gothic too! :D do you want it to be round or square/rectangular?


Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 21:49:44 )
@FUZZY: oof yeah that definitely makes a difference >.< I’m with you on that one. You said the infection is gone now tho?

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 22:20:59 )
@Ruby: @Ruru: Oh no, poor Ruru! How's your shoulder doing now?
I'm also a frequent hand-washer, so I understand how crazy that must've driven you D:

Oooh, that'd be neat!! and I have no idea, what's easier?
d'you think there would be a way to include an Erlenmeyer flask with some sorta weird/flamey liquid in it? (as a reference to Alchemist's Fire, which is a D&D item if you wanna look it up)
Currently dressed as: Grey

Artist Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/11/6 23:39:20 )
@Alchemists Fire: my shoulder is okay <3 it happens a lot so my mom was able to help me fix it. But ugh its awful. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive to smells T3T

It really depends on just how you want your finished piece to look haha I can just make both :3 I prefer stitching on 14 count plastic canvas so I like square/rectangle things xD its a grid either way tho xD

I can certainly try! :3


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