I disappeared for a while again; same old same old: health issues, doctor's appointments, stress, phone calls... bleh. But at last, I return again.
Today I had to get up extra early for an appointment, but we run on a night/evening shift schedule in this house, and I learned long ago that "JuSt Go To BeD eArLy" will not work. So I did the only thing I could do: napped for about two hours before hitting the road. The appointment took a while, then I had to head to the store, then came home and had stuff to do around the house. Wasn't allowed to eat or drink for several hours prior to the appointment, so by the time I got home I felt like butts. Headache, hungry, thirsty, worn out... Got some water and took some Tylenol and napped for a couple more hours.
Got up feeling slightly better and was finally ready to eat something. But of course, before I could do that, I had to bring in the grocery delivery, and while I was doing that, the cat ran outside and hid under the car. Brought her smelly ass back in the house, unloaded the groceries, made myself a hot pocket and a cup of coffee.
One obnoxiously hard-to-peel orange later, I feel much less like I'm on the verge of death, but good lord am I sleepy. I'll move around some and wake up for a bit, then settle back down and find myself fighting the urge to nod off at my desk. Partly because I haven't slept much, partly because it's warm in the house (and very chilly outside), partly because I've been sitting around with nothing to do all night ever since dealing with the groceries and stuff earlier. My housemate has had a very bad migraine and been in bed all day, my online friends aren't around, even the cats are asleep now. Too tired to do housework (despite there being plenty of it), but it's too late in the evening to nap and i don't want to risk messing up my sleep even further.
So I sit here listening to youtube and sipping water to try to keep myself awake while I wonder if it's worth doing so. What do y'all do to un-bore yourselves when you don't have the energy to get up? Asking for a friend. :U
Today I had to get up extra early for an appointment, but we run on a night/evening shift schedule in this house, and I learned long ago that "JuSt Go To BeD eArLy" will not work. So I did the only thing I could do: napped for about two hours before hitting the road. The appointment took a while, then I had to head to the store, then came home and had stuff to do around the house. Wasn't allowed to eat or drink for several hours prior to the appointment, so by the time I got home I felt like butts. Headache, hungry, thirsty, worn out... Got some water and took some Tylenol and napped for a couple more hours.
Got up feeling slightly better and was finally ready to eat something. But of course, before I could do that, I had to bring in the grocery delivery, and while I was doing that, the cat ran outside and hid under the car. Brought her smelly ass back in the house, unloaded the groceries, made myself a hot pocket and a cup of coffee.
One obnoxiously hard-to-peel orange later, I feel much less like I'm on the verge of death, but good lord am I sleepy. I'll move around some and wake up for a bit, then settle back down and find myself fighting the urge to nod off at my desk. Partly because I haven't slept much, partly because it's warm in the house (and very chilly outside), partly because I've been sitting around with nothing to do all night ever since dealing with the groceries and stuff earlier. My housemate has had a very bad migraine and been in bed all day, my online friends aren't around, even the cats are asleep now. Too tired to do housework (despite there being plenty of it), but it's too late in the evening to nap and i don't want to risk messing up my sleep even further.
So I sit here listening to youtube and sipping water to try to keep myself awake while I wonder if it's worth doing so. What do y'all do to un-bore yourselves when you don't have the energy to get up? Asking for a friend. :U