Anyone have any ghost stories or experiences they are willing to share?
I've always enjoyed hearing different stories, I find it interesting.
The only experience that I recall having was as a kid when my mom and I saw a headless girl in a relative's house and we both just freaked out and ran. We spoke to my aunt who lives there and my aunt tried to comfort us, she told us that the girl doesn't do anything and referred to her as a guardian angel.
Btw may be drawing freebs for whoever posts!
Forums General Chit-Chat Ghost stories?
@Alexis: Me and my wife live, and sleep in a room in my house, where my grandpa died long ago. At some point a couple of years back, we saw a strange shape appear on our window on a particularly misty day....looked very much like a hand and it appeared right as we were looking outside at how misty it just showed up very slowly on the window infront of us. Spooky as all hell, could not sleep well that night.
@Majesticles: Oh wow, I probably would not be able to sleep at all If I was in your position. I'd consider moving rooms if it were me lol :').
@Alexis: But it's the best room in the house:( Besides, nothing happened after that anymore, so either he's gone, wasn't him, or he just plain dun' care no more.
I sorta want something to happen to me but I don’t ... .-.
I used to be in a ghost hunting group a few years ago. I had a few cool experiences at different locations and awesome evps and photos.
When I had the flu a few years back, it was the sickest I’ve ever been. I saw my grandpa sitting at the edge of my bed. I’ve seen a few relatives who have passed through out the years. When I was younger ( teenage years) and I began to hear and see things I thought that I may have a severe mental illness, my mom laughed at me and told me what it was, that she and her mother were able to see, and that no one really talks about it.
This past year my girlfriend’s father passed away, we have had a few things happen after his passing, his bedroom door opening and closing around the times he’d be awake in the morning ( 4am ), clanging in the kitchen because he’d always make breakfast.
There are times that there are “visiting” spirits that pass through, a lot of the times in my dreams, and ones that occasionally keep me up at night.
Something I’ve experienced more in the last year is seeing orbs, flashes of glowing light that appear and disappear, and it’s been hard for me to dicount a lot of the experiences.
When I had the flu a few years back, it was the sickest I’ve ever been. I saw my grandpa sitting at the edge of my bed. I’ve seen a few relatives who have passed through out the years. When I was younger ( teenage years) and I began to hear and see things I thought that I may have a severe mental illness, my mom laughed at me and told me what it was, that she and her mother were able to see, and that no one really talks about it.
This past year my girlfriend’s father passed away, we have had a few things happen after his passing, his bedroom door opening and closing around the times he’d be awake in the morning ( 4am ), clanging in the kitchen because he’d always make breakfast.
There are times that there are “visiting” spirits that pass through, a lot of the times in my dreams, and ones that occasionally keep me up at night.
Something I’ve experienced more in the last year is seeing orbs, flashes of glowing light that appear and disappear, and it’s been hard for me to dicount a lot of the experiences.
Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021
Spookums 11/25/18

Angus 6/23/19

Mom 6/29/19

Dad 11/29/2021

Oooh yay I love ghost stories
@guttedbunny: I am in the same boat as you, like I want something to happen to me so I can truly believe buuut I am a huge vagina so...
@guttedbunny: I am in the same boat as you, like I want something to happen to me so I can truly believe buuut I am a huge vagina so...

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.
@Luffer Nutter: exactly!

@GuttedBunny: Haha the supernatural is just intriguing but theres also grounds where the uncertain can be scary and unpredictable so i get what you mean. x)
@Apollo Im Burning: woahhh that interesting, maybe that frog is good luck lol.
@Luffer Nutter: Ahh me too, I'm hoping more stories accumulate on here :3.
@Lithium: Ohh I have some friends who also are able to see or feel. Its always interesting and I end up asking their family members about it. One of my friends (who I will refer to as A) has the ability to sense things and her mom mentioned to me that only the females on her side of the family inherit the ability. When me and A went on this stay-over trip at an old plantation, she immediately started to sense something was off. When everyone went to sleep all sorts of activity started to happen like this window slamming open when no one was awake to do it, REALLY loud foot steps when no one was awake/walking. I take a long time to fall asleep so I was up till at least 4am to hear a bunch of things. Keep in mind everyone slept on the same floor, but we were all able to see each other from where we were located so you can tell if someone was up doing things.
The room my parents were in was realllllllyyy cold. My mom got so cold she left the room to go to the bathroom right across that room and the hallway was noticeably warm compared to the room she was staying in. My mom also had this empty duffel bag that was on the chair by the bed sitting flat, and my dads pants were folded on top of it. My mom was NOT able to sleep so she was awake the entire time but she was just laying in bed next to my dad so she heard all sorts of noises. One of the things she heard was something sliding off the chair slowly, then something being thrown hard onto the ground. My mom didnt want to get up and look because she was afraid. When morning came around and everyone was starting to wake up she saw the duffel bag on the ground but upside down while the pants that was folded on top was still on the chair, still neatly folded.
@Apollo Im Burning: woahhh that interesting, maybe that frog is good luck lol.
@Luffer Nutter: Ahh me too, I'm hoping more stories accumulate on here :3.
@Lithium: Ohh I have some friends who also are able to see or feel. Its always interesting and I end up asking their family members about it. One of my friends (who I will refer to as A) has the ability to sense things and her mom mentioned to me that only the females on her side of the family inherit the ability. When me and A went on this stay-over trip at an old plantation, she immediately started to sense something was off. When everyone went to sleep all sorts of activity started to happen like this window slamming open when no one was awake to do it, REALLY loud foot steps when no one was awake/walking. I take a long time to fall asleep so I was up till at least 4am to hear a bunch of things. Keep in mind everyone slept on the same floor, but we were all able to see each other from where we were located so you can tell if someone was up doing things.
The room my parents were in was realllllllyyy cold. My mom got so cold she left the room to go to the bathroom right across that room and the hallway was noticeably warm compared to the room she was staying in. My mom also had this empty duffel bag that was on the chair by the bed sitting flat, and my dads pants were folded on top of it. My mom was NOT able to sleep so she was awake the entire time but she was just laying in bed next to my dad so she heard all sorts of noises. One of the things she heard was something sliding off the chair slowly, then something being thrown hard onto the ground. My mom didnt want to get up and look because she was afraid. When morning came around and everyone was starting to wake up she saw the duffel bag on the ground but upside down while the pants that was folded on top was still on the chair, still neatly folded.

When I was 17-18, my brother had a girlfriend and she was awful. She was abusive, told lies about him to my mother and me and she made him do everything. At one point, they came to live with us (my mother and me) for a while. It didn't take long before I was fed up with her, but she was my bro's girl and wasn't going anywhere.
One day, desperate, I asked my father for help in my mind (he died in 1994). In the week after, she kept telling me how things started to move in her room and candles went out. The dog would also sit and stare at one point. One day, she wanted to walk down stairs, when I heard her scream. She had seen a shadow of man standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring angry at her.
Next day, she packed up and moved out. Never saw her again.
In the house in right now, things some times move on their own. I was in the bathroom and there was a plate next to the sink, that suddenly moved an inch to the left. I was the only one there.
Also the bag with chicken food is always closed, because my dog likes to eat that stuff. From time to time, the bag opens, while it stands on a pace where there is no wind, and closes a minute or so later.
Also also, I had it a few times that I was sitting on my bed with my legs up when I could feel someone lean against my legs with their back. One day I was watching something and they said "there is a ghost upstairs", just to feel my hand being grabbed like they were scared (poor ghost, afraid of ghosts).
I also had it a few times that I got scratch marks on my back that I noticed after I woke up. Never on a place where I can easily scratch myself and always like they were burning. That stopped after I woke up once with them on my back and promised that, if it would happen again, I'd make a huge Holy Water bomb.
Ever since my mother died in this house (nov 1st) there are also cold spots. When I sit on the place she used to sit, it's colder there than in the rest of the house. There is one window nearby, which is closed and, even if it was closed, the wind could never reach my legs without making my back cold too. When I sit there, my back is normal temperature, but my legs are frozen cold.
When I get back from grocery shopping, I put my bicycle against the house under the window of the kitchen and, every so often, I can see a shadow of someone standing there, looking outside,
pls don't

@Tuijp: I'm glad your brothers gf is not an issue anymore! It seems that even other entities did not like her lol.
Other than that, it also sounds like you are used to a lot of activity, ever have friends that come over and get a little freaked out??
Other than that, it also sounds like you are used to a lot of activity, ever have friends that come over and get a little freaked out??
Earn I was in 5th grade I mistook a ghost girl for my cousin
More about it when I'm not drinking
More about it when I'm not drinking
Call me ping me if you wanna reach me

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.