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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:22:50 )
Just read a topic on engadget saying that as of July 2018, Best Buy is no longer going to sell CDs. This is due to lack of demand because of music streaming service such as Spotify, Tidal and Apple Music.

Which.... fair enough.

Sign of the times, digital revolution, and it's not like DVD's and Blu-Ray are going away as of yet, but.... geez.

When I was a kid, I had a tape cassette player. Plastic casing, magnetic tape, and you had to rewind it to listen to it again... or flip it over if it was double-sided.

But this kind of blows my mind.

I've literally seem a music format be born, and now I'm watching it die out. And I realize this isn't unique for someone of my generation... cassette tapes, vinyl records, blah blah blah.

But damn... makes me feel old.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:30:57 )
It really is mind bending. You know what kind of outdated piece of technology I'd like to own? One of those laptop shaped dvd players that you could watch your favorite movie on. Battery life was absolutely terrible, but I used to think those things were the bomb.
I still look for them in pawn shops. :P

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:42:02 )
I think I've seen one in a pawn shop where I am.

And that was on display just to show that they had it.

But I have a thing for older technology. Hell, I have an Atari 2600 plugged into an older tube TV, and I DO still play it.

Contrast that to the PS4 and XBone...

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:47:46 )

Yeah. That's definitely somethin' to make one feel old.
How about all the show years? Like seriously.

Wanna feel old? Look up fave shows from when you were a kid online. Find out what year they ENDED.
That'll do it.

Plus, I'm going to be 3o in the next few months. Like wtf? XD I still act like I'm in my teens. LOL

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Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:48:32 )
Unicorn is a deer until a
@Colin: I wonder what they will be doing with all that free space, if there getting rid
of cds at best buy. I know how you feel on the feeling old part. but some places
still sell records amazingly

Unicorn horn gets made!

Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 04:48:34 )
Just reading these four posts made me feel old. I am nearly forty and I remember so many stupid things that kids nowadays don't have a clue what they are.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 05:14:05 )
Every time I'm out I look for older technology that didn't ever get very popular. I've seen a lot of strange things, my favorites being the tiny TVs they used to make. So bulky yet tiny. They're getting harder to find-- I found one in nearly perfect condition a few months ago. It sold within the next few days. I kinda wanna buy one out of sheer curiosity :o
As for older systems, I think my favorite will always be the Super Nintendo ;p it's what I grew up playing.

Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 05:18:39 )
@Schye: Omg I had a bulky tiny tv in my room that my twin brother and I each got for our rooms for our 9th birthday. We felt so grown up and adultish with our very own tvs. Now I have friends who get their toddlers tvs to babysit and some kids have ipads before they can walk. It feels silly to me to look back at 9 year old me and see how much of a right of passage we thought it was.

I forgot all about those.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 05:53:03 )
@lady luna: Yeah, I've done that. Literally gone 'It was THAT long ago!!?'

@schye: NES, Genesis, and SNES for me. NES being my first ever console that I owned. Ahhh... 8-bit memories.

@unicorn: There's a certain charm and sense of history to collecting vinyl, though. CD's don't have that sort of history and/or mystique behind them... yet. As for the space in Best Buy, I can't really presume to make guesses... though, if I WERE to hazard a guess, probably more space for computer accessories, or wireless devices such as MP3 players and the like.

@shamrock shamus: I see kids these days that look to be no older than 10 with CELL PHONES, and it just gobsmacks me. When I was 10, the phone was in the living room. On a desk. With a cord that barely stretched out to the couch nearby. And if it EVER rang after midnight... it meant that someone in the family was dead or dying.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 06:06:44 )
Unicorn is a deer until a
@Colin: or maybe more for there music room of all the instruments
drums, guitars, bass, violins, ect.

Unicorn horn gets made!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 07:07:06 )
@Shamrock Shamus: I really don't see why people even give kids under 5 any sort of technology other than a leap frog or something. It's so expensive and they really don't need it :p They're just going to end up breaking it or messing it up somehow.
I used to love the fact that they even had them built into those camper vans that I adore.
Hey, technology has taken leaps in the past 20 years. No need to feel silly! Hell, I didn't get my first PC until I was in the 3rd grade, and thinking back on it, it still makes me smile.

@Colin: A lot of those games still entertain me, but I find it hard to get into a lot of older-- even newer-- games. A lot of them lack a clever story or enough substance to go back to. :(

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 07:38:47 )
@unicorn: Also a possibility. We really won't know for sure until later this year.

@schye: I can admit that... but I really managed to get my clever story fix by being one of those kids that was REALLY into JRPGs. Really can't even begin to guess how many hours I sank into Chrono Trigger...

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 07:47:25 )
Unicorn is a deer until a
@Colin: that is true, I still listen to records, tapes, and cds
Unicorn horn gets made!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 07:57:13 )
@Colin: Such an amazing game. I played the sequel first and had no idea that it was a sequel. It was a long time ago though, I don't remember much of the sequel itself tbh. JRPGs are amazing in their own right though. :)
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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 08:16:33 )
@unicorn: I still have such a collection of CD's, and still have some of those books on tape on cassettes. The ones that always chimed when you were supposed to turn the page.

@schye: They really can be! And Chrono Cross is.... well.... it's not BAD... just really can't hold a candle to Trigger, in my opinion...

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 08:54:44 )
Unicorn is a deer until a
@Colin: that is cool that you still have some of those things, I don't know if I still do for the books on tape on cassettes, or the ones that chimmed to turn the page, i still have a collection of cds though.
Unicorn horn gets made!
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 10:12:15 )

/pets cd's
Don't worry, I still love you. You're not going anywhere.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 18:25:37 )
@unicorn: If I ever have grandkids, I'm gonna scare the bejeezus out of them with this 'ancient' technology.

"And this is a 'Game Boy'. You play video games on it.

"Where's the color, Grandpa?"

"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 18:30:33 )
Damn now I feel old too XD

I actually like having CDs for when I'm driving in the middle of nowhere and there's no service >.>

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 18:51:02 )
FuuChan Says...

still get CD's so I know what you mean.
When my dad doesn't want a CD anymore he gives them to me.
I got a star wars soundtrack CD just the other day from my dad.

But yeah my childhood was CD's and cassette tapes.

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