@Lithinel: This is my full ending! I ended up writing way too much so I tried not to write any further
We are all probably wondering what happens at the end of each of Ray Bradbury’s magnificent stories. Which is why I’ve decided to continue writing the rest of his story The Veldt. It is a quite fascinating story and also quite unique. Bradbury hates technology so he tries to convince people that it is 100% bad, and it is obviously not. Let’s summarize the story: The children, Peter and Wendy, act as if they are in charge and the nursery is their mother and father because they are always going inside the nursery. Their house has done everything for them from newborn until what age they are now. The nursery is very special to them because it is a place they can go to see what they think of come to life. Little did their parents know if was too realistic…
Later on in the story, the parents wanted to go on vacation but the kids got really upset. They fake screamed as if something bad was happening but their parents ran down only to be locked up inside the nursery. The lions in the veldt became real and ate Peter and Wendy’s parents alive. Afterwards, Mr. McClean asks where their parents are and the children just respond by saying “they will be here directly”. Then Wendy asks Mr. McClean if he would like some tea. That’s how it ends, but I will be continuing this story.
Mr. McClean looked at Wendy with a slightly confused look. He wasn’t really sure if he should trust these kids or not because of the way they are acting. The house is silent, and not a single word could be heard. Mr. McClean asked, “When will your parents be here?”. The children looked at each other and smiled. Peter responded, “Why don’t we show you..?” Mr. McClean sensed something off, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Quiet house? No parents? What could have happened? Mr. McClean quietly said, “No thank you, I must get going now. I don’t want to be late for another appointment.” The children let him go for now, but they know that something is up with Mr. McClean.
Mr. McClean jogged out of the house trying not to show his fear of the young children. He quickly got into his car and drove off to the nearest police station. He then told the police about the children, Peter and Wendy, and the nursery they had been practically living in. The police thought this whole thing was nonsense, some type of made up story for attention. He brought the police to the children’s house and they all looked around. Nothing was found, not even the children. The only room they didn’t check was the nursery. They all quietly tiptoed into the nursery and saw something they couldn’t believe…
The children were sitting on the floor playing with their toys and singing a lovely song. Mr. McClean knew something was off, but the police just thought it was two lovely children. Mr. McClean exclaimed, “These children are beasts! Do you not see them!? Where have their poor parents gone? I knew something was wrong with them! They are mentally ill.” The children began to fill with anger and thought of the veldt once again. The lions seemed so real and the hot sun shadowing over their heads made everyone sweat. Mr. McClean thought about last time he came into this same nursery and how he felt the same way. The police began to worry about what was going to happen next. One police man asked if the lions were real while another asked if anyone else was getting hot.
The lions grew closer every minute and in no time at all the mechanical lions stood right in front of everyone. The policemen were curious, so they reached out and tried touching the lions only to see they were fake. Little did they know it was just an illusion to make them believe they were fake. Mr. McClean searched the room and then noticed something in the distance, he tried seeing what it was but couldn’t figure it out. “Look there! Does someone have binoculars?”, Mr. McClean asked. One policeman had a pair of binoculars but he wasn’t sure what Mr. McClean had saw. They all took turns looking through the binoculars and finally saw something red and torn up.
They saw a scarf and a wallet..both covered in blood and chewed apart. Mr. McClean remembered those items and quickly said, “Those belong to their parents! I’ve seen those objects before. Please take those kids and lock them in a mental hospital. There is something wrong with them. They had these lions kill their parents.” The police still said there wasn’t enough evidence, so they left. Mr. McClean stood in the nursery scared to death of what was about to happen. The children stood up and said, “I told you no one would believe you. Now you’re next for trying to get us taken away.” Mr. McClean was then thrown to the lions and eaten alive just like Peter and Wendy’s parents. He screamed painfully but no one heard, and no one ever found out what happened to Mr. McClean and the children’s parents. THE END