— Sha/female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/8 19:27:32 )
*fails* I don't remember where i was towards earning the jars... I know I was close to all 4 if I didn't infact get all 4.
Which i think i did? during Halloween event...
Can i just say I clearly don't belong in any one house....
My pottermore test today from your link gave me these results. My test on actual Pottermore sorted me into Slytherin. And years ago before it changed it sorted me into Hufflepuff.... Confused...
Donator — Anything
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/8 20:29:42 )
@Shadami: Well, what do you value most? That can clear it up. Because I know I exhibit traits from all houses but I am a Hufflepuff because fairness, hard work, and helping others (Sometimes to my own detriment) is what is most important to me.
Donator — Minya
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/8 21:14:07 )
@DemonicGaara: I am just hopefully addicted. lol. I think I can go about a day without getting on there. It's kind of sad really. lol. I have so many pins on so many things. I think the most I have is for character face claims. lol
— Sha/female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/8 23:24:35 )
AliceinZombieland: [align=center]
@Shadami: Well, what do you value most? That can clear it up. Because I know I exhibit traits from all houses but I am a Hufflepuff because fairness, hard work, and helping others (Sometimes to my own detriment) is what is most important to me.
I'm a hufflepuff. I've thought so for years. [/align]
And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 07:51:14 )
a colorful unicorn @Anarchist Beauty: did you break any of the following that you've listed?
Oh a discord hangout now, I was just thinking about
us all needing that the other night without a horn!