With the electricity still out and no remedy in sight, Volties have become restless.
The city council and shopkeeper NPCs banded in the early morning hours a few days ago to put their
brains together on a way to make the best of the situation. Their final decision? What better way to
calm the minds of the people than making a bad thing something great? An event! While our resources
are limited, there are certainly ways to make this trying time fun for the masses.
So, instead of surviving, take a load off and remember to continue LIVING!
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Welcome to the Alpha 2.0 Event! To celebrate Voltra’s re-opening to our former users,
we have planned a little event to promote some camaraderie in these dark times! Since we are all in
the middle of surviving without electricity, what better way than to pass the time with fellow Volties
by participating in contests, chatting, and snatching up some limited items?
Let’s make the best of this very dark situation!
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